Chapter I

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Tini pov

Tonight is the last Violetta Live show. Jorge and I finally are going to reveal we're a couple. I'm so happy with him, I can't describe it. I love him so much.

I'm standing on the stage with Jorge. I look at him and he looks at me, I nod at him and he nods back at me.

He takes my hand and chills are running down my spine. He comes closer to my ear and whispers: "shall we?" I nod again.

All our fans stop clapping in their hands and look confused at our hands entangled in each other.

Then I start to talk at the same time as Jorge, what makes both of us laugh. I let him speak: "Tini and I, we have to tell you guys something.."

All of the fans start to scream loudly and Jorge continues: "We're to-" before he can finish his sentence the lights turn of and I feel someone pulling me away from Jorge.

I can't see anything so I start screaming and yelling his name. Then I see a door going open and I enter a room, it's my dressing room.

I see the director of Violetta standing in front of me, he looks pretty angry.

"What happened?!", I ask shokked. "You and Jorge, that happened!"

I look confused at him but then he continues: "Didn't you read your contract?! No relationship with your opponent!"

"But we love each other.." "I don't care! It's impossible!" "But you're heartless! You can't prohibit us to love each other!"

"Oh, I can, you need to forget him and he needs to forget you and I know the perfect way to do that"

Jorge pov

"What the fuck is this? Who is she?" I point to a quite goodlooking girl but her make up makes her ugly.

"Hi babe, I'm Stephie", she says. I look confused "Babe?" "Yeah, Stephie is your new girlfriend", the co-director says.

"What? And what about Tini?! I only want Tini to be my girlfriend nobody else!", I scream.

Stephie takes my hands, but I pull them away. "Don't touch me!" "Calm down, Jorge. Stephie is here to make you forget about Tini"

"Forget about her? And why would I want that? I love her!" "You and Tini can't be a couple, wich is in the contract you signed for Violetta"

"But, you can't prohibit us to love each other!" "Yes, I can. I'm sorry, Jorge. But this is the best"

I can't hold it anymore and let my tears roll down my cheeks. What's my life without Tini? Nothing...

Tini pov

I'm running and running and running and I don't even know to where. Tears are rolling down my cheeks.

I can't imagine Jorge with another girl. No! That just doesn't feel right!

Suddenly I bump into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry!", I apologise. "It's okay", a handsome guy says.

"Are you okay?", he asks nicely. "Yeah, I'm fine", I say looking down to the ground.

"Are you sure, you don't seem fine to me?" "Okay, you're right, I'm not fine at all, but that's none of your bussines", I say a little bit angry

"Yes, you're right, I'm sorry", he says and he wants to walk away, but I don't let him. "No, I'm sorry", I say.

"Tini", I hold out my hand and he shakes it. "Pepe" "Nice to meet you, Pepe", I say smiling. "Nice to meet you to, Tini"

It's valentines dayyy! Sooo I was thinking: let's write a love story lol. First chapter, hope y'all like it! Please give me some commentsss.

//I'm out\\

Xoxo Jorgista

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