Chapter 8: The Raid of Outcast!

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Sorry about this but this my attempt at trying to draw Ty in Kitsune form! Sorry if the tails and ears are weird that's my first time drawing tails and fox ears! Anyways back to story!

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Sorry about this but this my attempt at trying to draw Ty in Kitsune form! Sorry if the tails and ears are weird that's my first time drawing tails and fox ears! Anyways back to story!

We left off to were the girls of the house were captured by a terrorist group called Saejin but that won't last long because of the five guys known as Team Outcast! Let us continue this! Team Outcast is about to arrive at the warehouse as Kurusu asks a question. Kurusu: Hey Gerado? Gerado: Yeah Kurusu? Kurusu: I forgot to ask but are you also a monster? Gerado: Yep! I'm a Celestial! I have wings that I can hide,the ability to create images of myself, and the ability to generate my own electricity but not for long periods of time. Kurusu: Wow. Then how come you said you were human? Gerado: I didn't you assumed that I was. Ty: We're here. The team then stop in front of the warehouse where the girls are and Saejin are. Boogie: You guys ready! Ty: Yes! Kurusu: Right. Gerado: Roger! Zac: Ready! Boogie: Good! Here take these! Boogie then hands the guys ear pieces to them. Boogie: So we can talk if needed! Ty: Let's get serious. Ty then goes to his Kitsune form,Boogie then has quills spike up with a yellow tint and his eyes turn red,and Gerado has his wings sprout out while his hair turns silver and eyes turn a vibrant yellow. Zac: Guess we're set! Oh Ty here. Zac then opens a duffle bag he brought and pulls out a sniper rifle. Ty: Thanks! Let's get our girls! Everyone loaded! Guys: Yeah! Ty then slings the rifle around his shoulder while he takes out a pairs of shades with a orange tint. Ty: We got to look cool right. Boogie: Exactly! The team then puts on their shades,guns loaded,and are now serious. Ty: Zac you stay with Kurusu and see if you can find the girls. The rest of us will split to take out any enemies around the warehouse. Go! The team then splits up as Ty opens a vent and crawls in while Boogie just ran inside and Gerado went up to the roof,opened a window and went through it as Zac and Kurusu took the side door of the warehouse. We are now inside the warehouse but there are lots of people armed and jail cells full of monsters. We then see the jail cells of Mia,Suu,Mero,Centorea,Papi,and Rachnera. Mia: Let us go! Saejin Member: Shut it or I will blast your ass! Centorea: You will not get away with this! Saejin Member: I'm tempted to blast your fucking head off! So shut it! Luci: Don't let them get to you. Saejin Member: Commandant Lucifer! Luci: Stand down and go relax. I'll take your shift. Saejin Member: But Commandant. Luci: It's ok Romeo just go relax. Romeo: Ok... Thank you Commandant! Luci: Dismissed. The member then leaves his post as Luci stands there looking at all the girls,who are angry as hell. Mia: What do you want! Luci: Can't a guys visit his prisoners? Centorea: If I had my sword I would strike you down! Luci: If I have a pistol then I would cap you for saying that. Luci then reaches behind him and pulls a pistol. Luci: Oh wait I do have one. But don't worry I shoot! Luci then leaves as the girls are more frustrated and angry. Centorea: I can't believe they took us so easily and... They hurt Ty and Master! Mia: They'll pay for hurting my Gerado and Darling! Papi: Master... Rachnera: I'll make them suffer for hurting Honey! Mero: I'm worried... Suu: Boogie... We then go back to the team as Ty is still in a vent, looking at two members guarding a cage of sorts with a.. Draconewt inside. Ty: These bastards! Ty then opens the vent with his tails and went onto the support beams directly above the members. SM1: So what are you going to do with this one? SM2: I'll just kill her in front of the boss so I can rank up. ???: Let me out asshats! SM1: I will cap you! Ty: Prepare for this! Ty then gets his daggers ready as they are now a blue metallic blade. He then jumps down on the first member. SM2: The hell! Ty: I will make you suffer! Ty then threw one of his daggers at the member's gun,cutting off the barrel as he stabs the one he is on,shocking him out cold. SM1: AH! SM2: I better- Before the guard could react his communicator was pinned to the ground while Ty was directly in his face. Ty: Out of my face! He then jabs the guy in the stomach,grabs him with three of his tails,and throws him into the cell bars, knocking him out in a instant. ???: Who are you? Ty: I'm Ty! What's your name? Draco: I'm Draco. Ty: I'm here to get my friends out but I'll free you if you help me find them? Draco: Sure! Ty then grabs the bars with all of his tails and starts pulling them apart. Ty: HAA! The sound of metal snapping is heard as Ty pulls the bars off the cage. Draco: That's some strength. Ty: I'm pretty pissed now! Come on! Ty and Draco head back up the beams and into the vents. Gerado is then seen flying above a group of five members surrounding a cage. Gerado: What is this? Gerado then hear the sound of a child's voice in the cage. Kii: Let me out! Gerado: I have to help her. Here goes! Gerado then dives down in the middle of the members as they point their guns at him. SM1: Why the hell is disgusting creature like you here! Gerado: To end you that's way! Gerado then spins around in a circle with electricity, shocking all five guys around him,knocking them out. Gerado: Hey you alright in there? Kii: Hi there I'm Kii! Gerado: I'm here looking for my friends but I'll let you out! Kii: Who are you're friends? Gerado: Well there names are Papi- Kii: I know her! Gerado: Really? Well then it helps the both of us! Hold on! Gerado then finds the keys to the cage and opens it. Gerado: Alright let's go! Here get on my back. Kii then crawls onto Gerado's back and hangs onto his neck while he flies back up. Boogie is now hiding behind some crates as he sees two guards standing at the main door of the warehouse. Boogie: Well we'll need a escape route either. No stopping now! Boogie then runs towards the guards in blinding speed as he kicks the first one out and drop kicks the second one. Boogie: Well my job is done here! Better go find Zac and Kurusu! Boogie then runs away into the darkness as we see Zac and Kurusu sneaking behind crates as they see the cages of the girls. Zac: There they are! Kurusu: How are we supposed to get them out? There are six guards there. Zac: Follow me. Zac then draws his silencer pistol and sneaks behind the cells and prepares to fire! Zac: On the count of 3... You run in and shoot the guards as I provide cover ok. Kurusu: Alright. Zac:1,2,3! Zac then fires his pistol as one of the guards are shocked by the hit and pass out! Romeo: What the hell! Stand guard! Kurusu then runs in shooting, taking out three as Zac takes out two more,leaving the guy known as Romeo left. Romeo: Come closer and I'll kill her! Romeo then takes his machine gun and points it at Mero! Zac tries to shoot but Kurusu stops him. Zac: Why are you? Zac sees Kurusu with a smile and sees why as well. Zac also smiles. Romeo: What! Why are you two smiling! You have a death wish! Those were Romeo's last words as his gun was taken away,his body felt numb,and took four tails to the face. Ty: Sorry we're late girls. Boogie: We just had some trouble to deal with on the way! Gerado: Here let me help you. Gerado then finds the keys and opens the cells one by one. Centorea: Ty! Centorea then runs at Ty and gives him a big hug. Centorea: I'm so glad you're alright! I was so worried! Ty? Ty:... She then realized his face was being smothered by her chest and let's go of him. Ty: well I'm glad you're ok! Ty then sees Boogie being hugged by Suu, almost drowing in her but luckily not. Boogie: I'm glad to see you're alright. Suu: Thank you Boogie... Boogie: No problem. Rachnera: Hey Zac~! Zac: Hey Rachnera! I'm glad you're ok as well. Rachnera: I'm glad you came to save us~! Kii: Papi! Papi: Kii! The two of them give each other a big hug as Gerado is being hugged by Mia. Mia: I'm so glad you're ok Gerado! Gerado: It's fine! Kurusu: I'm glad you're alright Papi. Papi: Yeah! Master came to save me! Papi then gives Kurusu a hug as he returns it. Ty: Guys! The other guys look to see Luci again and also a tall,muscular man with a white complexion,blonde hair,and one eye that was red and the other blue. Luci: Hello again you five! I see you freed your friends but no matter... You've reached your end. Kanji: I never thought I'd see something so disgusting in my life. Humans risking their life's for these abominations! My name is Kanji,the founder and Leader of Saejin. Boogie: So your the guy who is fucked up in the head! Well eat this! Boogie then runs at Kanji to hit him but is hit in the face with a pistol,sending him back to where he started. Kanji: You monsters disgust me with everything! I'll kill all of you! Kanji then pulls a AK and starts firing as everyone takes cover! Ty: Guns ready! Open fire! The guys then take out their guns and try to fire but can't due to Kanji not stopping to shoot. Boogie: We're pinned! Gerado: Not for long! Suddenly the windows shatter as the M.O.N squad enters in! Ty: How? Gerado: Smith has a tracking device in her phone just in case she loses it. Smith: Gerado! I told you and the others to stay back! M.O.N engage! Zombina: Alright! Zombina then starts shooting her SMGS at Kanji and Luci as they take cover! Ty: Guys look out! Gerado sees Smith about to be shot until he takes out his SMG and shoots the guy down. Smith: Thanks~! Gerado: Don't mention it! Get down! Smith and M.O.N take cover as the guys try to come up with a plan. Ty: I need to get to Luci! Boogie: Want me to buy time? Ty: Yeah! Zac: Then go! Will distract him! Ty then runs towards Luci as Zac and Boogie distracted Kanji. Luci: So what brings you here to be this reckless? Ty: To apologize for your loss. Luci: I don't know what you mean? Ty: Your sister... Luci: I think our- Ty: I know your secret damnit! Luci: What? Ty: You come from a family of Angelica monsters. Luci: H-How do you- Ty: Your sister had a note to her body that told me to say this to you... It was Kanji who did it. Luci: W-What! Ty: He was the one who killed your sister! Luci: That is a- Ty: lie? No here! Ty then pulls out a pendant in front of Luci's face as he takes it. He opens it to see a picture of him and his sister. Luci: What... Boogie: Ty look out! Ty then sees Kanji running up to hit him in the face but misses. Ty: Let's go! Ty jabs him in the face but he counters with one to Ty's side. Ty then reaches for his gun and throws it away while Kanji grabbed his tails, swung him up,and slammed him on the ground hard! Boogie: I'm out! Zac: So am I! Gerado: Damnit! Kanji and Ty engage in a fist fight as he punched Ty in the face hard. Ty: Damn you! Kanji: I remember you Lowell! You and your family were a disgrace to everyone! Ty: Shut up! Ty then punches Kanji across the face as he retaliates with a strong left to the chest,sending him to the ground breathing heavily. Kanji then puts his foot on Ty's head and crushes it slowly. Ty: AAAHHHHHHH!!!! Kanji: Take it like the beast that you! Something unexpected happens next... Kanji is then shot in the back with Ty's pistol by Luci! Luci:I'm done following you! Kanji: Why Lucifer! Luci: Because I'm a monster! Luci then sprouts purple wings from his back and flies at Kanji. Luci: This is for my sister! Luci then punches Kanji in the face but nothing happens as he grabs Luci and throws him and ground while kicking him away. Kanji: You've betrayed me! Kanji then pulls out a magnum and aims it at Luci! Kanji: You will die just like your slutty ass mother! Kanji then fires at Luci except he shoots Ty instead of Luci. M.O.N and the guys and girls: Ty! Kanji: Guess you died just like your family... Ty: No I didn't. Kanji: What! Ty then shows his wound... Which is gone! Ty: Guess it finally worked! Kanji: You! Gerado swoops in and slaps Kanj's gun away while shocking his hand as Boogie came in full speed and kicked him in his stomach,knocking the wind out of him. Kanji: I can't move. Gerado: Good... Ty: I think it's time for a deserve beating! Zac: Mind if I join! Kurusu: Same here! Boogie: Don't make it too fast! Luci: Allow me to join! The six guys tower over Kanji as he is on his knees. All six guys hit him with a barrage of punches(like JJBA) and end off with a uppercut.  Ty: I'm not done. Ty then walks over to Kanji and gives him the longest barrage of punches and tail jabs! Ty: Kurusu if you would do the honors with me! Kurusu: Of course. The two then ready a punch and did a dual punch to Kanji as he flew a few feet away with blood coming down his face. Kanji: I'm not dying yet. Kanji then pulls out a Molotov and threw it at some oil barrels causing a explosion to happen,setting the entire warehouse on fire. Ty: Let's get out! Everyone: Right! Everyone then leaves the warehouse as Kanji is still there on the floor still paralyzed. Kanji: Well at least I won't be in this horrid world anymore... A support beam the falls onto him as everyone made it outside while firefighters put out the fire. Ty: Kanji... You idiot... Ty then collapses as Centorea catches him. Ty: Thank you Cerea! Centorea: Here get on. Ty then climbs onto the back off Centorea with the help of Kurusu as he is on as well. Luci: You guys I'm sorry... Ty: It's ok man... I understand that pain and loss. Boogie: Hey you stood up to Kanji like a man good job! Gerado: So you're a Angelica as well? Luci: Yeah... Gerado: Well hey thanks for helping us out! Gerado then gets a bro hug from Gerado as Smith and M.O.N come up to them while the other monsters seem to have left already. Smith: You guys... Goodnight. She and M.O.N leave but not before Tio comes in and gives Gerado a quick kiss and then leaving. Tio: Bye Gerado~! Gerado: See ya Tio! Kurusu: I think it time for us to head home. Team Outcast head back! The guys: Right! (Timeskip! Brought to you Zac dodging Rachnera's webs like a ninja!) We are now back at the house as everyone is in their rooms except a few have guests in them. Centorea has Ty in her room,Boogie is in Suu's room,Gerado is in Mia's room,and Zac is in Rachnera's room. Centorea is now bandaging Ty's chest as he grunts from the pain. Ty: Never thought that we have to deal with that! Cerea? Centorea: I'm sorry... I zoned out. Ty: You're wondering what happened to my family? Centorea: Y-Yes... Ty: Well... My family was murdered by Kanji in front of me since my family had a rich company called the Lowell Corporation but it was destroyed by him... I lost everything dear to my heart that day... Centorea: I didn't know... Ty: But there is still one thing dear to me now... You... Centorea: What! Centorea blushes heavily as Ty looks her in the face,also blushing a little. Ty: I,Ty Lowell love you Centorea Shianus! There was silence in the room but was broken as Centorea leaned in and kissed him. The two started to make out a little then separated from each other,blushing immensely. Centorea: I,Centorea Shianus do too love you,Ty Lowell. I've been waiting for this for a while. Ty: Same here... Well goodnight I'll be leav- Centorea: No! You will stay here! Ty: But... Fine. Ty then turned the lights off and layed down next to Centorea. She then wrapped her arms around him and gave him a quick kiss. Centorea: Goodnight... My brave fox. Ty: You too... My courageous centaur. The two of then fall asleep, smiling. Today was a day never to be forgotten... A threat gone and a new friend to the house... What will happen now?

To be continued... Intense.

Hey it's your friendly neighborhood Ty with Chapter 7 completed! Hope you enjoyed this long chapter and are enjoying the series! Shout out to Lucifer Urushihara, BoogietheHedgehog,18Zacnichols,and ThatPowerfulDude for helping with the collab! Hope you enjoyed and see you next chapter! Ciao!

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