Two Times The Charm

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Chapter Thirty Six

Monroe ( Mimi )

As I look through his junky locker, I'm hoping and praying that Nelly won't break any ice. " This is so gonna ruin our opportunity to go to UGF university" Nelly said while pacing back and forth, " don't worry about that,  just get David's book, and let's go! " I yelled with frustration , But what I didn't notice was that I yelled instead of whispered. " Monroe " michael said while turning off the shower. Then that's when things got serious,  " Get the books, get the books " I said while handing Michael's book to Nelly. " what am I suppose to do! " Nelly  replied back. " Go,  get out of here " I said while pushing her out the lockeroom, " But Monroe! " Nelly complained, " go Nelly! meet me at my house go! " .

             When Nelly ran out the lockerroom a relief of stress vanished." Monroe?" Michael's voice traveled, as he got closer for my appearence I quickly ran beside the shower, " Monroe I know your here " Michael added,  then he spotted the opened locker. " MONROE!!! " Michael yelled, then that's when I ran out the back door for the exit, But as I try to run away from the shower, a sharp knife - like cut crossed my sides, " uuuggghh! " I screached. " Monroe! " David said while running towards my way, But I finally lost them and  hopped in my car and made my escape.  

            " She is insane! " David said while catching his breath, " yeah But she's my insane wifey " Michael mentioned, " What did she get? " David asked, " our journals " Michael replied. " But how? " David questioned, " hmmmm.... let's just say she didn't do it alone " .

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