Chapter 43

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   Two days later I'm back at my house in LA. Lindsey and I spent yesterday shopping and just walking around New York City. It was pretty fun. She also informed me that she has a week off at the end of the month so she's going to be coming to visit. I'm super excited already.

   Today I don't have anything to do, so I don't even bother getting dressed. I just unpack all my stuff and then go watch TV. After a while Tyler calls and tells me he's coming over. He says he's got big news. This ought to be interesting.

   When Tyler shows up a few minutes later he's grinning.

   "Me and Jackson are official! I wanted to tell you sooner, but I didn't want to interrupt your time with Niall and Lindsey so I had to restrain myself until you were back. He is the coolest guy I have ever met and I owe you fucking big time and I don't know how I'll ever pay you back," he rants. I knew this was going to work out.

   "Don't worry about it, Tyler. I'm just glad you've found someone," I say, leading him into the kitchen so we can have ice cream while we talk.

   "You are so lucky you get to work with him when you go back to the studio. He said he wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but he told me that you're going back to the studio for some writing and stuff starting in a couple weeks. Are you excited to start working on your new album?"

   "I have no idea what you're talking about. Michelle hasn't talked to me for a couple weeks. I have no idea what my schedule is going to be."

   "Well that's awkward. I'm not supposed to know this stuff before you do," Tyler says awkwardly. I just laugh it off. I honestly don't even care that much. I'm glad I'll supposedly be going back to the studio soon because I'm going to be bored out of my mind just hanging around not doing anything.

   Tyler and I hang out for a while and I make Tyler tell me everything about his new relationship with Jackson. I'm so happy that they like each other. And I just love playing matchmaker. I've always been pretty good at pairing people up, but I've never tried it with guys before, so I'm proud of myself for finding a working guy couple. Especially since it's one of my best friends.

   At one point Tyler mentions how he's sick of his apartment since he's lived there so long, and I get an amazing idea (well it sounds amazing to me, anyway).

   "Move in with me," I blurt out.

   "What?" Tyler asks, startled.

   "Move in with me. I can't stand being in this big house by myself, and you're sick of your apartment. The house is already paid for too, so it'd be free. I like cooking so you wouldn't have to cook. The house is great for parties, and I wouldn't care if you had people over. It just seems logical," I tell him. He contemplates this for a minute before replying.

   "Let's do it. Your house does need more stuff in it. It's hard for me not to comment on your lack of decoration," he says teasingly. Yes! I'm going to have a roommate again! Tyler is seriously going to be the coolest roommate ever. It'll be like a sleepover every single night.

   We spend almost an hour talking about when he should move in and all the stuff he can fit in my house and everything like that. We decide he'll move in in like 3 weeks, right before Lindsey comes to visit. We're going to surprise her. When we're done discussing stuff Tyler leaves to go over to Jackson's place and tell him the news.

   When he's gone I run up to my room and turn on my laptop. Let's see... What time is it in Dublin? That's where the guys are playing today. It's only 9 there right now so I can't talk to Niall right now. I really want to tell him how Tyler's moving in, but he's in the middle of a show right now so I have to wait. I wonder if he'll even really care that much. It doesn't really affect him, but he'll probably just be happy that I'll have someone around.

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