Chapter 34

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       I woke up the next morning and I was lying in the same position I was in when I had fallen asleep. England was still holding me, and everything seemed normal. Maybe I wasn't marked! my mind said cheerfully. I sat up and a sharp pain stabbed my shoulder. I winced and reluctantly pulled my sleeve up, revealing a "12" carved into my shoulder. it was bleeding heavily. England sat up and saw it, his eyes widened. "How did this happen! I was right here!" He said in disbelief. "I don't know... I never even felt anything." I said, watching the blood drip onto the floor. England jumped up and ran into the bathroom, coming back out with a cloth. "Hold still." He instructed. I sat still ad he had told me and allowed him to put the cloth against my cut, making me bite my lip as more pain shot through my arm. I opened my mouth to scream in pain but all that came out was a mix of a groan and a wail. "Shhh, it's alright, I'm going to clean it up so it doesn't get infected." He whispered in my ear. I nodded and fought the tears away. He took the cloth away from my cut and made sure it had stopped bleeding before putting the cloth away. "We need to tell the others." England said. "No. We can't." I said firmly. "They need to know." He responded. "It's too dangerous, we can't tell them." I insisted. He bit his lip, thinking it over. "Fine, but if anything else happens we have to." He sighed finally. "Agreed." I said. I pulled my sleeve back down and got up, going out of his room and into the hall where Romano and Italy were talking about their cuts. "Mine has a four." Italy said to Romano. "I have a five." Romano said back. "Why do you have a bigger number than me?" Italy pouted. "Because I'm older than you idiot!" Romano responded, smacking him upside the head. I snuck past their argument and into the living room.

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