Chapter 26

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      I told him everything about the book and he listened closely, I didn't hide a single detail. After I was done I sighed loudly, "Well? What do you think?" I asked. He shrugged, "I have noticed idea, but after you said that you saw something in your mirror I think you shouldn't stay in your room tonight." He responded. "I agree. I'll ask Alfred." I said. "Why not me?" Prussia pouted. "Because I'm not gonna lose my vital regions yet." I said, smiling at him. He smirked and tackled me backwards onto his bed again. "But I want them." He whined. "Nope!" I laughed, holding my arms over my chest in the shape of an X. He pulled my arms away and pinned them to the bed. "Please?" He begged. I shook my head and continued smiling. He sighed and let go of my wrists, sitting back up. "Some other time then~" He purred. I laughed at how determined he was. "Nighty night Gilbert." I said, getting up and kissing his cheek. He smiled as I went out of his room. I closed his door behind me. I started down the hall and heard a thunk from Russia's room. I ignored it and kept walking until I heard a grunt of frustration. Ya, Russia wasn't the one I trusted too much but I couldn't help but wonder if he was alright. I went up to his door and opened it, "Ivan?" I said cautiously. "Da?" A Russian accent replied. I looked around his room until seeing him sitting in the corner of the room, he was biting a rope and pulling on it, it was tied around his wrists. "What happened?" I asked, going over to him and pulling his hands over to me and starting to pull at the knot. "I don't know, a darker looking version of myself was in my room and we got into a fight and- I woke up to find this." He said, frowning at the rope that was holding his wrists together. I got the rope undone and tossed it aside. "A darker version of yourself?" I repeated. He nodded, "Da, you probably think I'm crazy." He said, his voice sounding ashamed. "Nyet." I smiled, his face brightened as he noticed my use of the Russian word. "I saw a darker version of myself today also." I admitted.

In 24 hours they'll be

Laying flowers

On my life, it's over tonight

I'm not messing no I

Need your blessing

And your promise to live free

Please do it for me

Little sis SC (Hetalia)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant