Chapter 10: Just Kiss Me Already!!!

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Ok... We are now back where Rachnera confessed her love for Ty but also breaking Zac's heart as he ran outside while Ty,Boogie,Centorea,Mero,and Rachnera pursue him to make things right... Let's continue... It is a beautiful night today as we see Zac running into the park,still crying on the way. Ty and the others then make it to the park but can't seem to find Zac. Ty: Everyone split up in pairs! I go with Mero and Boogie you go with Rachnera and Cerea! Go! Everyone then splits up,trying to find Zac. The starry night shines on the earth as we see Zac slumped on a tree as the moon shines through the trees. Zac: Why... Ty then sees Zac but stays hidden with Mero so he doesn't get noticed. Mero: What do we do? Ty: I want you go console him... Then I'll come in. Mero: Ok I'll do my best. Ty: I know you will. Go. Mero then wheels over to Zac as he looks up with his red eyes,still stained with tears. Zac: Why are you here? Mero: Because we're worried about you. Why did you run off? Zac: THE LOVE I HAD WAS TAKEN AWAY!!! The winds pass through the trees as Zac sat there,clutching his fist in sadness and frustration. Mero then gets off her wheel chair and sits next to Zac. Mero: It was Rachnera wasn't it? Zac: Y-Yes... I developed feelings from all the attention she gave me... I'm not into bondage but I liked the attention. Mero: You know what I think? Zac: What? Mero: You deserve better! Zac: What? Mero: Just do it! Zac: Do what! Mero: Just kiss me! Zac: What! Mero: Kiss me! Zac: I-I d- Mero: KISS ME ALREADY!!! Zac: FINE!!!! Zac then grabs Mero and kisses her the lips. Mero then melts into the kiss as she closes her eyes and puts her arms around Zac's neck as he put his arms around her waist,having her lay on his lap. It then gets more heated as Zac uses his tongue and explores the inside of Mero's mouth as the two then fall to the ground. The two then continues on and then separates as a string of saliva comes. Mero: I love you Zac! Zac: I thought you liked Kurusu? Mero: I've always wanted a man to sweep me away from Kurusu! Zac: Well I'm glad that I am that man! Ty: Zac... Zac looks up to see Ty who looks ashamed and hanging his head down. Ty: Zac I'm sorry... I didn't know... Please forgive me! Zac then gets up and gives Ty a bro hug. Zac: It's alright man. I forgive you. Besides! I already have the girl I want. Boogie: Glad you finished your make out session but let's head home now before the police find us in a tree making out with monsters. Police Officer: Freeze! The group turns around to see a bright light of a flashlight and a officer. PO: Why are you guys here in the park late at night! Ty: Because you interrupted my date! PO: What! You guys are lovers! Ty: Here! Ty then turns to Centorea and gives her a kiss. She then melts into it as she put her arms on Ty's neck and Ty puts his arms around her waist as the two fight for dominance with their tongues as Centorea wins easily. The two then separate with a string of saliva and a blushing Centorea. Ty: I know it's late but wouldn't you want to take out your girlfriend and make out with her under the starry night as the moon shines on you too? PO: Wow! I will do that later! You have a point! Sorry for bothering you! Ty: Goodnight officer! Lukas: Call me Lukas! See you around! The officer,Lukas then leaves as Ty then sighs. Ty: That was too close! Rachnera you alright? You seemed annoyed? Rachnera then wraps Ty in silk as her legs start to poke Ty's butt as he squeals from the touch! Rachnera: You and I are sleeping in my room! You owe me Sweetheart~! Ty: Mmmmmff! Centorea: Rach- Zac: Let her go. Centorea: Why! Zac: You want to be tied up as well? Centorea then remembers the last time she was tied up by Rachnera and shutters from the memory. Zac: Well let's not worry the others anymore. Let's head back. Zac then picks up Mero as she snuggles into his chest while the group walked home as Ty was being carried by Rachnera,still wrapped up! (Timeskip! Brought to you by Centorea and Rachnera fighting over Ty as Mero and Zac make out in the corner!) The group then make it back to the house as they opened the door to see Gerado making out with Smith on the couch as his and her shirt were off. Ty: Guys cover your ears... Boogie: This is going to be funny! The group then covers their ears as Ty breathed in and yelled in the deepest voice ever. Ty: GERADO AND SMITH!!!! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!!!!! Gerado then freaks out as he and Smith fall of the couch as Gerado's head falls into Smith's boobs as she looks at the door pissed! Smith: What the hell was that for! Ty: For being topless and making out on the couch. Gerado: YOU- Wait! Why are you tied up? Ty then realizes he was still tied up and fell face first on the ground as everyone laughed, even Centorea and Rachnera laughed at Ty. Ty: Ow! Don't laugh at me! Ty then feels embarrassed and tries to scoot away like a worm but is then picked up by Rachnera as she has her usual smile. Rachnera: Come on SweetHeart~! It's time for our play time~! Ty then struggles to break free but fails miserably as Rachnera takes him to her room as Centorea was mad but didn't go after him because of Boogie. Boogie: Let it be. Don't have a repeat. Zac: Well night guys! I'm going to sleep. Mero: Come here you're sleeping with me~! Zac: Ok my beautiful mermaid! Zac follows Mero to her room as he takes off his shirt while following. Luci: Well night. See you tomorrow. Luci then flies to the couch and lays on it,sleeping on contact. Gerado: Well Smith how about we continue you at your place~! Smith: Sure thing baby~! Gerado and Smith then head outside and to Smith's place as another night passes for this household except throughout the night you could hear the screams of Ty. Ty:Aaaaaw~! Centorea tries to sleep but can't since she hears Ty's screams of pain and pleasure. Ty: AAAAAAAAWWW~!!!! An interesting night...

To be continued... Finally some intensity!

It's your friendly neighborhood knight Ty! Chapter 10 is now done! Hope you enjoyed this and are enjoying the series! Shout out to Lucifer Urushihara,ThatPowerfulDude,18Zacnichols,BoogietheHedgehog,and our new friend that joins the fray next chapter, WannSoar! This has been the knight,Ty! Ciao!

It's your friendly neighborhood knight Ty! Chapter 10 is now done! Hope you enjoyed this and are enjoying the series! Shout out to Lucifer Urushihara,ThatPowerfulDude,18Zacnichols,BoogietheHedgehog,and our new friend that joins the fray next chapt...

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I serve to protect and write! Your friendly neighborhood knight Ty/ EmeraldSain!

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