Chapter 60

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"Elissa, will you marry me?"

   I'm speechless. Niall Horan has proposed. And not to some random girl I'll never meet to tell her how jealous I am, but to me. I never believed this day would come. When Niall's smile falters I realize that I haven't answered him. Oops.

   "Yes! Yes yes yes!" I squeal. The people cheer as Niall stands and kisses me. Then he picks me up and spins me around before setting me down and letting go of me. He takes the ring out of the box and slides it onto my ring finger. It's so beautiful! [picture on the side!!]>>>

   A few of the people watching come into the pavilion and congratulate us, so we thank them by taking pictures with them. Apparently one of them got a video of the whole thing, so I ask if I can watch it. He gets his phone out and we watch Niall propose to me. I'm such a cheesy idiot. My hands covering my mouth, my eyes wide. I laugh at myself when I watch myself squeal yes. The video is pretty cool, though, because you can see the beautiful Hawaii beach and ocean in the background. We ask the guy not to show it to anyone until we've announced the engagement, and he's fine with it, which is nice.

   After the people slowly drift away when they realize that nothing else is happening, it's time to thank the guys. I turn around to say thank you, and I get bombarded with hugs. I get squished right in the middle of all the guys, who are all grinning.

   "Thank you guys so much!" I say when I can breathe again. "How long have you been planning this?"

   "Nosy, are ya? Ha ha, no it's fine," Louis says, still grinning. "Niall, can we tell her?"

   "Go ahead, she'd hear it eventually anyway," he says, smiling like an idiot. That's my man.

   "Okay, so Niall's been thinking about proposing ever since you told him you were...pregnant," Liam says carefully. I wave him off, not really caring that my pregnancy was brought up. Zayn continues the story for him.

   "Then when he found out you were in...recovery, he sat us all down and said that he was never going to leave you like that again and that he was definitely going to propose soon after you got out, but he didn't know when that would be."

   "So we actually just set up the specifics of today like three days ago. We just flew out here this morning from Miami. It was worth it though," Harry says.

   "Oh and don't forget the story with the ring," Niall chimes in. I raise in eyebrow, curious. What's this story? All the guys laugh.

   "Niall was all excited and ready to propose and he knew he was going to do it while you guys were here, but the day before he was going to leave, he realized he forgot to pick out a ring," Louis says, snickering. Niall shoots him a glare, but ends up smiling.

   "So when Lindsey and Tyler sent you down to get stuff from the gift shops the day before I came, it was because I needed to Facetime them to help pick out a ring. Luckily Lindsey knew your ring size, or I would have been screwed. I showed them a few rings at the jewelers and I was freaking out. They had to calm me down and then we picked out the ring. It was crazy," Niall explains. I smile and hug him.

   "Well you guys chose the perfect ring," I tell him. He smiles proudly and the others laugh. A few of the guys' security shows up and cleans up the microphones and music stuff. When everything is taken care of, we all head back to the cars. Niall tells me the guys are actually staying in the hotel with us (taking Tyler and Lindsey's old rooms), they just didn't have time to go this morning. So we head back to the hotel, and this time there's a ton of fans there. When we get out of the car, I make sure to cover my ring. I don't want word out just yet.

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