Chapter 12: Team Outcast VS. The M.O.N Squad!

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We left to were Smith and her team challenged the guys to see which team is better and Kurusu's sister came over to help M.O.N against Team Outcast. The match has now begun for the team vs. team. Let's dive back in... Ty: Team Outcast Engage! Smith: M.O.N Engage! M.O.N starts to charge at Outcast as they come up with a plan. Luci: What's the plan? Gerado: We need to take out Minako first. Ty: I'll do that and tell you her shots. Boogie: So we stall until sniper is down. Kurusu: Better hurry they're coming! Zac: It's settled then! Go! Team Outcast then charges while Ty heads up into a tree,getting his rifle in position. Zombina: Time for some hell! Zombina fires off first at Zac as he takes cover behind a barricade and shoots from the sides while Boogie charges at Tio, circling her as he shoots his shotgun at her but seems to do nothing to her armor. Boogie: That's just unfair. Luci: Look out! Boogie then looks behind him to see Wannita behind him, who just fired her pistol at him except it misses since Luci came in and took him in the air. Luci: Careful man. Boogie: I owe you. The two take cover behind a barricade while Gerado is strafing against Smith. Gerado: Try harder Smith. Smith: Alright. Gerado looks to his side and sees another Smith. He jumps back and strafes away. Ty: Alright... Minako where are you? Ty sees through his scope and tries to find Minako until he gets a lock on her position. Ty: Great she's about to fire! Ty then aims his rifle at where the guys are and closes his eyes. Ty: (Alright... HAA!) Ty opens his eyes as they are a bright green now and gets ready to fire. Ty: Warning... Fire. Ty then shoots his rifle st the ground where Zac was. The shot hit the ground next Zac as he looked up to Ty as he realizes what that shot was and dives to another barricade because the one he was behind was shot with a sniper round. Zac: Well note to self,When Ty fires at me it equals Minako about to fire. Zac then strafes and fires at Zombina while she takes cover. Ty then sees Minako behind a barricade in her firing position. Ty: Target acquired! Ty jumps out of the tree and runs into the field,rifle loaded. Boogie: Where are you going? Ty: To take out a sniper!(I have one shot or I'm dead by Minako)  Zac: I'll give you cover! Zac reloads his pistols and fires at Tio to give Ty time to aim. Luci: Go! Ty: All or Nothing! Ty then jumps back in the air as he aims his rifle,eyes still a bright green as he has sights on Minako about to fire at him. Ty: Game! He then fires his rifle as the recoil boosted him further back while the shot was heard and the screams of a certain cyclops sniper being hit. Gerado: Ok. That was cool! Ty: Sniper is down! Team Outcast! All Out! Ty then tries to take out Zombina with Zac but can't seem to get a good shot in. Gerado goes into his Celestial form and flies at Smith,grabbing her wrist as she was about to fire,and shocks her entire body as she collapsed. Gerado: Sorry Smith but we're here to win. Kurusu: Watch it! Gerado didn't realize that Haru was behind him and fired to then hit Kurusu because he jumped in the back of Gerado so he wouldn't have gotten shot. Gerado: Why you! Gerado then fires his SMG at her while she takes cover. Haru: You have to pay attention! Gerado: You ok Kurusu! Kurusu: Yeah I'm fine. Gerado: Can you stand? Kurusu: Barely. I think I'm out. Gerado: Don't worry. Will win this for the team! We go back to see Ty,Boogie,and Zac dealing with Tio but seems futile due to the armor. Zac: That armor is annoying! Boogie: Well do you have a better plan! Ty: Yes! Ty then runs at Tio while she punches him but misses as he gets onto her back and aims at the back of her neck. Ty: Something! Ty then fires as it seems to stun her but not before she grabs Ty and throws him at a barricade,breaking it. Boogie: Don't waste the chance! Zac: Ok! Zac provides cover fire with his pistols as Boogie runs in and kicks Tio's helmet with all that he had,knocking it clean off into the air as Boogie lands on the ground while the helmet lands a few seconds after Boogie's landing. Zac: Here goes! Zac then runs in and takes out Tio with his pistols. She collapses on the field as we see Zombina against Luci. Zombina: Come on bird boy! Luci: Oh that's it! Luci then fires his rifle at Zombina,hitting her in the leg. Zombina: Damn! Luci: AAAH! Luci then flies in to grab Zombina and flies into the air with her.  Zombina: What the! Luci: Eat this! Luci proceeds to throw Zombina to the ground as she crashes,creating a dust cloud. Gerado: Ok that's a little hardcore. Zac: Says the guy who is dating the entire M.O.N squad. Boogie: He got you there. Ty: Stay on guard! We only have two left! Luci: Shit! The guys look up in the air to see Luci crashing down to the field. Zac: Luci! Ty: There picking us off! Kurusu: Ty! Ty is then shocked as he fires at Kurusu but realizes he doesn't have any more ammo. Ty: Kurusu you scared me man! Kurusu: Sorry! Boogie then sees Kurusu in the stands but also here. He realizes who that was. Boogie: Damnit Doppel! Boogie runs in front of Ty as he is shot by Doppel. Ty then pulls out his dagger and strikes Doppel in the chest,shocking her out cold. Ty: Damnit! Zac: One left! Ty: But now I'm scared! Gerado: Why? Ty: Because it's Haru! Zac: Move! Zac then fires behind Ty as he sees Demi taking cover but then runs out of ammo so he threw his pistols at her. Ty and Gerado then provide cover fire. Ty: I'm going in! Ty then runs in and jumps over the barricade where Demi is hiding and stands in front of her,dagger ready! Ty: You and me! Demi: You idiot! You're cheating! Ty: I'm not! She then fires at him as he dodges frantically while he throws his dagger,missing her face as she aims again but doesn't see him there anymore! Demi: Where are you! Ty: I'm here... Demi then freaks out when she realized Ty had a dagger to her throat. Demi: So you're going to sacrifice me! Oh wow! Ty: Night! Ty then shocks Demi out cold with his blade. Ty then walks back to Gerado and Zac,breathing heavily. Zac: Huh... Never thought that would happen. Gerado: A interesting finish... Ty: It was the only way to win. Luci: Well it seems that we win this match. The girls then started to cheer for the team's victory. Papi: Great job Master! Rachnera: Nice job SweetHeart~! Mero: Good job my prince! Mia: Gerado! Suu: Boogie! Smith: Well it seems that we lost this match. Good job Baby! Zombina: Nice moves hot stuff~! Tio: Congrats Gerado~! Doppel: Not bad! Wannita: You guys cheated! Minako: How? Ty: Well you guys did put up a good fight! Luci: So now it is the one on one match? Zombina: Yep! Smith: For my squad I'm picking... Demi! Boogie: For our team we pick... Ty! Demi and Ty then stare at each other in shock but then get serious. Haru: Hope you're ready to lose you idiot! Ty: You're on! The two teams then walk opposite ways as Ty looks kind of nervous. Boogie: You good man? Ty: Yeah... Luci: You don't want to fight her do you? Ty: Yes... Gerado: Well I could take your place if you want. Ty: No... I'll do this because she would get more mad at me quitting! Smith: We're ready! Team Outcast and M.O.N go to the stands except for Ty and Haru, who were still on the field. Boogie: The match between Ty and Demi will now commence! Gerado: Three! Ty then grips his dagger tighter as Wannita gets into a fighting stance. Luci: Two! The two then start to get closer as they were almost touching hands. Everyone: One! Boogie: BEGIN!!! Ty then spins around with his dagger,preparing to do a side slash as Haru prepares to strike him with her palm. Ty/Demi: Let's Go!...

To be continued... Another cliffhanger sorry!

Hey guys it's your friendly neighborhood knight Ty and Chapter 12 is done now! Hope you're enjoying the series and enjoyed this action packed chapter! Shout out to ,18Zacnichols,ThatPowerfulDude,Lucifer Urushihara,and BoogietheHedgehog for helping with the collab! Ciao! 

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