Chapter 44

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   As soon as the nurse finishes her sentence I pass out.

   When I wake up, I'm lying on the bed/table thing that's in the room. My head hurts, so I'm guessing I hit my head on the way down, or I just hit my head really hard on the floor. I sit up and find Lindsey, Tyler, and the nurse staring at me, worry obvious in their eyes.

   "Are you okay?" Lindsey asks slowly. I shake my head.

   "I am most definitely not okay! I can't be pregnant! I have my life and it's going great, and this is going to cause so many problems! There's no way I'm going to be able to have the career that I have when this baby comes! And this is going to mess Niall up too! He's probably going to have to decide between me and the baby or the band, and I don't want to think about the problems that will cause. I can't do this!" I try not to yell, and I end up crying as I run from the room. I run down a bunch of halls until I reach the lobby of the building. I find a chair in a corner and curl up on it, tears streaming down my cheeks.

   "Elissa!" I hear Lindsey yell from down the hall. I try to muffle my sobs, but it doesn't work, and it only takes a few more seconds before Lindsey finds me. Tyler shows up a few seconds later. They try to hug me and comfort me, but I push her away. I don't want to even think right now. 

   "Please take me home," I whisper. Lindsey nods and puts her arm around my shoulders as we walk out to the car. Tyler drives us back to our house and we're all silent. How am I going to tell Niall? I hate that this has to happen while he's on tour. I guess the baby is going to be due sometime around the end of tour. I guess Lindsey set up another appointment for me in a few days to talk about the baby and stuff. I'm not looking forward to it, and it's after Lindsey leaves, so she won't be able to be there with me. I'll just have to take Tyler.

   When we get home I run up to my room and slam the door behind me. I throw myself onto my bed and start bawling. Why did this have to happen? I'm not ready to have a kid. But honestly, the part I'm the most scared about is how Niall will react. I don't know if I could live without him if he decided he didn't want me and the baby. I worry myself to sleep.

   When I wake up the sun is setting. Holy crap, how long did I sleep? I look at the clock and see that it's almost 8:15. Wow. I just slept for like 8 hours. Well it looks like I won't be sleeping tonight. I'll just stay up and think of how to tell Niall about the baby.

   I leave my room and go down into the kitchen to find food. I'm starving, and I guess I'll be eating for two the next few months... I find a take-out bag of Chinese food in the fridge with a note. Tyler and I went out for a bit. We'll be back before 10. I take the Chinese food and microwave it before devouring it. I wonder what my pregnancy cravings are going to be. I'll probably find out soon.

   After I'm done eating I go into the living room and turn on the TV. I go on Netflix and find This Is Us. I always watch this when I miss Niall, and I really miss him right now. He would know how to handle the situation and he could be calm about it. He wouldn't break down crying like I did. To quote One Direction, "Right now, I wish you here with me."

   Lindsey and Tyler walk in at 9:59. They did say before 10... They walk in to see me crying, the movie paused on a smiling Niall. Tyler sits down next to me and hugs me. Lindsey soon joins him, and I'm being smothered in hugs. After a couple minutes I stop crying and Lindsey shows me something.

   "We went shopping for you," she says with a smile. She grabs some bags from behind the couch and shows them to me. They got 4 tubs of ice cream, lots of chocolate bars, the What to Expect When You're Expecting books, and some other stuff for a typical pregnant woman. I don't want to read any of this stuff.

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