Chapter 53

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   Every day for the next week goes by pretty much the same. Get up, eat breakfast, group therapy, lunch, free time, individual therapy with Melissa, group free time, dinner, and free time. One thing that changes, however, is Brandon. We've been talking a ton the last week. We talk at every meal, during group free time, and in our own free time. We hang out in each other's rooms during our free time.

   I find out lots of surprising stuff about Brandon during the week. I The most surprising one, I think, is that he used to be friends with Josh Hutcherson, Taylor Lautner, and Cody Simpson. I just don't picture him being friends with famous people. I find out that he worked for my record label before he came here and that he's probably going to start his own record label someday. I think that's really cool. I've never been friends with anyone that's wanted to start their own business or anything like that.

   Melissa takes notice of mine and Brandon's new friendship as well. She thinks that it's good that I'm making a new friend, but she also warns me not to get too close to him. Boys are nothing but trouble she says. I really think she just says that because of something that happened in her past, so I don't heed her warning very well. Me and Brandon get pretty damn close in the space of a week. It's crazy. But when you have multiple hours of free time and you spend it all talking to someone, that's what happens.

   I only talk to Niall twice during the week, and both times I was prompted by Melissa. There was no asking on my part. I've been too distracted by Brandon. I don't like him, but we've just become really good friends. Friends think about friends, right?

   Right now, as I eat my Italian dinner, Brandon is telling me about the day his older brother came out to his family. Apparently his parents are very strict Catholics, so they're very against homosexuality. He tells me that he has never felt more terrified in his life for someone else. I'm relieved when he tells me that his parents at least tolerate Brandon's brother now, but it saddens me that they don't ever invite him over or attempt to be a part of his life.

   I, in turn, talk about how it is to have a gay guy as my best friend and roommate. Brandon laughs when I talk about how awkward it is when I hear Tyler and Jackson making out in Tyler's bedroom. I admit that my one hesitancy about letting Tyler move in with me was the fact that it was inevitable that he would bring guys home. I'm just glad now that he's in a relationship, so he isn't bringing random guys home.

   After we finish eating dinner, the cafeteria supervisor lets us leave early to go hang out in my room. The staff here like me and Brandon, so they let us break the rules. Patients aren't supposed to even be in the wing of the Briar Rose with the opposite gender's living spaces, but they let me and Brandon hang out. We're also not supposed to leave the cafeteria before the hour is up, but we obviously get to break that one. I speculate that it's because we're two of the less messed up people here, but it's just a theory. I'm pretty sure the younger female staff members let Brandon get away with anything because honestly, he's pretty attractive.

   When we get to my room Brandon shuts the door and sits down on my bed. I sit in my window seat and we don't talk for a few minutes. I can tell there's something on Brandon's mind, but I have no idea what it could be. I hate the silence, so I eventually break it.

   "Do you think Chelsea's still waiting for you?" I ask quietly. Brandon tenses for a millisecond, but quickly relaxes, though obviously trying to hide it. Chelsea was Brandon's girlfriend before he came here.

   "I have no idea. She promised she would, but who knows? Promises get broken," he says. Huh. Just a couple days ago he was telling me how in love they were and how they were never going to love anyone else. He doesn't seem so enthusiastic about it now.

   "You don't seem convinced," I point out. I get up and sit next to him on my bed. "What's wrong?"

   "I don't know. Maybe she's not the one I should be worrying about."

   "Why do you say that?" I ask, a little confused.

   "I should be worrying about me. I might be falling out of love with her," he says carefully.

   "Why would-"  Brandon's lips crash against mine, cutting me off. I freeze in shock, but I admittedly don't pull away from the kiss. Brandon's lips are soft and perfect. I understand why Chelsea was (is?) in love with him. After a few seconds I really process what's happening, so I pull away from Brandon, my face filled with horror. How could I let that happen?

   "I- I- I have a boyfriend!" I exclaim. Brandon's happy expression instantly leaves his face, turning into shock.

   "You have a boyfriend?" he asks, completely incredulous. His voice is filled with surprise, betrayal, and hurt. I bite my lip and nod.

   "I'm dating Niall Horan," I confess. I guess I hadn't realized until now that my love life had never been brought up. I never mentioned I was dating anyone, and Brandon never asked. This is partially my fault, I suppose.

   "Niall Horan? Okay, very funny. Do you actually have a boyfriend, or am I just that repulsive to you?" he asks, joking, but there's a strong tone of bitterness to the question.

   "Brandon, I'm serious. We've been dating for about a year now. How did you not get that from when I brought my miscarriage up in group therapy? I couldn't have been pregnant without a guy!"

   "Well I'm sorry!" he says sarcastically. "I assumed he'd left you. I don't know why I made that assumption. Oh, wait, maybe it's because you have totally been flirting with me!" he says angrily. I gasp in anger.

   "I have most definitely not been flirting with you!" I exclaim.

   "Yes you have! And notice how you never brought up your love life? I just assumed it was because you had been hurt. I wanted to pick up the pieces! No girl with a boyfriend would get this close to another guy!" he yells.

   "I'll have you know that girls can be good friends with guys and still have a boyfriend. Just because the one good guy friend I already is gay doesn't mean that I can't be good friends with straight guys! I hate people who make those assumptions!" I yell back.

   "Maybe guys think that because girls go for their best guy friends eventually! You have no idea how hard I've been trying not to fall in love with you! I didn't even tell my therapist that I was falling for you! I thought maybe we could have something; that we could love each other after we got out of this place," he says sadly. I can't deal with this right now.

   "Get out," I say quietly, but sternly. Brandon silently and slowly walks out of the room, looking back at me one last time before shutting my door on his way out.


I KNOW IT'S SHORT, I'M SORRY! I just wanted to update since I haven't for a few days. I'll do a double update this weekend to make it up to you guys!

And since no one has messaged me about being Harry's girlfriend, I'm just going to have Harry stay single. I'm not going to wait forever to put something in the story that people obviously aren't super excited about. Sorry!

But you guys are awesome! This hit 2000 reads the other days and I got so excited :)

Keep up the reads! Spread the word! Votes and comments would be awesome... :)

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