Chapter 65

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~Niall's POV~

   Tour was crazy. We finished up in Sydney, Australia, and we've been here for a couple days just to do some wrap-up stuff and unwind. I'm leaving in a few hours to go to New York to stay with Elissa for a couple days before we go back to LA. I'm really excited because I haven't seen her for almost two months. It's hard to be away from her, especially now that we're engaged. We still haven't told the public, but most of our friends and family know. It's hard not to shout it to the world.

   For the few hours before my flight, I pack up all my stuff and then hang out with the guys. They're all staying in Sydney for a few more days, and we probably won't be seeing each other for a while. They tease me about being so lovestruck that I just have to leave them for Elissa. I brush it off with a laugh, but it's pretty true. I'm so in love.

   When it's finally time for me to leave for the airport, Jake, my security guard (a/n: did I already name Niall's security guy?) gets a car ready, and then we're off. When we get to the airport, there's a bunch of fans there. How do they even find out about these things? The only people I told about my flight was Elissa and the guys. Our fans are crazy. I take a few minutes to sign stuff and take pictures, but then I have to board my flight. Time to see Elissa.

   When we pull up to the hotel, I'm surprised that there aren't any fans outside. That's a first. I grab my suitcase from the back of the car and head into the hotel. I have to hold myself back from running across the lobby to the elevator. I just want to see Elissa so badly.

   I open the door to the room and I'm expecting to be greeted by an ecstatic Elissa, but instead I'm greeted with silence. It doesn't even look like anyone is here. Did I go to the right room? I check my key and it's the right room, so why isn't anyone here? I look around and see something shiny on the table in the living room area.

   My blood turns to ice when I walk to the table and find Elissa's engagement ring there, along with a piece of paper. I'm so confused. Why would she leave her ring here? I flip over the paper, which seems to be from a magazine, and I'm surprised to find pictures of myself. Shit. It's pictures from when I went out after the last show. I went to this club and got pretty drunk, and this girl was all over me. But I was drunk enough that I wasn't doing anything about it. I don't remember much about that night, but my drunk self was probably enjoying it. At least, that's what it looks like in the pictures.

   It makes sense now. Elissa must have seen the pictures in a magazine she was reading. What I don't get is why she didn't just wait for me to get back and talk to me about it. I'm sure she could understand if I just had a chance to explain myself. Or would she? It looks pretty bad; maybe she's too pissed to listen to me.

   I rip up the magazine page and throw it all away before grabbing Elissa's ring. I still have the ring box, so I put the ring back inside that and tuck it safely away in my pocket. I will do anything to get Elissa back.

   I turn back around and tell Jake that I'm flying to LA right now. I'm almost positive that Elissa would have gone home. I don't know where else she would go. We go back down to the car and Jake takes off towards the airport. Since this wasn't planned, I have to book a commercial flight on our way there. Hopefully there aren't any crazed fans on the plane.

   When we get to the airport I practically run inside to check my luggage in. My flight leaves in 30 minutes and I still have to go through the long security line. Luckily, someone points me out and the TSA lets me cut the line. This is definitely a perk to being famous. I run to the gate and make it on the plane just before they close the doors. That was too close. When I find my seat, I'm relieved to be sitting by an old lady and a middle-aged guy. I doubt they'll care about me. LA, here I come.

   As soon as I have my luggage I go to the car rental place and get the car they can have ready the fastest. I throw all my stuff in the back seat and speed out of the airport. It takes me a minute to remember how to get to Elissa and Tyler's house, but I eventually remember. When I get to their house, I'm relieved to see Elissa's car in the driveway. This means she's driven it very recently.

   I leave my stuff in the car and run up to the front door. I ring the doorbell and incessantly knock until Tyler opens the door. He looks extremely confused when he sees me.

   "I need to talk to Elissa now," I say, sounding a little panicked. This makes Tyler even more confused.

   "What are you talking about? She's in New York right now. You were supposed to meet her at her hotel today," Tyler says slowly.

   "She's not back?" I confirm, my hopes dashed. "But her car's in the driveway!"

   "It's there because I was driving it this morning. What's going on?" Tyler asks, getting serious. That's when I break down in tears. Tyler's expression immediately softens and he invites me inside. He makes me sit down on the couch and makes me tell him everything. I do so with tears falling down my cheeks and sobs escaping my mouth.

   "So you don't know where she is?" Tyler confirms. I nod, too distressed to talk anymore. Tyler gets his phone out and walks out of the room. I'm assuming he's calling Elissa, so I don't bother saying anything or following him. This is miserable, and it's all my fault.

   After a few minutes Tyler comes back and sits back down next to me. I look at him expectantly, wanting answers right now.

   "She never left New York, Niall. She went to Lindsey's straight from the hotel. Lindsey says she doesn't want to talk to anyone and that she'll be staying there for a few days. Apparently she's been crying nonstop since she got there," Tyler explains.

   "I feel so awful, Tyler. I knew something was bound to happen, but I never thought I would cause this big of a problem. I'm never going to be able to forgive myself," I cry. Tyler pats my shoulder and keeps trying to comfort me. But it doesn't help.

   I eventually leave the house and go find a hotel downtown. I'm not leaving LA until Elissa comes back and I can talk to her. I made this happen, so I need to fix this.


It's short, but it's an update. I finally had my AP test, so hopefully the next couple weeks will be uneventful, but then it's time for finals, so that sucks. As soon as school is over I'll be updating a lot, though, so you have that to look forward to.

I really hate writing this with Nissa not being together. It's awful.

Vote, comment, and spread the word! Hopefully this can hit 5,000 reads by the end of the month! :)

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