Chapter IX

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Jorge pov

I watch Tini and Mechi walking into a café. I sneak a little bit closer, so I can see them.

I know this is kinda creepy of me, like I'm a disturbed stalker or something, but I don't really care.

I just want to see Tini. I don't know why, but there's something about her that attrects me.

Maybe it's just everything about her. Her beautiful eyes, her shiny hair, her perfect smile..

I'm sitting on a bench across the café as I see them walking out again. Mechi looks my way. Ow shit! Quickly I turn my head.

I look back and see them walking away. I stand up and follow them. Okay, maybe I really am a disturbed stalker.

Tini pov

"We have been talking about me all the time, but how are you?" I ask Mechi, but she doesn't pay attention.

"Mechi?", I ask again. "Mechiiii?", now I'm almost screaming into her ear. "Ow, I'm sorry, I was just.. distracted"

"Wow, you look like you just saw a ghost" "Kind of..", she stammers. I get confused. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know, but I think I saw.." She wants to say something but changes her mind. "No, nevermind"

"Mechi, who did you see?", I ask, but I guess I already know. I look over my shoulder and in the corner of my eye I see him.

"Jorge?", I say acting suprised, what I'm not. "Ow, hey Tini", he says like a little child that just got caught by stealing candies.

"Were you following us?", Mechi asks. I just look down, I don't want to look into his eyes.

I know what happens when I look into his eyes and that's wrong. I mean it feels so right, but it is so wrong.

"No, no, I was just walking trough the streets", Jorge says nervous. He's so cute when he's nervous.

I can't help it and look up at him. A little smile appears on his face, on mine too.

For a while we just keep staring in each others eyes. Like we're having a conversation only with looks.

"Hello-oww?!", Mechi says waving with her hands to get our attention. We both get out of our trance and look at her.

"What?", Jorge asks confused. "Oh, nothing, I was just reminding you two that I'm still here", she says.

"I'm sorry Mechi, don't you get enough attention?", I ask laughing. She starts to fake cry. "No, mommy"

Jorge also starts to laugh, wow I forgot how hot he is when he laughs. No, focus, Tini, he broke your heart!

"I think I need to go", Mechi says winking at me. Ow gosh. "Okay, bye!", Jorge says giving her a little hug.

Mechi pulls me into a hug. "You don't need to go, do you?", I whisper in her ear. "Ofcourse, I do", she says smirking.

"Ow gosh, you're really going to regret this" "Maybe", she says smiling and leaves.

"So..", Jorge starts awkwardly. "Now it's just you and me.." "Yeah..", I say. "Yo-you want to go dr-drink something?", he asks rubbing his neck.

Omg, how can someone be so cute and hot at the same time?
"Yeah, sure", I say awkwardly.

We're walking to a café without saying a word, untill Jorge breaks the silence. "So euhm, how are you?"

How does he think I am? "I'm fine and you?" "Me too" we walk into the café and take a seat.

Jorge pov

We take a seat and both order a drink. "You're with Pepe now?", I ask carefully. "Yeah, I'm really happy", she says smiling.

I feel something breaking inside of me, but I try to keep cool. "Than I'm happy for you"

"I'm happy for you too", she says, but I don't really get it. How can she be happy for me if I'm sad?

"You and Stephie..", she says. Oww yeah... "Thanks" Okay this is the most awkward conversation I ever had.

After we drank our coke, we walk outside. "I guess I'm going home", Tini says when we're back outside.

"Shall I walk with you?", I ask. Even though it's awkward to talk with her, I can't get enough of her soft voice.

And even though it's weird to be with her, it feels nice to be so close. I can't get enough of her.

"Jorge?", she asks getting me out of my trance. "I'm sorry", I say fast. "You don't need to walk me home, but if you really want to..", she says.

"Ofcourse, it would be a pleasure", I say making her blush. Awww she's so cute.

Wait? What am I thinking..  I can't love my ex again or maybe I just never stopped..

Almost ten chapterss, hope you (still) like it, if you do, please let me know! Love y'all

//I'm out\\

Xoxo Jorgista

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