Chapter 63

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   The guys end up spending a whole week at mine and Tyler's house, as opposed to the planned two or three days. Tyler didn't care, and I certainly didn't care, but it just made it so I had to wait longer to get some more time with just Niall. Having the guys around made it hard to have alone time.

   Niall and I take all the guys to the airport and say goodbye. They're all going to visit family, but Niall is staying in LA with me. I told him that he should go back to Ireland and visit his family, but he told me that he isn't ready to go back after what happened on our last trip to Ireland. I shuddered at the memory when he mentioned it, but nothing further was said about the subject.

   When we get back to my house, Tyler tells us that he's going over to Jackson's house, so as soon as his car is out of sight, Niall and I are going at each other like we haven't seen each other in months. We make our way up to my room, making out on the stairs and almost falling.

   Being the fairly innocent girl I kind of am, but mostly used to be, I never thought I would have sex multiple times before I was married. But now I feel like it's a necessary part of our relationship, and I think it's going to be happening a lot more when Niall is around. And I'm excited.

   As soon as we're in my room, we're stripping. I crawl onto my bed and Niall grabs a condom from his suitcase. I really need to get some to keep here... Niall positions himself over me and starts kissing my neck. He purposely kisses all around my sweet spot, making me groan in anticipation. He is such a tease.

   After some very heated making out, Niall slowly slides into me. As he slowly pushes in and out, he whispers in my ear, nibbling my ear lobe between words.

   "This is the first time I've gotten to make love to my fiance."

   "Niall," I whisper.


   "Fuck me." And he does.

   That night, Niall, Tyler, Jackson, and I are sitting at the kitchen table, eating pizza. Niall and I just told Jackson that we got engaged. The level to which he freaked out was insane. I think he's almost more excited about this than I am, and that's saying something. I wonder how everyone else we tell will react. Niall and I are going to be Skyping my family tonight and his family tomorrow to tell them. We haven't decided for sure yet, but we're probably going to announce it to the public next week.

   While we eat our pizza, Jackson and Tyler fuss over how they want the wedding to look. Niall and I just sit back and try not to laugh. We haven't even set a date yet, and they're trying to plan it. I don't have the heart right now to tell them that I promised Lindsey a long time ago that she could plan my wedding. Maybe she'll let Tyler and Jackson help her.

   After a while, it's time for me and Niall to Skype my dad. We excuse ourselves and leave the guys fretting over what kind of flowers I'm going to have in my bouquet. I log into Skype on my laptop and I sit on Niall's lap in my big office chair. We only have to wait a minute before my dad is online and calls.

   "Hey dad! Oh hey Julie!" I add, seeing my stepmom walk into view.

   "Hi! How are you guys doing?" Julie asks.

   "We're really good. How about you guys?" Niall says. I smile and wrap my arm around Niall's waist. He's so nice to my family. I love it when we Skype with them.

   "We're good too. So what did you guys want to talk to us about?" my dad asks, getting right down to business. I look at Niall, and we're both grinning.

   "We just wanted to tell you, uh" Niall doesn't know how exactly to tell them, but I do.

   "WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" I exclaim, putting my hand in front of the camera so they can see my ring. Julie gasps and my dad's mouth drops open.

   "This is so exciting!" Julie squeals. "We have to start planning now!" Oh dear. Lindsey is going to have to get lots of help on this. My mom and Niall's mom are probably going to want to help plan the wedding as well.

   "Julie, we haven't even set a day yet," I say, but she won't have it.

   "It doesn't matter! We can still plan some stuff and think of who to invite and find a caterer-"

   "Honey, let it go for a bit, okay?" my dad says. I try not laugh as Julie's grin turns into a scowl. We talk for a while, and I tell them how Niall proposed. Julie thinks it's the sweetest thing ever, and I tell her that it really was. I tell her to watch for the video the random guy took when we announce the engagement to the public.

   After we end the call with my dad, it's time to call my mom. She's going to freak out. She's already online on Skype, so I click on her and begin the video call. When the video pops up, it's her and my youngest brother on screen. My heart aches when I realize that Ella- who has been gone for a year now- won't get to see my wedding. She would have been the prettiest flower girl.

   "How are you two doing?" my mom asks.

   "We're good. How are you guys?" I ask, curious to see if my brother, Riley, will say anything.

   "We're good. Riley just got back from a camping trip with his friends and he needs to shower. I just wanted him to say hello. Say hi, Riley," my mom says. Riley rolls his eyes and says hello. I laugh and tell him to go shower. He walks off and before anyone else can say anything, I talk.

   "Guess what mom?" I say excitedly.


   "We're engaged!" I exclaim, although a little less enthusastic than when I told my dad.

   "You're engaged? That's excellent, honey! Let me see the ring!" my mom says happily. I show her the ring and she absolutely loves it. Phew. I'm glad this went well. She never really wanted me to pursue this relationship because she thought I would just get hurt, but I'm glad that she's at least acting happy for me.

   We talk for a while, but then my mom has to go, so we say goodbye and I turn my laptop off. I go lie on my bed, and Niall comes and lies down next to me.

   "I'm glad it went well," he says after a couple minutes of silence.

   "Me too. Let's just hope it goes this well when we publicize it," I say with a sigh. I'm scared of all the hate I'll get. I remember how mad some people were when Zayn and, Louis, and Liam got engaged. I guess a lot of people are going to be happy now that Liam is single again. I just don't want to see any of the hate I know there will be. I hate it.

   "I'm sure the fans will love it, Elissa. If they're not happy for us, then they can't call themselves true fans. I'm sure millions of girls will be disappointed that it's not them I'm marrying, but they'll still be happy for us. If there's hate, just ignore it and come to me. Their opinions don't matter," Niall says, slipping his arm behind my head and pulling me against him. I cuddle against his chest and think about how lucky I am to have Niall.

   We spend a while talking, but not really about anything in particular. Niall tells me about some stuff the guys have been doing while they're on tour, I tell him a little bit about what I did while I was in rehab (although I do leave Brandon out of the story), and we just have a nice conversation. This is the kind of relationship I love.


I can't remember if I mentioned this in the last update, but I have my AP test coming up, so the reason I'm not updating a whole lot is because I'm studying for that because I don't want to completely flunk the test. The test is on the 15th, so I'll probably be able to update more after that, but then finals will be starting, so I don't know for sure. I'll do my best to update when I can.

I have a new story in the works, but it's not a One Direction story. I'll let you guys know when I publish the first part so you could maybe check it out.

I love you all! Vote, comment, and spread the word! :)

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