chapter 8

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If you don't know who Jimin from BTS is, look at the picture 

This chapter is dedicated to Me_Psycho_No. I really appreciated your comments, especially since I was very worried about how my lovelies would take to the side plot. Also, a huge thanks to anyone who commented, because those comments are the only thing that keep me writing. 



I stared blankly ahead of me, allowing Blade to drag me off to god knows where. The stinging in my lip had subsided and was replaced with a dull ache. His actions had scared me. Blade was a player, he didn't actually want any of the girls he was with, he just like messing with their minds, making them feel special and then dropping them.

I groaned at a sudden impact. Blade had stopped it and spun back to me. I watched his eyes, glancing around like he was doing something illegal, then back to me. He looked worried, and emotion I only see him once before when we were at the library together.

"Saely, stick with me from now on okay?" His voice had an unusual edge to it. "Don't leave my side till schools over. Then I'll take you to your brother and he can protect you." I stared at him cocking my eyebrow.

"Why? People don't care about me. I don't exist in their eyes, so why do I need you as my bodyguard?" Maybe they were pissed that I had been with Blade, but he has hundreds of girls, why would I be any different?

He shook his head, looking slightly irritated. "Oh, Sae..."  My head flew up in shock. Since when has he called me Sae?  That was Jasper's nickname for me and, back before I was a huge disappointment, my parents called me that too. It was a name I loved because it had only ever come from someone who cared about me. Blade looked at me, confused, and a bit surprised by my reaction. "Sae? What's wrong?"  I felt tears pricking up the corners of my eyes. Why did I care, Blade didn't love me. Why the hell did I actually believe he actually felt something? 

"Sae! Oh my god..." I was shaking, tears flowing across my cheeks. Everything was coming down around my ears, all the walls of indifference and disgust I had built up for Blade. Everything hurt and I was pretty damn tired of him hurting me too.

"Saely, it's okay. Calm down and talk to me." I felt strong arms wrap around my waist, holding me close. Blade's velvety voice soothed my violent sobbing to the occasional whimper as I clung to him. His hand started running up and down my back, gently tracing my scar. It shocked me, but I let him continue. How could Blade have instinctively known it was there? It didn't really sting but felt relaxing. "Sae, please tell me when you're hurt. It kills me to see you like this. You have a broken rib for christ's sake!" Blade pulled away. How did he know that? "I know your brother, we're studying the same courses. How on earth can you come here every day after what they do to you?" I froze again. Blade knew? Jasper took classes with him? I blinked up at Blade.

"Is that why you cared?" I mumbled out, my mind trying desperately to comprehend the information recently offloaded onto me.

"Jasper is my best friend, of course I cared! He would come to me and tell me everything he was worried about. Hell, it got so bad I got him into smoking." I raised my eyebrows. "I know it wasn't the best idea, but he was freaking out!" Jasper smoked? That was funny, seeing as he was the "good boy" with straight A's.

"Why'd you flirt with me then?" Blade stared at me for a few seconds, then at his shoes, blushing.

"Well, um, cause I, heh... like you?" It came out as more of a question than a statement. 

"Really?!" Shocked, I met his eyes, desperately trying to see if he was telling the truth.

"Yeah, ever since I met Jasper and he told me about you."

"Well, what was this for?" I gestured to my new, almost painless lip ring. Blade's eyes darkened as he grinned slightly.

"To tell everyone you're mine and only mine." He smirked evilly. "Nobody gets to touch you except me." There was the old Blade I knew. I smiled back, slightly dazed by today's events. "Oh, and don't worry about the others. I'll know if they hurt you." Blade pulled me close to him. 

"You're safe now, trust me."


Guess which amazing author updated twice in two weeks? Hell yeah, it's me. I hope you enjoyed it.

Hugs for All!


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