Sneak Peak

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So I thought I'd give you guys the choice on whether you want the book or not based on this little snippet from Would You Rather. 


 "You died before I was born

It wasn't a secret, God forbid Mom would keep something like that from me.

My life wasn't bad, not by any means. I had the twins and my step-dad, who it had taken Mom almost my entire life to actually agree to marry. I had my cousin and best friend, Chris. And of course. . . of course there was Maya.

Maya, the girl with the bright green eyes and perfect cocoa colored skin. The girl I had always dreamed would be a bigger part of my life then just a friend.

But the way everyone looked at me, even Maya, was terrible. The way they turned their faces whenever I walked by in school, whenever I passed by them on the streets.

I was the fatherless star football player, I was the guy that always had his mom and brother and sister cheering him on at games, but never his father.

I was that kid. The one everyone looked at with pity, with a look in their eyes that made me feel like I was a fuck up.

I could even see it when I looked at Mom. The way her lips would purse and her crystal blue eyes would glisten on occasion, it got even worse as I got older. And I knew for a fact that it was because I looked more and more like you the older I got.

All it took to change my world was the God damn list in  Mom's scrapbook. The one that had your picture in it, and right beside it, a list of ridiculous crap that I couldn't ever imagine my timid and sweet mom ever doing.

Things started to change, more then they already had. I started to drop the ball, started to trip instead of catching it. I began to see Maya as more then just the cute, witty best friend that just hung around with the team. Chris fought me on everything I said.

It took me a few weeks to realize that what I was experiencing was the fact that I was growing up. And God, I fucking hated it.

I guess it's better to explain this all from the beginning. To tell you how the hell I ended up here at this shitty cemetery, sitting in front of your grave, Dad. I guess I should try to explain to you that I don't hate you, I'm just disappointed you weren't here to see me grow up. That you never even knew about me.

So, I'm going to tell you where it started. When I found your picture and The List in the scrapbook. When my life was sent into this chaotic whirlpool. Dad, I'm going to tell you everything. I just hope you'll stick around long enough to listen to me. I don't want to be just talking to a grave the entire time.

It was on Mom's birthday, we had been setting up. . ."


So? What do you think? Should I write the book or not?

Let me know what you guys think (thought)


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