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It had been a hard last couple of days. You had been staying away from people as much as you could. You still did the farm chores, but in an automatic sort of way. Sleep kept evading you and when it came, it was followed by cruel dreams. That whole scene kept playing over and over in your head. I should have said something. You finally got enough money and materials to ask Robin if she could build you a coop. You had been so excited about finally having it be built, but now it sort of just reminded you of Shane. You weren't really sure what to do. Should I go talk to him? Or wait until he talks to me? Will he ever? He might be upset if I talk to him. Maybe he doesn't want me talking to him at all ever again.

In the evening, you were taking a walk on the mountain. As you passed by Robin's house, you noticed the garage door was open. That was strange. It was never open. You moved closer and noticed somebody working under a navy blue motorcycle. They were wearing all black. Oh, it's Sebastian then. Maybe a bit of conversation will do me good. You walked over and stood next to Sebastian.

"Hey, Sebastian."

"Oh, hello (Y/N)." he said sliding slightly forward.

"What are you doing?"

"What, you haven't seen my motorcycle before? Hmm...I guess I haven't shown it to you."

"No, I never even knew you had one, I think. That's cool though." you could see oil stains on his cheek.

He slid back under the motorcycle and you could hear the clanking of metal tools.

"Sometimes, after the sundown, I make the long ride out of Stardew Valley...There's nothing like it, blazing along the empty stretch of the road toward the faint city glow..." he paused and you heard more clanking, "Once I've saved up enough money, I'm going to head out on my the city and beyond. Just me and my bike."

"I'm sure you'll do great out there. You're brilliant and very independent." you heard an extra loud clank.

"Uh, thanks..." he muttered. A minute or two passed as you waited for him to finish with his bike.

"There we go, oil's changed." he slid out from under the bike and sat on the floor, so you sat next to him.

"Hey...maybe I'll take you for a ride someday."

"That sounds fun." you smiled for the first time in days.

"Great," he quickly got up, "I have to get back to work. See you around."

"Okay. Bye then." you were a little disappointed.

You went fishing in the mountain until late. That way nobody would be around on your way home. Didn't catch anything good. I don't know why I even bother fishing. I suck.

It was 11 PM, so you decided to head home to another night of no rest. As you were entering your farm, you saw Shane standing outside your house. He began to take a step forward, but then he muttered something and walked back. You caught up to him.

"Shane, wait..." he stopped and turned to look at you, "I'm sorry if I upset you that day. I'm sorry...for not doing anything or saying anything..." you began to tear up, your fists clenching.

"Why are you apologizing? None of what happened was your fault. I's like I'm losing my mind." his gaze fell to the floor.

"Lean on me, okay? We're friends. I'm here for you. Don't you see that?" you took a hold of his hand, tears were still streaming down your face.

"Yea, okay....," he looked at you, "Listen...I'm sorry for yelling at you. You're the only person in this shit town that has been nice to me. You didn't deserve that." he pulled you closer to him and held you tightly for a few minutes.

"I forgive you, so don't worry..." your crying finally eased down and he gently pulled away.

"Thanks..." he smirked, "I didn't know you were such a cry baby."

"Shut up..." you softly hit him on the arm, "By the way my chicken coop is finally being built. I'd been wanting to tell you."

"That quickly? Very nice job. Anyways, get some rest, yeah? You look exhausted." he looked at your face with a frown of concern.

"Mhm, I will. You too, please."

"Right. Well, goodnight then. You'll tell me more about your plans with the coop tomorrow at the saloon?"

"I will definitely do that tomorrow." you smiled.

You watched him leave your farm into the forest as he began to head back to Marnie's ranch. The stars shone a little brighter that night. Your heart felt much lighter and much warmer as you dozed off to sleep.

Stardew Valley Shane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now