Two Times The Charm

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Chapter Nine, 

Nelly ( NeNe )

The Next Morning, I kinda felt good, everything that happened last night was perfect, although I couldn't stop reading the text message that my boyfriend, David, gave to me. " Isn't this great,  I finally found a guy that understands me! " I said excited, " yeah! .... it's awesome " Monroe answered in depression, I never saw Monroe so sad. " Monroe what's wrong? "  I asked, then a soft, gentle tear ran down her flawless cheek, " Michael.... he....he left me " Monroe's voice trembled. When I heard the story of what happened, my heart began to break once more, " I didn't mean to hurt him " Monroe continued as she weep in hurt, " all I wanted to do was to tell him how I feel.... but when coach Riley called... I just.....ticked " Monroe said while getting angry.As Monroe tell me the story, David and the heartbreaker himself Michael comes towards us. "What's wrong with Monroe?" David asked, but before I could tell him the problem, Monroe ran to the girl's bathroom. " I don't know... why won't you ask Mr. heartbreaker " I said with an attitude towards Michael. "Wait, Michael, you broke Monroe's heart... for what! " David said angry, " I said I was sorry! and I'm truly am" Michael explained , " yeah.. but the view of your apology isn't quite truthful " David said with disappointment.But after the argument between my boyfriend and Michael, I looked at Michael and saw sorrow in his eyes, " Michael...... you seriously love her.... don't you " I asked, then Michael wiped his brown eyes and nodded his head yes. " You guys don't understand how much she means to me....she's the only person that doesn't think I'm a jerk... she always loved me for who I am.... and when I said that statement.... I knew I blew the chance to be with her and to actually show her my love " he said while holding back tears.

             Michael might've made the wrong turn, but I still have respect for him. And he was right, almost everybody at this school thinks Michael is the biggest jerk,  but when it comes to Monroe,  she sees him as a charmer, attractive, and has the most beautiful eyes .... only Monroe thinks that.....only Monroe. 

            " I seriously want her back... I do " Michael replied, " well your gonna have to do something that'll win her heart back " David answered, then David wrapped his arms around my waist , " no...don't do that " I said while blushing, right Now I'm wishing Monroe was here because she would've dissed David in a heartbeat. " I GOT IT! I can go to my dad's house ... and tell my dad to buy a 9,000 dollar horse and dye him pink! " Michael said with excitement, "wait... your that rich! " I said shocked." uhh duhhh... man what did you tell this girl" Michael said in sarcasm. But I couldn't fire back, I was too busy being shocked about Michael being rich, " who's your Father!! " I asked, but when I did things got completely awkward, " uuuuuhhh.....ummmmm.... can't talk! gotta walk! " he said while speed walking down the hall ." What's that all about? " I asked, " he's... very... umm sensitive... about his.... father " David lied." David... is there something you wanna tell me... remember communication is key in a relationship " I bugged. " OK... I'll tell you tonight " .


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