Two Times The Charm

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Chapter Twenty Seven, 

Nelly ( Ne-Ne )

" Oh My Gosh I told you not to go in there! " I yelled,  I was at David's house watching the most scariest movie Sacrifice of the Young 2, " so how's the movie " David asked, " it's good" I said shy, " the movie's gonna end soon " David said while leaping his right arm around my innocent shoulders.

          I don't know what he expects from me,  but I'm about to tell him to take a hike. " You look so beautiful tonight " he complimented, " Thank you " I answered. Then suddenly the movie ended, " well that was a good movie " David said while getting up from the comfortable sofa. How do you know the movie was good when you was staring at me the whole time!  I yelled in my head.

                 While leaving the movie room,  I spotted Michael in his bedroom polishing his basketball trophies. " Wow you must be real good " I said while looking at his wall of trophies, "I would'nt  say good,  I would say great.... God has been helping me among the way" David explained. " Yeah " I agreed ," so let's play a game,  truth or dare " David considered. " Ok " I answered, " truth or dare " David started ,"dare" I answered, " I dare you, to hug me " David simplified, " Oh wow" I answered. Then I leaned over and hugged him..... but when I did... somehow It led up to a soft gentle kiss.

              My heart racing, my nervous thought ,.....hoping I won't regret this date...for the rest of my life.

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