Chapter 24

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   The next day, Lindsey and I don't get out of our beds until like noon. It's so nice to be back in our own beds. It was a long two months to be gone. Our parents, who stayed the night at our place, have probably been awake for a while. They're honestly my only reason to even get out of bed.

   I get dressed and do my hair and makeup before I go find everyone else. Lindsey and I get downstairs at the same time and find our parents in the kitchen, just talking.

   "How's our little superstars?" Julie asks excitedly.

   "We're great," Lindsey says sarcastically. She's still in her pajamas and she looks like she literally just rolled out of bed and walked down here.

   "I thought Niall was staying the night too," Lindsey's mom says, a little confused.

   "No. He was going to, but he wanted me and Lindsey to be able to spend the day with you guys. He's coming over tonight after we take you guys to the airport," I explain. Niall came back to the house with us, but when he realized our parents were staying over he said he'd just go get a hotel room for the night. He felt kind of awkward around them.

   After Lindsey gets ready for the day, the six of us go out and explore LA a little bit. Since it's the middle of December, there's not as much stuff to do, but we take them shopping at the boardwalk and they seem to enjoy it, so that's good.

   We all go to Olive Garden for dinner, and then we take our parents to the airport. Once they're all checked in, we walk with them to the security checks. We all give our hugs and say our goodbyes. It's bittersweet. Once we lose sight of them, Lindsey and I leave.

   "So. I think we should stop at Wal-Mart and get a gallon of ice cream and a movie," Lindsey says on our way home.

   "That, my friend, is an excellent idea," I say. We go to Wal-Mart and I go get the ice cream while Lindsey goes and finds a movie. We meet at the checkouts, and I almost clap for joy when I see that she picked out Jennifer Lawrence's newest movie. Jennifer Lawrence has been my favorite actress ever since the Hunger Games came out a few years ago.

  When we get back to the house, Niall's leaning back on the hood of a shiny black car in our driveway. Somehow he doesn't notice us dirve up, so I pull into the driveway and honk. He jumps and drops his phone and Lindsey and I burst out laughing. Hopefully he had a good case on it...

   "That was so not funny," Niall says with a scowl when we get out of the car.

   "Oh I think it was," Lindsey says with a smirk. We fist bump and then Niall follows us inside.

   "So do I get some ice cream?" Niall asks, eyeing the gallon of cookies and cream ice cream on the counter. I look at Lindsey.

   "Should we let him have some?" I ask teasingly.

   "I don't know... Why does he think he gets any?" she replies. Niall scowls.

   "I know! Who does he think he is?" I exclaim. Niall comes over and wraps his arms around me from behind me.

   "You know exactly who I am," he says, squeezing me to him. I laugh and try to shake him off, but he holds on tight.

   "Just because you're famous doesn't mean you get our ice cream," I tell him.

   "You'll give me some ice cream," Niall growls, kissing my neck. Oh that is not fair.

   "Ew, come on guys! Not right in front of me!" Lindsey groans. Niall and I giggle and he lets me go so I can grab the ice cream.

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