Two Times The Charm

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Chapter Thirty Nine

David Takeover

" Why did I listen to you !, ain't no telling  what their planning now  " Michael said nervous. " Mike, this is the third time I told you this, Monroe and Nelly aren't planning anything" I said with confidence. Knowing that I'm freaking out too.

             " Monroe has been there for me for the longest, and I still love her  " Michael confessed. " And you don't think I love Nelly either " I also confessed. 

          But before things got depressing, Lauren and Keke showed up,  " What the hell do you want now " Michael said with anger,  " umm,  that hella rude,  I deserve some respect " Lauren said while flipping her nappy weave. " To tell the truth, your not getting respect from us... why.. because we already got the goodies" David asked. " Well since your our boyfriends " keke suggested, " hell no " Michael interrupted. And obcourse I laughed,  it was so unexpected,  " but anyways.... you don't mind if you guys  invite us your bash" Lauren said  while handing us a invitation, " What ?!!" Michael said while snatching the invitation flier, " when was this?! " I asked. "It's posted everywhere, on every locker" Keke added. Then me and Michael looked at each other in shock,  I didn't remember printing any invitation off of our Flash drive, then it hit me, " THE FLASH DRIVE! " me and Michael yelled, then we ran to our gym lockers and found that the journals were missing. " Yeah, were on thin ice".

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