Chapter 56

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   The guys completely transformed my closet. Everything is arranged by type of clothing item (shirts, pants, dresses, etc.) and color. My closet has turned into a rainbow. Even my shoes are arranged this way. I find a garbage sack full of clothes behind the door and before I open it to see what they're having me get rid of, Tyler says they want me to try on the stuff and give them a fashion show before they for sure throw all the stuff out.

   I take the bag of clothes into the bathroom and put on the first shirt. I show it off to the guys, and they look at it for a couple seconds before shaking their heads.

   "Get rid of it," Jackson says decisively. I nod and go back into the bathroom to try more stuff on. This process goes on until I've tried on everything in the bag. I'm getting rid of everything in it except for one shirts and one dress. The guys are getting rid of enough of my clothes that there's a lot more room in my closet, but I still have a ton of clothes.

   "Thank you guys so much!" I exclaim, hugging both of them.

   "It's what we're here for," Tyler says. "What's the point of having gay friends if you can't utilize their superb fashion sense?"

   "Yeah, you can't just not use us," Jackson agrees. We all laugh and head downstairs to celebrate the rebirth of my closet with some ice cream. We hang out for the rest of the day and it's just a nice, relaxed, and fun day.

   Two days later is my birthday. I wake up in the morning and find my room decorated with streamers, balloons, and banners. Literally everything in my room is covered in some sort of decoration. There's even stuff all over my bed.

   "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I hear. I look up and squeal, jumping out of bed, when I see Lindsey standing in my doorway, with Tyler right behind her. They both have birthday party hats on.

   "Lindsey! What are you doing here?" I ask excitedly. She grins.

   "Well I couldn't miss my best friend's 22nd birthday, could I?"

   "AHH! This is so amazing! When did you fly in?" I ask, wondering how she got here without me noticing.

   "My plane got in at like 3 this morning. Tyler came and picked me up. We wanted to surprise you when you woke up so we made sure to do it quietly," she explains. My two best friends usher me downstairs and into the kitchen, where Jackson is waiting (in a chef's hat) with a giant plate of french toast.

   "You guys seriously know me so well," I say, grabbing a fork and the syrup so I can eat my birthday breakfast. Tyler gets up and leaves the room for a minute, and when he comes back he has an outfit for me to wear today. They must be taking me out.

   After I finish my breakfast I put on the clothes Tyler grabbed for me. He grabbed a mint-colored button-up blouse, navy/white striped shorts, and white sandals. I will always be envious of his natural fashion instinct. He always knows how to dress people, including me and himself. It's so great. I go to him if I ever need help making a decision on clothes.

   As soon as I'm done getting dressed, Lindsey takes me out to her rental car and makes me sit in the passenger seat. She starts driving and I try to figure out where she's taking me, but she won't even say no to any of my questions, let alone answer them.

   We eventually pull up to my favorite spa in LA, and I get really excited.

   "We're having a spa day?" I ask, absolutely ecstatic. Lindsey smiles and shakes her head.

   "You are having a spa morning. We already set up what you're getting done, so you just go along with what they have you do. We'll be back a little after noon to pick you up," she says, gesturing for me to go inside. I only hesitate for a couple seconds before practically running through the doors.

   I spend almost three hours getting treated like a princess. I get a facial, and someone does my nails while I get a back massage. I also get my toes painted, and they're super cute. I even get a bikini wax. I wonder what inspired Tyler and Lindsey to sign me up for a bikini wax.

   Just like Lindsey said, her and Tyler show up to pick me up a little after noon. They take me out to Taco Bell and then take me back home. When we get there, there are a bunch of cars in front of the house. What the heck?

   When we go inside, all our friends scream happy birthday at me. I get attacked with hugs and it's just insane. Someone brought a giant cake, so we eat cake and some people give me presents. It's really fun, but I can't help thinking about how Niall isn't here.

   I know he can't really help being gone when he is, but I can't help but wonder why he couldn't at least try to come visit or at least call me. I haven't even gotten a text from him. I wonder if he forgot my birthday.

   When everyone leaves besides Tyler and Lindsey, they make me sit down in the kitchen. They tell me to stay put and then they leave the room. Where the crap are they going?

   After I've been sitting there by myself for almost 10 minutes, the big screen on the wall starts making noise. By the time I process that it's the Skype ringtone thing, Niall's face is already on the screen. I feel my mouth drop open and I practically squeal.

   "Happy birthday!" Niall says happily, grinning from ear to ear. I want to reach through the screen and give him a huge hug. I honestly was worried he forgot about my birthday.

   "Hey Niall," I say, smiling.

   "You thought I forgot, didn't you?" He asks, not sounding offended or anything, which is good. I bite my lip and nod, a little embarrassed that I actually thought that.

   "Well I just waited to say anything because I have a big surprise for you. Tyler, Lindsey, you guys can come in," he says. A millisecond later, the two are sitting by me in the kitchen.

   "Have you told her yet?" Tyler asks excitedly.

   "Told me what?" I ask, really confused. Lindsey claps her hands together and looks at me, grinning.

   "Go up into your room," Niall says with a sly smile. I hesitantly leave the kitchen and go up into my room, almost scared to see what is there. When I walk into my room I almost scream.

   My room is decorated like a beach. There are blow up Palm trees and beach balls everywhere. On my bed is a packed suitcase, with a new bikini on top. There's also an envelope with my name on it. I open the envelope and gasp when I see the contents. It's three plane tickets to Hawaii. I grab the tickets and run back down to the kitchen.

   "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I squeal when I'm back in sight of the screen. Niall, Tyler, and Lindsey are all grinning.

   "You three leave for Hawaii in a couple hours. You guys should probably get going. Call me on your way to the airport, okay?" Niall says. I tell him okay and turn off the screen.

   "I can't believe you guys set that up! How long have you known?" I ask.

   "Niall told us he was thinking about it like a couple months ago, but we didn't start planning stuff until you called and said you were getting out of that rehab place. Luckily Lindsey has like three weeks off, so we're able to be there for two weeks. It was SO hard keeping you out of the loop the last couple days," Tyler explains. We talk about Hawaii while we all grab our stuff and head out to Tyler's car.

   On the way to the airport I talk to Niall on the phone. It's nice to get to talk to him a lot without being in the presence of a therapist. That was just awkward every time I talked to Niall. When we get to the airport I tell Niall goodbye and that I'll call him in Hawaii.

   When we get on the plane, we're all sitting together in first class. We spend the whole flight talking about Hawaii and all the surfer guys we're going to see and everything we're going to do. I am so excited.


Hey guys, sorry it's taken so long to update! I'm on choir tour, so I've barely had time to write. And I did this on my Kindle, so if there's spelling errors, I'm sorry. And I don't know if it's short or not because I don't know how to tell how long it is.

Votes and comments would be so great! :)

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