New Beginning

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            You had taken a bus to Stardew Valley a year ago to visit your dying grandfather. He called you to sit close by his bed and handed you a letter as he told you to open it when you felt a growing emptiness in your life. On your way back, you tried to understand what he meant. It was a mournful time or it was supposed to be anyways. Your job barely gave you any time to mourn.

Now, months later, you sat at your desk, contemplating your life. Joja Corporation: "Life's Better With Joja." Only it wasn't. It was actually extremely awful. You had no time for any hobbies or friends. You had begun to feel that growing emptiness a long time ago, but only now had it become clear. You slipped your hand from your keyboard to the small drawer to your right. Inside was the rectangular envelope from your grandpa. You carefully opened it and read. It explained that he had left you his farm in Stardew Valley and was signed "Love, Grandpa." He wished you the best of luck. Your eyes teared up a bit at the kind man that had left your life. You missed him.

Your belongings were gathered up and you were on a bus to Stardew Valley. You felt a hint of excitement that hadn't been there in years. As you grew near, you began to see a canvass of green and blue. There were tall mountains and an open sky. It was a change of scenery from the monotonous grayness of the city. Once you arrived, a woman named Robin was waiting for you. She claimed the mayor sent her to get you. After a short ten minute walk, you were looking at your new home. There was a cottage, not any smaller than your apartment, in front of you. It was wooden with green around the windows and a slightly reddish roof. Looking ahead of the house, it was covered in long grass, branches, trees, and stones.

Robin noticed you glancing at the mess and claimed, "There is good soil underneath that mess. It just takes some dedication."

"I look forward to it, but it's gonna take a lot of work to get to that good soil though." you said with a sheepish smile. A man then stepped out through the door of your home.

"Hello, Y/N. I'm Mayor Lewis," he said stretching his hand out to you, "everybody has been waiting for your arrival. It's not everyday someone new moves into town."

"Nice to meet your, Mayor. I can't wait to meet everyone." you responded, shaking the old man's hand.

Robin and Mayor Lewis then had a small quarrel for your sake about the house being "'rustic" or "crusty." You chuckled about it quietly. Mayor Lewis suggested resting then looking around town tomorrow. They wished you luck as they said goodbye.

Stardew Valley Shane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now