Two Times The Charm

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Chapter Thirty Two,

Monroe (Mimi )

After finding out the shocking news, me and Michael went to the hospital,but when we arrived in the hospital room, a splash of dark red blood covered the bed and the white pale walls.

" What happened? " Michael asked the doctor, " a man named Michael Keller arrived here in the hospital room, and before you know it, I heard gun shots " the doctor explained. " Did y'all call the cops? " I asked, but the doctor never answered my question.

            It felt like the doctor was hiding something, " well where's the body? " Michael asked, " nobody knows " the doctor answered. Then my curious thought grew even more stronger. Then Michael's phone ringed, " excuse me for a second " Michael said while answering the phone. But when michael stepped out, all the doctors and nurses made there exit. " Something's not right" I said unto myself " ,but after I made the statement, Michael came and the room and said " my dad's not dead " .

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