Chapter 20

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   Niall left for Australia one week ago. They've been doing interviews and shows and stuff the last few days, and tomorrow is the first concert. They'll have eleven concerts in two weeks while they're there, and they'll have three shows in a week in Japan. Then tour will be over.

   For like three weeks after tour is over, the guys have interviews and TV appearances and stuff like that, so I'm not going to see Niall for another five weeks. He wanted to try and come visit before they went to Japan, but I told him I didn't want jet lag messing him up for his last few concerts.

   Being in this relationship is actually really difficult. I love Niall so much, but even though I spent most of my life away from him, now that we're together, every minute he's away is awful. I could live with it before I met him, but when I know that he's all mine, but that I can't have him all the time because he's gone, it's hard. I knew it would be hard, but I didn't know it would be this hard.

   I'm sitting at work, not really doing anything, when I get a call from mine and Lindsey's agent. That's weird. I haven't talked to her for a few months. She hadn't had anything for us after our charity concert back in February.

   "Elissa? We want to offer you and Lindsey a once in a lifetime opportunity," Shelly, our agent, says. What? "Due to popular demand, we want to set up a United States tour for The Piano Girls. What do you say to that?"

   "You want me and Lindsey to go on our own tour?" I ask, completely surprised.

   "Yes! If you and Lindsey agree to it, we can have dates solidified in three days, and you guys can leave in two weeks. People have wanted this tour to happen for a while," Shelly says. Wow.

   "Well, uh, I'll talk to Lindsey tonight and see if she's up for it. I think I would like to do it, but I don't know how she'll feel about it," I tell Shelly. I ask her about a few details, and we talk for a few more minutes before saying goodbye.

   I want to do this tour, but it would interfere with Niall coming back. Shelly said the tour would be for two months, but that would mean not seeing Niall much, if at all, for that long. That's five extra weeks without seeing him. I mean, if I pulled some strings they'd probably let Niall come on tour with us, but I really don't think Niall would enjoy that much.

   That night when Lindsey and I are eating dinner I drop the bomb.

   "Shelly called me at work today," I say. Lindsey looks up from her food, a little surprised. "She wants us to go on tour." Lindsey's mouth drops open. Thank god there wasn't any food in there.

   "She wants us to go on tour?" she asks. I nod. "DUDE! Call her back and tell her yes! THIS IS SO EXCITING! "

   "You're saying yes just like that? You're not even going to think about it?" I ask, stunned.

   "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this!" Lindsey exclaims. "Hurry and call her!"

   "Okay, geez. Calm yourself," I say, leaving the kitchen. I go into my room and call Shelly back.

   "Is it a yes?" she asks excitedly as soon as she picks up.

   "Yep," I reply. Shelly freaks out and starts talking really fast. She makes me wait for a couple minutes while she posts to all our social media sites. Twitter, Facebook, and all that fun stuff.

   "Okay, so tickets are sale as of now!" She says giddily. Wow. She's more excited for this than I am. It's probably because she's going to make a buttload of money off of this. There's fifty shows; one in every state, except for Hawaii and Alaska. LA has two shows, and so does Salt Lake City.

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