Chapter 7: A Problem and Team once more!

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Well... Back to the Kurusu Residence! It is another morning after yesterday as the group just finished eating breakfast and just are relaxing in the living room. It seems the day is uneventful but that will change soon. Ty: I'm bored! Boogie: Yeah! What can we do? Zac: There's not much to do! Gerado: Why don't we go visit M.O.N? Kurusu: Can't they have a job today. Ty: The park? Gerado: You know what yeah! Zac: I'm game! Ty: Guess it's decided! To the park! Boogie: Let's get the others! Kurusu: Already done! Everyone got ready and headed to the park. This really does seem like a normal day? Weird? The group then made it to the park as the guys just sat at the bench while Papi played with Suu,Centorea arguing with Rachnera,and Mia talking with Mero. Ty: What is up with today? Boogie: I know I feel out of it! Gerado: So am I! Zac: What can we do? Ty: I have a stupid way to make things interesting. Ty then gets up from the bench as the guys stared at him. He walked to Centorea as she looked at him. Centorea:What is it Ty? Ty: here goes... I,TY CHALLENGE YOU,CENTOREA SHIANUS TO A DUEL!!! Ty then pulls out has dagger and points it at her. Centorea: Well then... I,CENTOREA SHIANUS ACCEPT YOUR REQUEST!!!  Centorea then draws her blade out as well and points it at Ty while everyone is surprised by his action. The two then go to the middle of the park and have their blades touch each other. Ty: The duel will be declared over when the opponent says I concede or is disarmed! Centorea: Agreed! Boogie: Well this will be interesting! Zac: Why does this guy take things to the extreme. Gerado: Because we're insane! The three then laugh as the other girls go over to them at the bench to watch the fight. Centorea gets in her stance as does Ty,surprisingly not in his Kitsune form and only one dagger. Centorea: You sure about this? My swordsmanship is unmatched! Ty: You read my mind Shianus! Boogie: Let the battle... The two then grip their blades tighter as the word was said. Boogie: BEGIN!!! Centorea was the first to charge and slash at Ty except he sidestepped out of it. Ty: Come on! Ty then taunts her to come at him. She then slashes at him again,hitting his shirt,slicing it in half and luckily he is wearing a tank top. Ty: Alright I'll be serious! Ty dashes at Centorea with his dagger but he throws it at her making her deflect it. He grabs it mid air and strikes at her blade,now having a blade clash seeing which will win,the attack or defense. Ty: How is this sword still durable! Centorea: Because it has the pride of my knighthood! She then wins the clash except Ty goes for a thrust,ripping part of her skirt. Ty: I'm not holding back... Sorry. Ty then flips the dagger where the blade is pointing to the ground. Centorea: HAA! She runs at Ty as he is smiling. She goes for a overhead until Ty does something extreme... He throws out the rest of his ten daggers in the air and dodges the overhead. Ty: All or nothing! He then runs and jumps into the air to grab another dagger and quickly strike at Centorea's blade, making her defend with the pressure. Ty: HAA! Ty strikes the blade with his two daggers but let's his grip loosen so the blades would flip mid air and grabbed two more from the others in the air as it looks he is juggling the knifes and fighting Centorea. Kurusu: What the! Boogie: That's a technique he's been trying to do! Gerado: Do to his enhanced sight, he can react to grabbing a dagger and throwing one in the air. Zac: Basically he is able to keep the daggers from touching the ground once! Kurusu: That's insane. The girls have no comment because they're awestrucked at what is happening in front of them. It seems that both Centorea and Ty are exhausted while Ty only has seven daggers while the other four are in a tree. Centorea: I will end this! She then charges full speed at Ty with her blade at her side. Ty: This was stupid... Well I have to finish it ... Ty then gets back up and puts 3 daggers in each hand and one in his mouth. Ty: Well this seems like a reference. He then takes a stance as Centorea closes in with her final attack. Centorea: HA! Time then slowed down like when an epic sword finish was about to happen except Ty then does a stance(like the zoro uses with three sword style) and strikes as well. The two slash each other as time resumes normally. Everyone is watching in suspense as a single leaf falls from a tree and blows into the wind. The one that fell on their knees first was... Centorea. Kurusu: So Cerea lost. Boogie: No. Gerado: Ty did. The guys then look at Ty who just collapsed onto the ground but is still awake. Ty: and that's game! Centorea: Need help? Ty looks up to see Centorea offering her hand. He takes it and is now back on his feet. Ty: It seems I lost. Centorea: You fought well. Ty: Well I guess you get a prize now. Centorea: N-No need! Ty: Come on I lost! Anything! Centorea: Fine... There was a small silence as Centorea then blushed. Centorea: I want you to hold my hand! Ty: Really? Ok then your wish is my command. Ty holds Centorea's hand as she becomes multiple shades of red. Ty: Do you want me to stop? Centorea:N-No! Boogie:Ty... Ty:What? Zac:Behind you. Everyone looks behind Ty to see a man with bright purple hair and bangs covering one of his eyes,which are also purple as well with his shirt and pants. ???: Hello there. Ty: Who are you? Luci: My name is Lucifer but call me Luci. I believe your the person I'm looking for... Lowell. Ty then stares in disbelief as does his friends who get up looking on edge. Ty: H-How do you know that name! Luci: I can't say. Ty: Tell me damnit! Boogie: Look. You seem like a nice guy but if you want to start something you'll deal with us. Zac: Now answer our question friend. Gerado: How so you know his name is Lowell? Luci: Sorry I've said too much now. Night! Ty:What... All of a sudden the four friends felt sleepy and passed out. It seems time has passed as we are back at the house while the guys are waking up. Boogie: What the hell? Zac: Guys you alright? Gerado: Yeah but where is Kurusu and Ty? Ty: We're here. The guys seemed to be all here but the girls weren't there. Ty: What happened to the girls? Wait that guy! Smith: It's alright. The guys look up to see Smith and M.O.N there. Gerado: Smith what are doing here? Zac: Why is M.O.N with you? Kurusu: What's going on? Ty/Boogie:Let her explain! Smith: Thanks you too. Anyways it seems that someone has kidnapped the girls. The guys: WHAT! Zombina: Hey! Keep it down! Smith: The girls were captured by a group we have been chasing for a while... Ty: Saejin... Smith: Correct. Saejin is a terrorist group that wants to show the world that monsters are evil and disgusting creatures. There have been many cases involving Saejin that cost hundreds of human and Demi human lives. They are trying to expand here in Japan and want to rid the place of Demi humans. Boogie: So you're saying this terrorist group is here in Japan and killing monsters? Smith: Yeah... We've been trying hard to stop them but we only weakened them. Ty:THEN TRY HARDER DAMNIT!!! Gerado: It's alright Ty. Ty: Sorry... Smith: Anyways until we are able to finish them off, you guys will stay put here. Guys: What! Boogie: You expect us to leave the girls in their hands! Zac: We won't just sit here as lives are being wasted! Gerado: Please let us help out! Smith: Sorry baby but you,your friends, and Darling will stay here. Ty: Fine... Gerado: Ty... Ty: It's fine. Thanks for the news. Smith: Bye guys! Bye baby! Smith then gives Gerado a quick kiss before leaving with M.O.N. There was a silence in the room until Ty stood up, grabbing the guys attention. Ty: I'm not just going to stand here... I'm finding the,. Kurusu: Ty. Ty: Shut it! I'm not losing somebody else important to me! Ty then starts to cry with his fists clutched tightly. Ty: Not ever... Again. Boogie: Well I'm game to go with you. It will be like the old days! Zac: You can't do this by yourself so we're coming along. Gerado: you have us to be at your side... The four friends gave each other a giant bro hug as Kurusu also joined in. Kurusu: If you guys are going then I'm coming. Ty: Alright man. Guess it's time for the old team to assemble again. Boogie: let's try not to raise too much hell. Gerado: Oh no... We need to raise a lot against them. The five guys puts their fist out to make a declaration. Ty: For the girls! Guys: Right! Boogie: It seems Team Outcast has returned once again. Gerado: Get ready guys! I have the location on where they are. Kurusu: How? Gerado:This is not my phone it's Smith! Zac: You sly dog! Gerado: Let's get set! The guys then go to where they sleep and pull out their old clothes from when they were chased by M.O.N. Ty: I don't think these things will suit us now. Gerado: Don't worry I got that covered. The guys then hear a doorbell ring as Gerado opens it to see Zombina. Gerado: Hey there~! Zombina: Hey there sexy~! Gerado: You got what I asked for? Zombina: All of it! Gerado: Thanks babe! Zombina: Anything for you hot stuff~! The two then make out quickly as they separate. Zombina then brings in a large crate,opens it to reveal a giant stash of guns,armors,and ammo. Ty: She is apart of your harem now huh? Gerado: You know it. Boogie: Well let's suit up! After a few minutes later the guys come back wearing the orange armor that M.O.N wears. Ty: This fits nicely! Kurusu: Never thought it be this comfortable. Gerado: Thanks babe see you later~! Zombina: Remember you owe me hot stuff~! Zombina then leaves as Ty pulls out magazines from his pockets. Kurusu: what are they? Ty: They're special clips I made to were they won't pierce a person like a normal bullet but instead induce a high powered shock and you will still feel the pain of a regular bullet. Zac: How do you have that! Gerado: I got Zombina to work with Ty on it. Boogie: I call the shotgun! Zac: I'll take a silencer pistol. Gerado: I'm taking a SMG. Ty: I'll take a pistol and so will Kurusu. Don't worry these bullets won't kill but just knock someone out for a hour or so. Kurusu: This all seems so insane! Boogie: But that's your life in a nutshell... Just plain insanity. Kurusu: Very true. How are we going to get their though? Ty: We walk! Zac: The place is only a block away in a warehouse. Kurusu: Wait that's the warehouse where I meet Rachnera. Gerado: Well... Team Outcast head out! The five guys then leave the house and walk towards the warehouse... To save their girls!

To be continued...

Hey guys it's Ty! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and you must be thinking... Why have this? Well M.O.N has all sorts of national problems to deal with so why not give them just one major one that involve the girls and besides who wouldn't want to see Kurusu come in and save them from a terrorist group in awesome armor! Shout out to BoogietheHedgehog,18Zacnichols,and ThatPowerfulDude for helping with the collab and our new guest Lucifer! Not the devil! Anyways see you next chapter were we see this go down! Ciao!

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