Two Times The Charm

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Chapter Sixteen

Monroe ( Mi - Mi )

As I walk down the stairs of the amazing manscion, I could see Michael's brown eyes glare unto my sophisticated appearence. " You look fantastic " Michael complimented, " thanks Michael, you look handsome your self " I said while fixing his red tie.

             Most of the time I dreamed of this moment but I never thought it would come true. But while being lost in Michael's eyes, a beautiful symphony of violins surrounded the livingroom." may I have this dance? " he asked romantically , " yes " I blushed, then that's when I wrapped my arms around his neck and layed my  delicate head on his shoulders. " You know...I'm extremely happy your in my life.... and what I did before was a big mistake " Michael continued But I interrupted him, " baby i forgive you... I really do... and not because of all the money and roses... but because of you not using me and loving me for who I am...and for telling me the truth and nothing but the truth " I said while lifting up his long chin.

            But something was erking him,  something was hurting him inside. " baby what's wrong? " I asked while catching his secretive appearence, " Monroe...I have  to tell you something  " .

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