Chapter 2: Welcome to our Everyday Life!

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We return to were the four guys known as Ty,Boogie,Zac,and Gerado being captured by the M.O.N Squad and taken to base for questioning. They met with Kimihito Kurusu and he has to now decide the fate of these guys. Let's continue now... Smith: So what's your decision Darling~? Kurusu: I don't mind having more guests so yes. Smith: I knew I could trust you! Here are their papers (hands Kurusu a giant stack of papers) And you four better stay with him. Ty: Guess we have a host family now! Boogie: Well it's better than faking to have one. Zac: We did a good job keeping the act up though. Gerado: Are you sure Kurusu? Kurusu: I am sure. Don't  worry about I really don't mind. Ty:Thank you we appreciate it! Boogie: Yeah thanks man! Smith: So everything is settled! Kurusu: We should head back home now guys it's already dark outside. Ty,Boogie,Zac,Gerado: Right! The four guys and Kurusu walk out of M.O.N Headquarters and back home. On the way they pass through the park as Kurusu tries to start a conversation with them. Kurusu: So how come Smith and M.O.N were chasing you guys? You don't seem bad. Ty: Well M.O.N seemed that it couldn't deal with small crimes in the city. Boogie: People were still dying and M.O.N did nothing about that. Zac: So we took charge and started to deal with the crimes ourselves. Gerado: We did it to save people that M.O.N couldn't have. Kurusu: I knew you guys were good but that still doesn't explain why they chased you guys? Boogie: In the simplest way possible... We annoyed them and got in their way. Ty: Yeah and also because I kind of sliced the zombie girl up one time... I said I was sorry. Kurusu: Well those days of being chased are over now. Gerado: You should know that two of us are human and two of us are monsters. Kurusu: Really? Zac: I will say that I'm human but that's it. Boogie: Yeah one of us doesn't like to be told he's a monster but I'll say I'm a monster. Ty: We're at the house now. Kurusu and the other four realized they talked the rest of the way and were at the doorstep of Kurusu's house. Kurusu: Get ready to meet the others. Gerado: Others? Kurusu: I live with 5 monster girls in my house! Ty: How do you survive in this house. Kurusu: I don't know... Well let me introduce them to you guys. Kurusu then opens his door as the Ty,Gerado,Boogie,and Zac enter to see a nice interior of a modern house,with beige yellow painted across the walls to match a wooden floor and a upstairs as well. Ty: This is a wonderful home Mr.Kurusu! Kurusu: No need to be formal. Just call me Kurusu. Kurusu leads the guys into the living room to then be taken by the harpy known as Papi. Papi: You're back Master! Kurusu: Hey Papi meet our new guests. Kurusu then introduces you guys to Papi until Ty sees Zac tied up in silk. Ty: Zac! Boogie: Behind you Ty! A sword was about to strike Ty as he dodge to see a... Centaur girl with blonde hair,blue eyes, and the biggest chest any guy has seen in his life. She continues to slash Ty while he dodges and all of a sudden he grabs the blade itself,takes it from her,and spins with it making the blade point to her neck. Ty: Sorry! That was instinct! Well my name is Ty. Centorea: You don't seem bad but I have my eye on you. My name is Centorea Shianus! Ty: Here's your blade back. Ty then gives it back as he sees Zac being tortured by a... Arachne? Zac: What type of kinky stuff is this! Rachnera: Hey there~! I am Rachnera. Zac:The name is Zac. Why do you have me wrapped up? Rachnera: Because why would a criminal wanted by M.O.N be here in our house and with my Honey~? Boogie: I got it! Boogie then disappears while the wraps around Zac are gone now. Zac: Thanks Boogie but you may need to help Ty and Gerado. Boogie sees Ty and Gerado being chased by the lamia,Mia and the Centaur girl,Centorea around the living room as Ty throws Gerado over the counter to save him. Gerado is then covered in a blue slime... With eyes! Gerado: H-Hi there... The slime then becomes a loli and smiles at Gerado: Well at least your not hostile. The slime then has red eyes and giant wings for arms surrounding him. Gerado: I was wrong! Everything in the house was going insane as Kurusu,Papi, and a mermaid in a maid outfit was next to them. Kurusu: Hi Mero. Mero: Hey there Kurusu!Who are these guys? Kurusu: Our new guests... Mero: Really?( starts to imagine one of the guys taking her away from Kurusu...) This madness continued for a little more until Kurusu had enough of this and puts a stop to this! Kurusu: EVERYBODY STOP NOW!!!!!! His voice echoed through the house as everybody just stopped on their tracks,Gerado being covered by slime,Ty having a blade pointed to his neck, Zac being in bondage,and Boogie wrapped in a snake tail. Kurusu:THIS IS NOT HOW WE TREAT OUR NEW GUESTS!!!! The monster girls: WHAT!!!! Ty: lots of explaining to do! Boogie: Definitely. Zac: Someone help me! Gerado: I'm drowning! After everyone stopped,Kurusu led everyone to the couch and started to have a talk with them about the guys. Kurusu: Look girls... These guys are going to be our new guests and nothing will change that! Rachnera:Honey why bring them here aren't they criminals? Kurusu: No they aren't they just wanted to deal with crimes that M.O.N couldn't. I took them in because they didn't have anyone else and they also saved my life,Mia's,and Papi's as well! Mia: Wait you mean they were those guys in the masks! Ty: Yep that's us. Boogie: So yeah as Kurusu said we had no other host families... We didn't even have one at all. Zac: I grew up with these guys and it was rough because I had no family living here in Japan just me. Gerado: Boogie and I were friends so I let him,Ty,and Zac lived with me and we faked having a host family. Ty: We tried to see if Gerado and  Zac could be our host families but their families despise monsters and if they tried to disobey them... They would not be apart of the family anymore...Sorry guys... Gerado: It was our decision! We couldn't leave you guys! Zac: Yeah we stick together. We're all friends here! Ty: I'm glad to have friends like you... Even though... Boogie: It's alright man(pats him on the back) you have us now... No need to go back... Well let's do introductions! My names Boogie! Ty: Sorry about that... I'm Ty! Gerado: Call me Gerado! Zac: My name is Zac! Mia: My name is Mia. Papi: I'm Hapi the Parpy... Wait... Papi the Harpy! Mero: I am Mero! Centorea: I'm Centorea Shianus. Rachnera: The name is Rachnera~. Kurusu: The slime there is Suu! Ty and Boogie focus their attention to the slime loli. Suu smiles at Boogie and Ty but then her expression changes to curious as she looks at Ty. Ty: H-Hi? Suu proceeds to hug Ty as he is surprised but returns it! Papi:It seems Suu likes you! Kurusu: Well today we had a long day so why don't we go rest for the night now? Boogie: Where are we going to sleep? Ty: True... You said anything about our rooms? Kurusu: Well I will get the house remodeled later but for now you guys have to share a room with one of the girls or sleep in the living room. Gerado: I call the couch! Zac: I get the second one! Ty: Guess Boogie and I will sleep on the floor. Kurusu:How come you guys didn't want to share a room with the girls? Ty: It would've been rude to do that. Boogie: We know that they're uncomfortable with us being here so we'll let them get used to us first. Gerado: First let's take a shower I'm still covered in slime. Ty: I am as well. You can let go now Suu. Suu lets go as the four guys take a shower and arrive back in the living room. Ty is wearing a black tank top with dark green pants,Boogie is wearing a green shirt with red pants,Gerado wears a a simple white tank top and black pants,and Zac wears a orange shirt with semi black pants. Ty: Goodnight everyone! Boogie: See ya tomorrow! Gerado: Night gals! Zac: Sleep well! Everybody then goes to their rooms while the four guys were in the living room, Gerado and Zac on the couches as Ty and Boogie in the floor with their sleeping bags. Boogie: So this is our new life huh? Ty: Yeah... Let's hope they'll like us! Gerado: Don't worry Ty the girls will need time to adjust that's all. Zac: As Gerado says they need time also... You alright from you know? Ty: Y-Yes... I'm fine I just need some rest... That's all. Boogie: You don't need to worry... We're  here for you man! Gerado: Will be here until the end! Ty: Thanks guys... I appreciate it a lot... Night guys! Boogie: Goodnight Bro! Gerado: Night man! Zac: See ya tomorrow! The four guys then fall asleep except for Ty... Ty: I'm glad to have friends like you three... He then falls asleep as he enters his dreamland. Another day shall come for these four...

To be continued...Yeah foreshadow!

Chapter 2 finished guys! It's your friendly neighborhood Ty! Shout out again to my friends, BoogietheHedgehog,18Zacnichols,and ThatPowerfulDude for helping with the collab and hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and many more! Ciao!

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