Chapter 1: The beginning of insanity!

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Welcome to the wonderful place of many in the world known as Japan! It is a beautiful place with many sites and also monsters! We live in a world were monsters and humans be together with the cultural species exchange act in Japan. There lived a man name Kimihito Kurusu who lived in a house with 5 monster girls, a lamia,centaur,harpy,slime,mermaid,and a arachne! Everyday was insane for this man as each day he survives dealing with them, trying to give them attention and have them not claim him. However today is different from his days. Kurusu is now walking into the park with his lamia,Mia and harpy,Papi enjoying the morning sun relaxing at a bench. Mia: Isn't today wonderful Darling? Kurusu: Yeah it is! Papi then comes flying in to then give Kurusu a hug as Mia gets pissed! Papi: Play with me Master! Kurusu: In a little bit. All of a sudden a rhino with a gun then comes out and points it at everyone in the park. Jerome: Everybody down or I will kill that man!(pointing it at Kurusu) Everyone was scared,even Papi and Mia were scared as the rhino was about to pull the trigger on Kurusu. Then a man in all black,wearing a fox mask comes in running towards the rhino as he points it at him and shoots him repeatedly, and misses repeatedly as the man got close enough and uppercuts him in the face! ???: Now Hedgehog! As the rhino was still affected by the punch a green blur is seen tripping the rhino forward as the fox mask dodges out of the way, taking his gun away as his legs are tied together. ???: Nice job! ???: Couldn't have done it without you guys! ???:Hey guys! It's the M.O.N squad let's go now! The three guys start to run away as Kurusu sees the M.O.N squad running in with Smith, they then shoot a tranq dart at them for the fox mask to take the hit for the hedgehog mask! ???: Damn Go! ???: We're not leaving you! ???:Too late! The hedgehog mask and other guys was shot with a tranq dart while they all fell asleep! Zombina:Yes! Finally after a week we got them! Minako: I'm surprised that fox mask guy was able to read my shot. Doppel: Well are job is easier now! Tio: Now what do we do with them? Smith: We take them back to base but first Hey Darling! Kurusu: Hey Smith what's up today? Smith:Nothing we just captured these guys, we've been chasing them for over a week but we finally got them. Kurusu: Can I come with you guys? Smith: How come Darling? Kurusu: Well I want to say thank you to them because they saved me,Mia,and Papi. Smith:Ok come along! The M.O.N squad, Kurusu,Mia,and Papi walk towards M.O.N base as Kurusu thinks in his head... Kurusu:( How did this happen? It's only the start of the day.) (Timeskip!) Kurusu and the others arrive at the base as the three guys awake in a room handcuffed to a table while Smith talks with them. Smith: You three have caused us a lot of trouble so why do all this hmm? ???: Because you guys aren't able to deal with small crimes that still kills innocent lives. ???: So we take care of those bad guys since you guys don't have the time! ???: If you guys can't do it we will! Smith: Fine then... But take off your masks. ???: How we're kinda of handcuffed to a table. Smith unlocks the three handcuffs as they stand up from their chairs. ???: I guess it's fair then. Smith: Before you do it there is someone here who would like to meet you! Come in Darling~! Kurusu then comes in the room as the fox mask was surprised. ???: you're the guy we saved from that rhino loser. Kurusu: Yeah I wanted to say thank you for not only saving my life but saving everyone else's life including Mia and Papi. ???: You mean that lamia and harpy that were with you? Kurusu: Yeah.. I really do appreciate it! ???: well let's show ourselves. The three guys take off their masks. The fox mask guy had slick black hair that was short and messy, he had twilight eyes with a dark tan complexion, the hedgehog mask guy has green hair that was kinda of long and black eyes, the last guy had brown hair that was short with black eyes. Ty: Nice to meet you I'm Ty! Boogie: Hey there the names Boogie! Zac: My name is Zac! Kurusu: My name is Kimihito Kurusu nice to meet you! Kurusu extends his hand out and gets a handshake fromTy,Boogie,and Zac. Smith: Hey darling~! Can I ask you a favor? Kurusu: What is it? Smith: Can you take these guys in and be their host family! Ty,Boogie,Zac,Kurusu: What! Smith:  They don't have any other host families who would take them in and besides their friend doesn't count! You also have to take him in. A man with black hair and hazel eyes comes into the room. Ty: Hey Gerado you alright man? Boogie: Yeah sorry for getting caught man! Gerado: No problem! Plus I got caught first! So Kurusu will you take them in? Kurusu: Ummm....

To be continued... Sorry for cliffhanger!

Hey guys! It's your friendly neighborhood Ty and hoped you enjoyed the first chapter of this series so far! Shout out to BoogietheHedgehog,18Zacnichols,and ThatPowerfulDude for being apart of this collab! More chapters to come guys! Ciao!

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