I Want It To Be Us

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I woke up in bed beside Abel.

I sat up after a few seconds, glancing around us. We were in a hotel room, the duffel bags unpacked so the clothes were scattered around the room. It looked a little too much like Oliver's bedroom for comfort.

"Well, look who's finally up." Oliver joked, slipping through the cracked door with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"That's for me, right?" I asked, hopeful. He shook his head, but I reached over and took it from him anyway, smiling.

"Can you two be quiet?" Abel groaned, "I need my sleep." Oliver laughed while I reached behind me and tapped his cheek.

"Sure you do, Abe. Because you need a lot of beauty sleep if you're going to look as great as we do." He snorted, burying his face in his pillow.

"Abel, it's noon." Oliver reached over and flicked him in the head, "You need to get up."

"If we're going to be out all night, I need my fucking sleep, Oli. Go get breakfast or something." Abel nudged me off the bed slowly with his foot, hiding his face in the pillow so we couldn't see his expression. I nodded, heading toward the bathroom.

"You okay with that?" I asked my brother. He nodded, gesturing for me to continue toward the bathroom.

"Sure, I'll be waiting out here."


"You think he's awake by now, right?" I asked my brother, finally calming down. He shrugged, the grin from our conversation a few minutes ago still plastered on his face.

"Who knows? He once slept for twenty-four hours straight, Liv. He can do anything." I laughed a little at his words, shaking my head as he unlocked the door with his key card. We found Abel standing in front of the bed, smoothing out a gray v-neck that clung to his wet body.

"Dude, we're going to a club, not a wedding." Oliver sent his best friend a joking look as I shut the door behind us.

"A guy's got to look good at a club, bro. You should know that." Abel turned his attention from my brother to me, flashing me a crooked grin.

He really did look a little too dressed up to be going to a club. His usual messy, dirty blonde hair was slicked back against his head, making his emerald eyes shine when the light hit them. The v-neck he was wearing looked a little small around his biceps, causing my eyes to immediately fall on them almost immediately.

"Liv, stop eye-raping Abel and go get dressed. We've got to get there before Rich's shift changes." Oliver said from across the room, peeling his own black shirt from his body and replacing it with a white one.

"I wasn't-" Oliver shot me a look, completely shutting me up.

"It's okay, Livvy." Abel brushed his hand against my cheeks as I walked by, "If I was going to be eye-raped by anyone, I'm glad it's you."


"Liv." Oliver groaned from the other side of the door, "Are you almost done in there, you've been in there like an hour and I've really got to piss." I sighed, setting my mascara back in my make-up back and staring at my reflection in the mirror.

My mom hadn't ever been around enough to teach me how to use make-up, considering she was traveling around the world with her fashion shows constantly. It had been Lena that taught me how to use it, how given me makeovers all the time, and sometimes still did. But staring in the mirror now, I could see that I was no where as good at applying it as she was.

Never Have I Ever (One Last Time # 1) (Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now