Two Times The Charm

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Chapter Forty Five

David Takeover

" Man I can't believe Laura shot Monroe " I said upset, " But she'll be fine ....everything will be great " Nelly said happy. But as I stare at her, the truth was killing me inside and out.

           " Nelly,  you wanna know why I didn't  bail on  that bet" I said in depression, " um... yeah... I guess " Nelly said with an awkward imitation. " Because,  I didn't want to lose you... if I would've bailed away from the bet,  they would've went to your house for the kill " I explained. If only I hadn't taken that bet, maybe Monroe wouldn't be in the position she's in now.

                " Wait... rewind.. you said if you would've bailed on the bet, then she would've did a home invasion in my house...But after you and Michael slept with them... they did it anyways?.... But why? " Nelly asked confused. But as I was trying to puzzle the pieces, I realized something. " Wait... Michael said Laura already had a gun " I pieced, " yeah why? " Nelly added,  then I grabbed Nelly's hand and ran towards my truck. " Where are we going? " Nelly questioned, " to the same mansion we went to the night before " .

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