Chapter 9: What have I done...

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We left off to where the Team Outcast A.K.A Ty,Boogie,Zac,Gerado,and Kurusu went off and saved their monster girls from the terrorist group,Saejin and disbanded them due to the Team taking out the leader,Kanji. They also made a new friend and guest named Lucifer or Luci for short and love has finally started for Ty and Centorea as they kissed for the first time. Let us continue... It is another beautiful morning while the residence of the Kurusu Household are still asleep as it seems the craziness has already started like it should. We see the room of Centorea as Ty starts to awake. Ty:(mmmnhhhh... Why does my face feel so warm and soft... Huh!) It seems that Ty's face is being hugged into Centorea's chest as he mentally panics of how to get out. Ty: (Right... I need to get out...) Centorea: Ty? Ty then realizes Centorea is wide awake and staring at him. Ty: Uuuhh... Morning! Centorea: Morning! Centorea then let's go as Ty sits up from the bed,fixing his hair to look normal. Ty: Let's go eat breakfast now! Ty and Centorea then exited the room and head down towards the dinner table, seeing everyone there already eating. Ty: Morning guys! Boogie: Hey Ty you slept well? Ty: Yeah how about you guys? Zac: Good! Gerado: We're good except Luci. Ty: Where is he? Luci: Here. Ty turns around to see Luci kind of down. Ty: Hey what's wrong? Luci: I still feel bad about last night. Ty: Hey come on. Be happy! Your sister would want you to be happy. Ty then pats Luci on the back for comfort as he gets up with a smile. Luci: Thanks guys... For giving me a chance. Ty: No problem! Boogie: Come here and eat breakfast before it disappears! The guys then sit down to eat breakfast as Ty sits next to Centorea. Zac: So what do we do now? Ty: We just take a break now since last night. Kurusu: Hey guys look at this. Everyone then turns around to see the tv on,talking about a heist at the local bank that's occurring right now and M.O.N might not be able to make it because their dealing with another heist as well. Ty: Hey guys... Boogie: We all have the same idea. Zac: Suit up? Gerado: Go! The guys then run back upstairs but stop as they realize something. Gerado: Who's going to stay here with the girls? Zac: Yeah because Kurusu and Luci are now apart of Team Outcast. Boogie: I say Ty stays back. Ty: Why me! Gerado: Because out of all of us you took the most damage at the raid so you're staying and the rest of us goes. Kurusu: So? Zac: We're going! Ty: I'm coming! Gerado: You're staying here! Ty: Then make me! Gerado then walks over to Centorea and whispers into her ear,she gets up looking very angry. Centorea: Ty you are staying here! Ty: But- Centorea: No! It's decided you're staying here! Ty: Fine... Gerado: Bye guys will be back. Kurusu: I'll stay here with Ty. Zac: Let's go! Boogie: See ya! Luci you good? Luci: Yeah I'm ready. The four guys have all their supplies and armor on as they leave the house running and also a few flying. Now it was just Kurusu and Ty against the girls. Kurusu: So what do you want to do? Ty: I have no idea. We should firstly clean the dishes though because of breakfast. Kurusu: Right. Kurusu and Ty then proceed to wash the dishes as with Team Outcast... Gerado: Guys! All out! Luci: There is only two left but one has a hostage. Gerado: Zac take them out! Zac: On it! Zac then positions his pistol and fires at a criminal monster but seems to be out of ammo. CM: Looks like your out! Zac: I'm not! Zac then throws his gun at the criminal in the face,causing him to be knocked out. Zac: Now I'm out! Boogie: Guys it's M.O.N! Gerado: Team Outcast! Retreat! As that happens we then go back to the house seeing Ty soaked in water. Kurusu: Sorry Ty I didn't mean to. Ty: It's fine it's only water. What's the worse that could happen? And now the worse happens as Suu seems to be gone while Ty is then wrapped in tentacles. Ty: What the! Kurusu: She's dehydrated! Suu then appears as she clings onto Ty,absorbing all the water on him and her tentacles about to go into his fortress.(you should know sorry!) Ty: No! Kurusu then traps Suu in a giant plastic bag while Ty is on the floor breathing heavily from what just happened. Kurusu: You alright? Ty: Yeah... Just surprised is all. Kurusu: She usually does that whenever she is dehydrated. Centorea: Ty are you alright! Centorea then runs over to see if Ty is alright as she helps him up to his feet. Ty: Yeah I'm fine. Rachnera: Hey Ty~! Can you help me with something~? Ty: Sure... Wait... Ty then realizes he is now in a labyrinth of webs, trying not to move or he would get stuck. Rachnera: I want to see if you could test out my new webs~? Ty: Why not have Zac do it? Rachnera: It's for him~. Ty: O-Ok... Ty then maneuvers through the webs carefully as Centorea is angry at Rachnera. Centorea: Why are you messing with him! Rachnera: He volunteered~! Ty: I'm fine... A-A little more... Ty was about to be out of the labyrinth until the door bursts open,showing that the guys were back! Boogie: We're back! Ty:AAH! Ty then immediatelys falls back and gets tangled into the webs while Rachnera was smiling. Centorea: Why are you smiling! Rachnera: Because I planned for this~! Ty: Someone help... Gerado: What happened to you? Ty: You guys... Hey! Ty then feels pain on his wrists as he looks at Rachnera pulling on a string. Ty: You wanted this to happen so you could torture me! Rachnera: You know me well Sweetheart~! Rachnera then pulls on another string,causing Ty to feel pain in his back. Ty: OW! Why me! Rachnera: You're fun to tease~! Ty: Wh- Mmmmfff! Ty's mouth is then wrapped in silk so he couldn't speak. Rachnera: How about you be a good boy and transform~? Rachnera pulls another string, which was connected to the sacred treasure(this is painful) and causes Ty to transform almost in a instant! Ty: I'm dead... Zac: Why are we standing here? Gerado: Because... Bye. The guys then go upstairs to change as Ty still gets tortured by Rachnera. Ty: I-I need help! Centorea: Rachnera stop this as once! Rachnera: He's enjoying it~! He's hard now~! Ty: She noticed! Kurusu: Memories... Ty: Kurusu! You're the only person I'm not mad at but h- AAAH! Ty then screams in pain and pleasure because his tail are being pulled by Rachnera's strings!. Centorea: That's it! Centorea then loses it as she draws her sword and slashes the strings off as Ty collapses to the floor,blushing and breathing heavily. Ty: W-Why... Ha... W-Mmmmmmmf! Ty's voice is muffled as Centorea grabbed his face and buried it in her chest. Centorea: Don't you dare hurt my Ty! Rachnera: Come on~! Rachnera then snatches Ty and buries him in her chest. Rachnera: He is my Sweetheart so I can play with him~! Zac: The hell? Gerado: We should have helped? Boogie: Nah... Do you want to deal with that? Luci: No. Zac: Exactly. The tug of war continues for a few more minutes as everyone just watches this madness. Ty: Stop! Ty then gets tired of it and jumps into the air and extends his tails, wrapping around Centorea and Rachnera, restricting them from moving. Ty: Ha...Ha... Rachnera why are you doing this? Rachnera: Because Sweetheart~! Rachnera then leans towards Ty's face as he is upside down and kisses him on the lips,surprising everyone especially Zac. Zac: What? Boogie: Guess she liked him... Sorry. Zac: It's alright... I'll be gone for a little. Luci: I'll go with you. Rachnera starts using her tongue inside his mouth but then finishes the kiss as Ty is blushing even more. Rachnera: Because I love you~! Ty: Uuhhhh! Centorea: Why you! He is mine! I love him more! Rachnera: No I do! Centorea: No I love him more! Ty: STOP!!! The two stop their bantering as they look at Ty. Ty: I love the both of you so why not share me alright! Don't fight you're better than that! Rachnera and Centorea then look ashamed and have their heads down! Rachnera: Sorry Sweetheart. Centorea: Sorry. Ty: Here. Ty then kisses Centorea,finishes,then kisses Rachnera and finishes. Ty: I'm sorry for getting mad at you too. I-I feel... Like a douche. Ty is now extremely sad and ashamed since his tails are down. Boogie: You have another reason for feeling like that. Ty: What? Ty then sees Zac crying as he ran outside,into the night. Ty: Zac! Ty then runs after him as Centorea,Rachnera,Mero,and the guys followed. Ty: What have I done!

To be continued...

Hey guys it's Ty! It seems we now have heartbreak! Hope you enjoyed Chapter 9 and are enjoying the series! Shout out to Lucifer Urushihara,ThatPowerfulDude,18Zacnichols,and BoogietheHedgehog for helping with the collab! See you next chapter and sorry to 18Zacnichols! Ciao!

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