Two Times The Charm

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Chapter Two

Monroe (Mimi ),

The School Gym

" How many you got left now? " Michael asked , " nine " I grunted,  But After my last lift Michael gently lifted the barbell machine up. " your ok? " Michael asked, " yeah... I'm fine " I said trying to catch my breath, he might look attempting but he'll work a chick! . " So, um.... tell me a little bit about yourself Michael" I said while drinking out of my pink  Gatorade, " um..... why? " Michael asked, " because Mike, I wanna learn more about you " I lied, the reason why I'm actually asking him about himself is because my homegirl Nelly ( aka NeNe) forced me to do it, I really didn't wanna ask him strange questions,shoot!  I barely even know how to talk to him without looking like snow white!.  " Well I'm from Texas,  I'm eighteen, I'm a basketball player, and I'm crushing on one of my girl friends" he spilled. Whooaaa! Girl friends!! " wait! rewind ! ,who is this lucky lady! " I teased,  " Oh nothing ,she probably doesn't like me back " he downed, " no, no, no! tell me!, is it Monica? laqushia ? Michelle? who is it?!!! " I said while getting excited, but everything got awkward when he said, " ok..... the girl I adore is you " .

             At that point my heart stopped beating, he adores me? but how? I questioned in my mind. " But how? " I asked, " how?... I mean your an incredible girl ,your feisty , smart and I love feisty and smart girls " Michael explained. I still couldn't believe this! at this point I'm looking like snow white, except for my sweaty smelly looks." I don't know... I just.... I don't know " I said while walking towards the door , but when I did, he quickly grabbed my hand and quickly pulled me close. While looking into his eyes my heart begans to pound out of my chest. I'm hoping and praying that my nervousness doesn't show, "Your nervous? " Michael voice seeped. " Yeah "I answered, " Maybe this will ease your mind " he whispered, then his lips gently touched mines.I never knew kissing my guyfriend /crush would be so realistic, it seemed like everything was perfect. Our hearts racing fast, and time rushing by, I might be late for basketball, but I can risk a couple of laps. But the kiss we had was amazing.... until " MICHAEL! MONROE! "


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