Chapter 22: Two Cops and A Sniper!

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Hey guys! It's your friendly timeless hero Ty and welcome back! Forgive me for not updating for a while I just been busy but now I'll have time to update! Well hope you will enjoy this chapter because this will be focusing on our two guys who haven't gotten that much attention in the spotlight but now they will have the spotlight!

We return once more... Ty was having a special night with his lovely wives and now we see Lukas and Lee in cop uniforms running to a warehouse as they have a conversation and have already made it to the entrance of the warehouse. Lukas: Ready to go? Lee: You better bet this time I'll win. Lukas and Lee get their guns in their hands while Lee starts the countdown. Lee:3..2.. Wait Lukas who's that girl? Lukas: Huh? Lee points behind Lukas to have him turn around to see a certain monoeye girl going through the window secretly. Manako: Ok. I may be alone but I can do this- CG1: Hey guys! It's that sniper girl! Fire! Manako: AAAH! Gun shots are heard as the sound of a  girl screaming and frantically dodging is heard also. Lee: Well let's not keep her waiting! Go! Lukas and Lee then burst through the doors to see an entire group of human and monster criminals as the group realized they were here. CG2: Damnit! Cops! MC1: Get them and the girl! Lukas: Fire at will! Lee and Lukas take cover as they start shooting at the group while the criminals do the same. Manako is running away from a Orc and trying to find her sniper. Lee: Lukas! Lukas: Got it! Lukas aims his gun at a stack of barrels and shoots it,causing a landslide of barrels to fall onto a majority of the criminals while Manako was captured in a head lock by a Orc. Manako: Let go! Orc: You seem like a good girl~! Lee sees this as he runs to the Orc and faces him. Lee: Hey big guy. If you want a girl then first off fix your face. Orc: You little! The Orc drops Manako and runs at Lee while Lee trips him into a group of crates. Lee: There's that. Orc2: Hey there. Lee turns around to see a Orc about to grab him and he dodges it but drops his gun. Lee: I don't need a gun to fight anyway. Orc: You think you can beat me up? A human against a Orc? Hahaha! The Orc laughs loudly while Lee punches the Orc in his gut,making him lose the air in his lungs while Lee kicks him in the face to send him flying in the air a little and he hits the ground with a big crash. Lee: Years of Martial Arts! Learn it! Lukas: Lee! Need help! Lukas is running from some monsters and humans shooting at him. Lee picks up his gun and shot at a a crate that released a bunch of marbles,causing the criminals to all slip and fall. CM2: Guys! Let's get out now! The criminals then try to run as Lee gets pinned by a human. CG3: Give me your baton! Lee: Off! Lee headbutts the guy as Lee pulled his taser and got him in the chest,knocking him out. Lukas: Lee I found the guns! Lee gets a idea while he looks at a oil barrel that was leaking. Lee: Time for a light show! Lee throws his taser at the oil while the sparks from it ignites the oil,causing a explosion that set the entire warehouse on fire. CG1: lets get out! The criminals start to flee the warehouse as support beams start falling down. Lee: Damnit! Lukas: we have what we need! The two start to run until Lee sees Manako stuck under a support beam,barely breathing. Manako: H-Help... Lee: Lukas! Lukas: I see it! Come on! Lee and Lukas go  to Manako and lift up the support beam off. Lee picks up Manako bridal style and starts running with Lukas to get out of the warehouse. Lukas then gets to the exit door but it won't open. Lukas: Lee! It's stuck! Lee: Move! I'm not letting this girl die! Lee proceeds to kick the door open and runs out while Lukas follows. The police and firefighters were already there as the criminals were all in cuffs while Lee and Lukas walk to them with Manako in Lee's arms. ???: NAKARO,SENTARO GET OVER HERE!!! Lee: Jeez.. Lukas: The boss... Warren.. The two walk up to a girl in a business suit of brown and white. She had blonde hair tied in a ponytail, pale white skin,a silver eye and gold colored eye,and also a big pair of DD boobs. Warren: Nakaro,Sentaro! The hell! Lee: What's wrong? Warren: What's wrong is that you two asshats can't go one minute without destroying crap! Warren stomps her foot angrily as her boobs bounced from the hit. Lukas: Well here. Lukas hands Warren a flash drive of sorts while she looks at it. Lee and Lukas start walking away. Warren: Where are- Lee: Flashdrive has all schematics of the guns,plans,and locations from the group. Lukas: Also we have pinned pointed the other hideouts of the group and already sent it to the other officers. Lee: See you tomorrow. Lukas: Bye. Warren: YOU TWO ASSHATS ARE LUCKY YOU'RE MY BEST OF THE BEST!!! Lee and Lukas start walking along the sidewalk to Lukas's house as they talk while Lee continues to carry the girl. Lee: Lukas? Lukas: Yeah Lee? Lee: How do you deal with her? Lukas: You mean Warren? Lee: Yeah! Forgive me for saying this but she's bitchy a lot. Lukas: Only at work. When the two of us are at home she's just flirty and really... Affectionate. Lee: I know what you mean by that. Lukas: She does be like that at work sometimes when it's just us in a room. Lee: Been a while since I've had a girl that liked me. Lukas then pats Lee on his back. Lukas: You'll fine someone. I know you will. Maybe you can get with her. Lukas points to Manako as Lee just laughs. Lee: I doubt that this girl will fall for me. Lukas and Lee make it to Lukas's house at they entered it. The inside looked exactly like Kurusu's interior except the yellow was a beige instead. Lukas: Go lay the girl on the couch. I'll make some coffee for us. Lee: Right. Lee walks into the living as he sits on the couch and has the girl rest her head on his lap. Manako then opens her eyes and looks up to see Lee. Manako: AAAAAHH!!! Manako screams as she gets up from the couch as Lee freaks out from her screaming. Manako: W-Who are you! Lee: A guy with a beard. Do you remembered what happened? Manako remembers what happened as she started to ask Lee some questions. Manako: Who saved me? Lee: Me. Manako then blushes intensely. Lee: You ok? You're very red? Manako: I-I-I'm fine! Lukas: Good to see you're up. Lukas walks into the room with three mugs of coffee and puts them down on the table. Lukas: You're Manako, the Monoeye sniper of the M.O.N Squad. Manako: Yeah. How did you know that? Lee: The news. Manako: And who are you two? Lukas: My name is Lukas Sentaro. Lee: Call me Lee Nakaro. Here. Lee picks up one of the coffee mugs and gave one to Manako as she accepted it. She drank some of it and was surprised by the taste. Manako: This taste good. What's in it? Lee: Pure vanilla extract,Chocolate extract, and a cream I hand made. The sound of a car pulling up was heard as Lee and Lukas freaked out. Manako: Why are you guys freaking out? Lukas: Lee! You and Manako hide in the closet! Lee: Thanks man! Lee then pulls Manako into the closet and closes it shut while Lukas drank Manako's mug and put it back in the kitchen and sat on his couch with the two other mugs. The door opens to reveal Warren as she looked in the living to see Lukas. Lukas: Hi Lucy I have some coffee for you. Warren: Give me. Warren takes her mug and drinks it all in one gulp while she put her mug down. Lukas: You ok Lucy? Warren didn't say anything as she started to cry a little. Lukas: What's wrong? Warren: I missed you! Warren jumped at Lukas,smothering his face into her boobs and hugged him very tightly. Lukas: You wissed we? Lukas's voice was muffled while he hugged back. In the closet, Lee was in the dark as he held Manako closely while she blushed immediately as they have a conversation. Manako: L-Let me go! Lee: Be quiet! Manako: I have a question for you... Lee: Yeah Manako? Manako: Why'd you save me? Lee: Why wouldn't I. You were in danger so I did the right thing. Now I have a question for you. How come you went on a job alone? Manako looked sad as she replied. Manako: I went alone because my friends were busy with there husbands... Lee: You me Team Outcast? Manako: How did? Lee: I know the guys. They got married today. What about you? Manako: I didn't... Lee: Oh... Forgive me for asking. Manako: No... It's fine.. Lee: It's not. Your crying. Lee looks at Manako who is crying a little and she looks away. Lee: You never had any guy to love... Have you? Manako: I had one... But he is already taken.. Lee: Kurusu.. Manako: Yeah... I wish I had a man... Lee then hugs Manako to his chest as she blushes heavily. Lee: I know that feeling. All my other girlfriends never really loved me... Hell I had one that my family trusted but now... There dead... Manako: I'm- Lee: Don't. At least I can be here to comfort you. So say nothing and just let it out. Manako was stunned by his words as she hugged him back and cried in his chest while Lee rubbed her back. Lee: Manako... You're lovely and if people think otherwise then they talk to me. Manako: T-Thank you Lee. you... Lee: What! Manako: You're one of two guys who admire me and think I'm pretty... Lee: Well I couldn't tell a lie. Manako blushes even more as her eyes started to close. Lee: Well someone's sleepy. Manako: Yeah.. Lee: Might as well do this quickly. Lee cupped Manako's cheeks and kissed her on the lips as she returned it. Lee's arms slowly wrapped around Manako's waist as her arms wrapped around his neck. The two separate as they both blushed. Lee: Well.. Goodnight my lovely sniper. Manako: G-Goodnight. My handsome cop. Lee and Manako cuddled up to each other and drifted off to sleep. We go back to the living room to see Lukas in boxers and Warren in bra and panties while she still smothered him as they both were asleep. Seems this day has finally come to an end... Let's see what the next day has in store...

To be continued... Sweet!

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Shout out to my friends, BoogiethehedgehogThatpowerfuldudeLucifer_urushihara18Zacnichols, ! Hope you guys are enjoying this series and stay tuned for the next chapter! Ciao!

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