Chapter 20

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I hadn't talked to Kyle since the night of the homecoming and I was starting to miss him. I was still in the hospital but the good news was that I was probably going to be released today. Nurses have been checking up on me a lot more, some with grim faces, which kind of scared me. They still hadn't figured out what made me faint and I was beginning to worry. I had always had perfectly manageable health and had only been to doctors for check ups. It freaked me out when they couldn't figure it out but the nurse who visited me the most told me not worry and that results take a while to come back.

Mom and Dad came up to see me in hopes that they would be leaving with me that day and I definitely hoped the same. I was more then ready to go back home and go back to school. I had missed nearly two weeks and I'm sure I was so far behind it was insane. Aiden hadn't come to see me since the week of homecoming and I was unsure of whether to be happy or sad.  I still hadn't decided what I was going to do when it came to dating him and being in love with Kyle and I'm sure I didn't need the stress of doing so while I was still in the hospital.

The doctor came in and smiled at both my parents and I. I observed his stature and noticed that he seemed a little tense and that he gripped his clip board tightly. Someone didn't pass the portion of medical school when it came to delivering bad news because this man was one step away from dropping his clipboard and running. "Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, Annabelle, we got your results back and your daughter has Atrial Fibrillation. It's an irregular heart beat that usually causes poor blood flow. It's treatable by both medication and surgery if need be. But, for now, I'm going to prescribe Annabelle Beta Blockers, which is going to help to slow her heart rate and decrease blood pressure. I'm also going to give her an Antiarrhythmic agent, which is going to help get her heart rate back on track. Make sure she takes at least twice a day. And if she happens to faint again, lie her down and put a cold compress on her. If it happens again after that, bring her back and we'll check her heart rate to make sure that she doesn't need surgery. And you, little lady, try to avoid any physical activities such as sports." My dad laughed aloud and my mom smacked his arm and he covered his face but you could still see his shoulders shaking. "If you have any questions, feel free to call me or your primary doctor. Ms. Annabelle, you are free to go. Take it easy on your first day home." The doctor shook my mom and dad's hand and then left the room.

My mom handed me a bag containing my clothes and I quickly dressed in the bathroom. I was exciting to go home but kind of nervous because what if I faint and I'm not near anyone. I sighed and left the bathroom. Mom had packed up everything they had given me last week and put it into a bag so when I was finished dressing, we were ready to go. "Don't stress too much Annie. You'll be fine in no time." My dad hugged me and kissed my forehead before dragging me out of the hospital room I had been in for 2 weeks now. "And aren't you excited to go home! And back to school. I know Jacob's sitter is excited that you're coming home. She had a full head of hair when she started, but with the troublesome two on her hands -"

"Troublesome two? Jacob's like 12. Why does he even need a sitter?"

"He asked the same thing. But I was referring to the troublesome two as Jacob and Lily. She's been over everyday hanging out with Jake and playing on the game system of his." He shook his head and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Dad, just call it an Xbox. When you call it a game system you make yourself seem old. You're like one step away from yelling at kids to get off of your lawn." He frowned and took his arm from around my shoulder and pushed me away from him. "Reaaaal mature Dad." My mom laughed and shook her head. She handed the valet ticket to the man standing by the door and smiled as he hurried off to find our car. My mom loved tipping valet. One time she gave them 100 dollars because she said that she was inconveniencing him by asking him to not only park our car, but pick it up as well. He brought our car back quickly and my mom rolled up a fifty and slid it into his hand while Dad took the opportunity to jump into the drivers seat.

"She drove here and took the long route. I'd actually like to get home in a timely manner." Mom got in the car and dad drove off. When we got home, Jake sat on the couch with Lily, watching some weird show. For a second, I swore I saw them holding hands, but when they noticed I noticed, they let go and Lily put her hands in her lap.

"Welcome back, Anna. I hope you're feeling better. I got you a teddy bear because you came to see my mom in the hospital when she was sick. By the way, she's sorry she couldn't come see you. She's on bed rest until her ankle heals. Anyways, I left the bear in Jake's room. I should get that." I listened to her soft voice ramble and then she jumped off of the couch and ran up to Jacob's room. She quickly came back down and handed me a bear that held a "get well" sign. "It's small, because I couldn't find one that was medium sized but I hope you like it." I smiled and hugged her and she went rigid.

"I like it a lot, thank you." I took the bear and my bag of things up to my room and sighed of relief when seen my bedroom door. I've missed my room very much so. When I opened the door, I dropped everything in my hand and gasped. My walls were decorated with the familiar lights and on my bed was a bear holding a card. I rushed over to my bed to see the card and smiled as I read the words scribbled on it. "I can't get you out of my head, but sometimes, I don't think I want to. I hope you feel better Anna. Love, Kyle." I smiled and looked back the teddy bear. I felt my heart skip beat, which in my condition, probably wasn't good. I lied down, clutching the bear and sighed. I was going insane bouncing back in forth in my head and at this point, I kinda wish that he would've stayed at the ice cream parlor and dated a cheerleader or that Aiden and Chloe wouldn't have ever broken up. That would have saved me from a ton of heartbreak.

Feelings were stupid. Well not stupid, but for me they were stupid. It's not fair that me, the potato, had to go and fall in love with two boys and at this point, I don't even think I'm in love with Aiden. I think I was infatuated with the idea of being with the cutest guy in school, or at least the cutest until Kyle came along. I sat up with determination and made my decision. Tomorrow, I was going to break someone's heart and I needed sleep to mentally prepare myself for it.

I needed a TON of sleep.

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