Chapter 37

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~Elissa's POV~

   I wake up and Niall isn't in bed with me. I sigh and roll over so I can look at the clock. It's almost 11:15. Where the heck is Niall? He's probably in the kitchen, looking for a late night snack. I get out of bed to go tell him to come to bed, but I search the whole house and I don't find him. His keys are still here, but his wallet and his shoes are gone. Where is he?

   I text Niall and call him multiple times, but he doesn't answer me. Being the emotional person that I am, I start crying. He just got up and left without telling me. How could he do that to me? Did he think I was going to stay asleep? He should know by now that I don't sleep for more than a couple hours unless he's in bed with me.

   I go into the theater and curl up in a corner and keep crying. Why would Niall just leave like this? And without even leaving a note or texting me! I cry for what seems like forever. A little before 1am I hear the front door open. That's probably Niall. I don't bother to go greet him. I just stay in my spot and cry. I hear him go upstairs, and I wince when he finds that I'm not asleep in bed.

   "Elissa! Where are you?" he says loudly, sounding pained. I don't bother answering. He can find me himself. He deserves the stress for leaving me. My crying is really quiet, so it takes Niall a few minutes to find me in the theater.

   "Elissa? I'm so sorry. I didn't think you'd wake up while I was gone. Louis really wanted me to go to a club with him. I'm so so sorry and I understand if you're mad, but please come upstairs," he pleads.

   "I'm not moving," I say quietly, pulling my knees closer to my chest, making myself smaller.

   "Princess, please," he literally gets down on his knees next to the seat I'm on and begs. I don't look at him.

   "Just go to bed Niall. I'm sleeping down here tonight."

   "Elissa, please. How can I make it up to you?" he asks desperately.

   "You can go to bed and leave me alone," I say harshly.

   "Fine. You know I have the meeting at 8, so I might not be here when you wake up. Goodnight." Niall gets off his knees and leaves the room.

   "Goodnight," I whisper once he's out of hearing range.

   I wake up at like 9 in the morning and there's a pillow under my head and blanket on top of me. Niall must have come and checked on me after I fell asleep. I let out a long sigh and wonder if I overreacted. He shouldn't have left me like that, but maybe I shouldn't have been so mad about it. I don't know. I'll just talk to him when he gets home. I have no idea when his meeting is supposed to be over, so I just hope it doesn't go too late.

   I go into the kitchen and find a note on the counter. I am so sorry princess. Please forgive me. I'll make it up to you, I promise. There's Cinnamon Toast Crunch in the pantry :) XOXO, Niall <3

   "Oh Niall," I whisper to myself, clutching the note to my chest. The fact that he left me a little note just makes me not angry at him anymore. Not many guys would do this. I can't stay mad at him if he's going to be all cute like this. And the fact that he went and bought me some cereal (we ran out yesterday) just makes me ecstatic.

   After I eat a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch I go upstairs and take a shower so I can get ready for the day. I'm going out with Perrie and Eleanor later, so I actually have to look decent. I put on black shorts and a bright green button-up blouse and put my hair up in a kind of messy bun. I'm doing my makeup when I hear the garage open. Niall's home...

   "Elissa?" I hear him say loudly from downstairs.

   "I'm upstairs," I yell, finishing my makeup. I expect Niall to walk in at any second, but he doesn't, so I go downstairs, a little frustrated.

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