Chapter 26

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So I know that Maura and Bobby are divorced in real life, but to make this easier for me, just pretend that they're still married...

   Niall opens my door and I step out of the car. My hands are shaking and my teeth are clenched. The hour long drive didn't help me prepare for this. I honestly have no idea why I'm so nervous to meet Maura and Bobby, but I just am! AAHH!

   "Ready?" Niall asks, taking my hand in his. I take a deep breath and nod.

   "Let's do this."

   Niall unlocks the front door and goes inside, shutting the door behind us and shutting my chance to get away.

   "Mum, we're here!" Niall says loudly. Almost immediately I hear people running towards us. I'm caught off guard when Maura and Bobby run in, followed by Greg and his family.

   "You didn't tell me Greg was here," I whisper to Niall.

   "Sorry! You'll be fine!" he whispers back. "Everyone, this is Elissa!"

   "It is so nice to finally meet you! You're even more beautiful in person," Maura says, hugging me. Bobby joins in on the hug, and soon everyone is hugging me.

   "It's nice to meet you guys too," I say shyly. My hands aren't shaking anymore, but I'm still a little tense. I feel like they're a little too happy to meet me. I'm probably just being paranoid.

   We all go into the living room and sit down to talk. Denise tells little Theo to go get his pajamas on and brush his teeth. He's so adorable. I remember when he was born, and now he's five. Time goes by so quickly.

   Since Theo, Greg and Denise have had one more kid, a beautiful little girl named Lacey. She sits on Denise's lap and is in her own little world while us adults talk.

   Niall's family asks me all sorts of stuff. My hobbies, my favorite color, why I wanted to be a singer, and just about everything in between. After Greg and Denise have Theo and Lacey go to bed, we stay up talking until almost midnight.

   When I'm finally in bed, I curl up against Niall and sigh.

   "See, that wasn't too bad, was it?" he asks.

   "Wasn't that bad? How about you go through a four hour interrogation by people you've never met," I snap. Niall half gasps. "Relax, Niall. I'm kidding. It wasn't that bad."

   "Thank god. You had me worried," he says, kissing my forehead. We fall asleep soon after that, and I don't dream.

   When I wake up in the morning, Niall's not in bed. I glance at the clock and see that it's almost noon. Crap! I don't want to come across as one of those people that sleep in all day!

   "Don't worry, everyone's gone. They had plans before I told them you were coming, so they left at like seven," Niall says, walking into the room and seeing my panicked expression.

   "When are they getting back?" I ask, wondering how much time I have to make myself look presentable.

   "Not until like three or four. They were going to go visit someone in Dublin."

   I get out of bed and get ready for the day. I take a shower and then put on a sweater dress and leggings. Once my hair and makeup are done it's already time for lunch, so Niall takes me out to a cute little cafe.

   When we get there I order a hot chocolate and hold it close to me while we wait for our food. I'm cold. I really have no reason to complain, though. I brought a nice black coat, but I'm just carrying it because it's really not that great at keeping me warm, but it's a cute coat.

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