Okay, So You Have Trust Issues

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Oliver was ready to leave by the end of the next week.

Abel and I had decided to take a break from the list, mostly so I could go tour the Standford Campus with Lena. But he hadn't seem all that excited to do it, and I didn't want to press him on what I knew he didn't want to talk about.

I was sitting on Oliver's bed watching him throw another one of his comic books into his suitcase, trying as hard as I could not to cry.

Here we were. The terror twins, the Scott's. They hadn't ever been able to tear us apart as kids, even when we were on different ends of the social ladder.

"Hey, don't you start crying on me." Oliver commented, throwing one of his old band shirts at me, "I'm already going to have to get enough of it from Abel." I laughed, wiping my eyes before tears could escape them.

"You'll call, right? And Skype?" I choked out, jumping off his bed so I was standing beside him. He nodded, pulling me into a hug.

It was one of the very few times my brother had done it, which means it meant something more then just a gesture.

"Of course, Liv. You know I will." He pushed my blonde bangs out of my eyes and smiled sadly, "And you better not let Abel hurt you." I laid my head against my brothers chest, sniffling as a smile stretched across my face.

"Of course, Oli." I mocked him, "You know I won't."


I was already ready to climb out of the car when we pulled up to Abel's old house. Oliver was in the back, looking down at some map as Jeremy continued to bombard him with questions.

"I'll be right back." I told my family before jumping out of the van and jogging up the stone pathway to the Hendricks porch. I knocked gently, knowing better then to knock loud enough to wake his parents if they weren't awake.

He answered the door a few minutes later, leaning against the door frame as he yawned. I let my eyes roam over him, taking in his loose white t-shirt and spider man boxers.

"Hey there, Spiderman." I greeted with a smile, "You ready to go?" He looked over my shoulder at my family waiting for us in the van.

"Go where? I thought we weren't doing another thing on the list until this afternoon." I shifted my body a little and gestured behind us.

"Oli has to be at the airport by noon. He thought you'd want to come with us and see him off." Abel nodded, yawning again.

"All right. Let me go put some pants on. Please don't come in." He shut the door gently and quietly in my face. I listened as his footsteps dissipated the further he went in his house. I waited by the door for a few minutes before he came back out, a pair of Levi's covering his superhero boxers. He threw his arm around me and kissed the side of my head as we jogged down the steps, smiling when he saw my confused look.

"You cut your hair?" I questioned. His hair was a little above his ears now, and his curls looked as if they had been tamed for a while.

"Yeah." He muttered before climbing into the car and greeting my brothers. Jeremy turned his attention on Abel as we drove off, asking him all kinds of questions at such a fast pace I couldn't catch some of them.

We spent over an hour finding somewhere to park the car, making Oliver's time even closer. It made him leaving even more of a reality now that we were here as well.

"I can't believe you're leaving, bro." Abel said as we walked through the front doors, his eyes on my brother. Oliver was avoiding everyone's eyes, his shoulders slumped a little.

Never Have I Ever (One Last Time # 1) (Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now