Two Times The Charm

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Chapter Thirty seven

Nelly ( Nene )

As Monroe steps out her vehicle with one bloody hand at her side, I knew this was real." Monroe are you OK! " I said while looking at the bloody wound. " peachy,  now let's see those journals " she said while walking up to the front of her house, But when she opened the door and walked in the living room,  her mom went into shock, " Nelly call 911!" Monroe's mom said while grabbing a towel, " mom that is not necessary! all I need to do is clean it up, put some Helpful Healing ointment on it, and I'll be fine " Monroe  said while showing her the cut. " Oh... well that's fine too " Monroe's mom said convinced .

          " Come upstairs " Monroe said while looking at the staircase,  But before I did,  I grabbed a couple of big, juicy , red strawberries and ran upstairs.

As I enter Monroe's room, I instantly glanced at the collage of pics that Monroe and Michael took together. " Wow Monroe, y'all took alot of pictures " I said while biting on my strawberry." yeah we did " Monroe answered, But when she glanced at a picture of Michael in his huge mansion , her eyes grew wider. " What's wrong!  " I said while looking at her shocked appearence, " Michael and David! " she said while grabbing Michael's journal, " what! " I said while biting off the last piece of strawberry. " they planned something! " Monroe pieced,  But when she flipped the last page,  their it was... Michael and David's Flash Drive. 

" What do you think is on their drive? " I said curious, " I don't know, But something that we can hold against them " Monroe said while un -  taping the Flash Drive from the page. Then she unplugged her Flash Drive and connected our soon to be ex's. But when their data popped up on the screen , it wasn't what we expected.

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