Chapter 13: A Fight Won By Sorrow...

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Welcome back! We left off to where Team Outcast has won against M.O.N in the team match but now is the one on one between two close friends, Ty and Haru. The fight has now started but it may end differently than expected. Let's start... Ty/Demi: Let's Go! Ty and Demi then hit each other but missed barely as they both back stepped away. Boogie: Wow. Zac: This will be good! Ty: I don't want to hurt you. Demi: I was about to say that you idiot! Haru rushes at Ty while his guard tenses. She then swings at Ty's right but he blocks it while she uses this moment to hit Ty in his chest with her palm,causing Ty to gasp and be sent back stumbling backwards. Ty: Ha... (I can't breathe normally... What?) He dashes at Demi with his blade and slashes at her legs except she counters him by jumping in the air and doing a kick sending him back while dropping his knife. Demi: I thought you said you had strength! Ty: I do! Ty then gets in a boxer's stance while she charges at him to hit with her elbow while Ty barely dodges it as his arm slides down her and prepares to hit her face. Demi: No! She readies her leg to kick Ty in the side as he thinks. Ty:( I have to cut it short.) He insteads punches her shoulder as her leg strikes his side hard. The two opponents step back as it seems Ty is losing. We then go to the stands where the groups are. Gerado: How is she so strong? Luci: She seems to be trained in some type of karate and jujitsu. Papi: Excuse me bird man? Gerado: Yeah Papi? Papi: Can you follow me? Gerado: Ok. Papi and Gerado then leave the stands and head to an opening to a forest of sorts. Gerado: What do you need? Papi: Not for me? For my friend! Papi steps aside as a certain dryad comes forward. Gerado: Hey aren't you Kii? Kii: Yes! You're Gerado! Gerado: That's me so what brings you here? Kii: It's a surprise! Turn around until I say you can look! Gerado then turns around as a few minutes pass. Kii: You can look now. Gerado then turns around to see Kii as a full grown women with huge boobs covered by her leaves.Gerado: Kii? She then pins Gerado forcefully onto a tree as the two start to have a intense make out session. The two fought for dominance as Gerado lost and Kii is on top of him,her boobs pressing against his chest. The two separate as Gerado looks at Kii in shock. Kii: It's my way of saying thanks~! Hope you enjoyed it baby~! Gerado: Don't worry I'm not done! The two then make out while Papi smiles and flies back to the stands while we get back to the fight. Ty and Demi are now trading blow for blow except Ty is being hit more by her palms but does some damage to her. Demi: Don't be a baby! Ty: Come on! Ty then dodges her thrust as he grabs her arm and hits with a heavy blow to the stomach three times to then finish with a jab to the shoulder,sending her back a little. Demi: Can't believe you would actually be this stupid! Ty: About what! Ty is getting angry at his friend's comments while she says something that scares him. Demi: To believe that I'm being serious... Haru then takes a stance(like neji's eight trigrams) and runs at Ty while he doesn't move because of exhaustion. Haru then overwhelms Ty with a barrage of palm strikes to his chest,arms,and legs. She reels back and finishes with a thrust to the neck,causing him to fall on the ground as he was sent back by her. Everyone is in surprise by this. Kurusu: That's my sister for you. Zac: She is kicking his ass! Boogie: I have to admit she's good! Centorea: Come on Ty! Don't lose to her! Mero: He seems to be in trouble. Mia: I don't think he'll last any longer. Smith: Never knew she could fight so well. Luci: Mia you may be right... Look. Everyone turns their attention back to the battle as Ty lays on the ground,breathing very heavy and struggling to get back up. Centorea: Ty! Get up! Zac: He can't... Mero: How come? We go back to Ty as he mutters to himself. Ty: Pressure points... Damn it all! Why is she so strong? Ty is interrupted as Demi stands before him,looking angry at the boy. Ty: What I do w-wrong now. Ty is struggling to even talk because he feels heavy weight on his chest. Demi: This is what you get idiot! For her! Ty then looks in surprised except he is pissed a bit. Ty: That w-wasn't my fault. Demi: It was! You killed her! Ty: No I- Demi then presses onto his chest with her foot while he screams in agonizing pain. Ty: AAAHHH!!!! Demi: Shut it! You're the one that killed her... YOU KILLED DIANA!!!!! YOU ASS!!!!! She then stomps on his chest violently as he starts to cough up blood from each hit. Everyone is now scared as they see this brutal scene happen and just watch... Demi stops as blood covers a small part of Ty's chest as they're trails of blood coming from his mouth. Ty: As...I-I s-said... Demi: SHUT IT YOU UNLOYAL,MURDEROUS,ASSHOLE!!!!! She then kicks Ty hard in his side as he drags against the ground. Demi: If you weren't such a idiot... She would be alive! Demi then walks away from a bloody Ty and was about to reach the stands until she heard someone. Ty: HEY!!!! Haru turns around to see Ty, standing up while blood still comes from his mouth as he breathes heavier and his left eye is white from the exhaustion. Demi: What! Do I have to say it again! YOU- Ty: SHUT IT GGGOOODDAMMNNNIT!!!! Ty rushes at Demi full speed as she looks just annoyed and does a heavy strike to his face. Everyone is in complete awe and shock by this as Ty slowly faces Haru,one eye is glowing a bright green of rage through his tears. Demi: Ho- She didn't finish as Ty hits her face with a heavy uppercut,stunning her. Ty: JUST SHUT IT!!!!! Ty then proceeds to hit her with a continuous barrage of swings left and right(like ippo's barrage) Ty: I KNOW IM A ASS!!!! I KNOW IM UNLOYAL!!!!! I KNOW SHE DIED BECAUSE OF ME BUT STILL!!! He reels his right arm back as it shakes from him clenching his fist tightly... Ty: THAT DOESNT GIVE YOU THE GOD DAMN RIGHT TO ACCUSE ME OF HER DEATH!!!!! I FUCKING TRIED TO HELP HER!!!!! Ty clenches his fist even tighter from all the anger. Ty: I FEEL BAD ENOUGH FOR BEING A BITCH BUT I DONT NEED YOU TO REMIND ME BECAUSE I KNOW THAT PAIN!!!!! Ty unleashes his punch as it hits as fast like he pulled a trigger while it hits Demi directly in her face as he drives it further. Ty: HAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHAHHHHHHHH!!!!! Ty then screams with all his might as he slams Haru down to the ground from the force of his punch while she bleeds a little from her head. Ty: EVEN THOUGH IM A ASSHOLE AND UNLOYAL AT LEAST I WAS THERE FOR YOU!! Ty then gets a massive headache as he slowly falls to the ground. Ty: S-Sorry... Ty falls to the ground as he is knocked out cold. Everyone runs to the field to see the two. Kurusu: Sis! You alright? Boogie: Ty! Wake up! Zac: He needs help! Luci: Help me carry him! Luci and Zac pick up Ty and go inside base as Kurusu carried his sister while the girls,Smith,and M.O.N followed. Gerado then runs alongside Boogie out of nowhere with Kii in on his back. Boogie: Gerado! Where have you been! Gerado: Don't worry I saw what happened! And I was with my new girlfriend. Zac: Another one! Well that doesn't matter! As they all ran inside Kurusu then thought to himself as he looks at his unconscious sister. Kurusu:(Sis... What happened to you back then...) (Timeskip! Brought to you by Luci flying around as Zac and Mero talk a walk together in the night!) It is now night. Over many hours have passed as we see Ty in bed with his chest bandaged and also his left eye and hand. Haru is in a bed in front of him as her head is bandaged. Kurusu was there sleeping on the couch next to his sister's bed as Centorea sits at Ty's side,resting her head on her arms as she is tired. Centorea: Ty... Goodnight. Centorea then pecks Ty on the lips as she fell asleep,her head on his chest. The night continues after this event today... Let's say this fight was won by no one except... sorrow...

To be continued... So many questions!

Hey everyone! It's your friendly neighborhood knight Ty! Hope you enjoyed this emotional chapter and are enjoying the series! Just so many scenarios and so much insanity! Shout out to Lucifer Urushihara,BoogietheHedgehog,ThatPowerfulDude,18Zacnichols for helping with this collab! Next chapter secrets will be revealed and a big surprise! Ciao!

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