The Flower Dance

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Ever since what happened on Shane's birthday, you looked at him differently. You talked to him every day that you could, but he was rude as before. You had an odd attraction from the start, but now you realized the truth behind his harshness. There's invisible icicles you try to hide. They are sharp and cold, digging into your insides. Most people cannot see them, you won't let them. But I can see. I see the way they won't let you sleep. I see the effort it takes to move when the frozen nails are keeping you down. I see the bitterness of the cold reaching into your heart...and that explains why sometimes it's hard to feel any warmth. I see the way they numb your lips and the way your eyes are frigid. No matter how many times you try to melt them, they just return. I know. I really wish I could help...I can't lose someone else to this.

Spring was coming to an end and the Flower Dance was approaching. Mayor Lewis had sent a letter in the mail telling you that you might even want to participate in the dance. Maybe I can ask Shane...though I don't know that he would like to dance with me. Or that he would like to dance at all for that matter. Maybe I'll just talk to him only.

Once you had harvested everything and watered the remaining crops, you realized that you were actually nervous. It was a dance...and you weren't particularly great at dancing. You had attended a few dances before, but they always ended up being kind of boring or stressful. You didn't really like loud noise and were kind of sensitive to it. But maybe this would be different since it was just the people in Pelican Town.

Granny Evelyn had been put in charge of decorations and it looked wonderful. There were colorful arrangements of flowers to complement the brightness of the grass. Emily saw you as you were coming in and greeted you.

"Hey, Y/N! Whoo... I'm stuffed. You're gonna love the red jelly. Make sure to have some."

"Thanks, I will." and you suddenly gave her a hug, feeling bad for being jealous and internally mad at her. Emily didn't even question it and simply hugged you back.

You talked to the rest of people around and spotted Shane sitting by one of the tables. All kinds of food rested on the pink mantel, roasted chicken, the red jelly Emily mentioned, salad, parsnip stew, and drinks. You pulled the wooden chair next to him and slowly sat on it.

"Hey, farmer."

"Oh...uh...hey, Shane!" you were surprised he had actually greeted you.

"I'm just here for the food really. You into these dances?" he took a gulp of his drink.

"Well, not really. I don't know how to dance that well."

"Then why did you come?" he asked.

"I thought it'd be nice to spend time with people in town, I guess."

You noticed Sebastian looking at you several feet away. You smiled and waved, but he quickly looked away. You turned back to Shane who continued drinking his beer. You decided to ask him if he knew anything about animals. You knew he would since he lived with Marnie and she had mentioned he helped with the chickens. He gave you advice on how to raise them for the future coop you were planning to get. "Make sure they get enough space and grass, alright?" he had told you with a serious expression. It was sort of cute seeing him talk about it. He seemed to really care about the hens.

Music began to play and luckily it wasn't too loud. You were watching dancing in couples on the grass. Shane had suddenly stood up and held his hand out to you.

"Come on. I can't let you embarrass yourself by stepping on someone else's feet."

"I'll try to do minimum damage." you shyly chuckled as you took his hand.

You were very nervous and neither of you were in sync. You ended up actually stepping on him several times. You furiously apologized every time and he calmly kept telling you to relax. As you took a step forward, your foot hit a small stone on the ground making you trip forward, hitting Shane, and landing on top of him. Some people were looking over at the two of you not knowing whether to laugh or be concerned, so they ignored you instead. You quickly rose up, blushing and apologizing. I'm such a mess...Shane looked at you in silence for a few seconds and began laughing. His laughter drowned out all the other noise going on and it was the only music you could hear. This was the first time you had heard Shane laugh. You smiled and put your hand out to help him get up.

"How can you be this bad?" he teased as he took your hand.

"I don't know. I guess not knowing how to dance "that well" was a bit of an understatement."

"No kidding...I'm gonna take off. Thanks for the terrible dance though. See you around." he grinned.

"It was my pleasure. Bye!" you smiled widely.

That was the most beautiful thing you saw that Spring.

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