Chapter VIII

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Tini pov

"Goodmorning, my love" I feel two soft lips on mine. I open my eyes and see Pepe. "Goodmorning", I mumble.

I slowly get up and stumble to the bathroom. I take a shower and do my hair and make-up.

I get dressed and take my watch. 10:45. Shit! I must be on my way already! In a hurry I eat my breakfast.

"Why didn't you wake me up on time?", I ask Pepe. "What do you mean?", he asks confused.

Didn't I tell him? Ow gosh, Tini. "I have to be in the studio of the director from Violetta at 11 am"

"Oww, I can bring you with my motor!", Pepe says. "Really? Thanks babe!", I say pecking his lips.

Jorge pov

"So what did you want to tell me?", I ask Steve, after I greeted him. "I will tell it, when everyone's here", he says.

I walk in a room and see Mercedes Lambre, Clara Alonso and Diego Ramos.

"Mechi? Clari? Diego? Wow, long time no see!", I say giving Mechi and Clari a hug and Diego a brohug.

"Yeah, Steve wanted to tell us something, so here we are!", Mechi says. "Yeah, he also wanted to tell me something", I say.

Wait, if they are here and it's about Violetta, than I guess Tini will come too...

Right at that moment Tini walks in with.. Pepe. I look at their hands, etangled in each other and I feel jealousy coming up.

No, Jorge, you're with Stephie now! You don't need Tini! You're over her!

"Okay, now everyone's here, I can tell you guys the big news!", Steve begins. "Because of the succes of Violetta, we decided to make a movie!"

What? You must be kidding me! A movie about Violetta? The thing where it all started.. Tini and I..

And probably Leon will be still Violetta's boyfriend in the movie! How can I play Tini's boyfriend after all what happened?!

I look at Tini, who's already looking at me. She's probably thinking about the same thing as me.

Our eyecontact makes me shiver. Why do I only have this feeling with Tini and not with Stepie?

I get interrupt from my thoughts by Steve. "Aren't you guys happy?", he asks a little bit dissapointed from our reactions.

"Ofcourse I am!", I hear Mechi say. "Yeah, it's really nice! I just didn't expect it!", Clari says. And Diego just nods.

"Tini? Jorge?", Steve asks looking at us. "Euhm yeah, great!", Tini says fake smiling. I see it when her smile is real or fake.

Her real one is so beautiful, like whenever I see it, everything else fades away.

"Jorge?" I look up. "Ow yeah, it's great news!", I say also fake smiling. Ofcourse it's not great news.

Playing the boyfriend of my ex, wow I can't wait...

Tini pov

"Are you okay?", Mechi asks me as we're sitting in a café.

'The meeting' is over and Mechi and I decided to go drink something.

"Yeah, I'm fine", I say. "Tini, don't lie to me, I know you're not" Why does she know me so well?

"I saw you looking at Jorge.. I know you're with Pepe now, bu-" I know what's she's going to say, but I cut her of.

"You're right, I'm with Pepe now. And that's the only thing that matters, I'm happy with him"

She looks at me with that "who the hell do you think I am?"-face. "You really think I believe that you're happy?"

"Pepe makes me smile even if I want to cry!" "But are you in love with him?"

"I love him!" "That wasn't my question", Mechi says. What does she mean?

I love him that's what matters right? But do I love him as more as a friend, I don't know. Maybe, I will, one day.

"Tini?" I look up at her. "Just admit, you're not in love with Pepe.." I know she's right, but what can I say?

"What do you want me to say?" I don't really expect an answer, yet she says: "The truth"

"You want the truth?" I say after a while. She nods. "You're right.." She looks into my eyes. "I knew", she whispers.

"I still have feelings for Jorge, I tried everything to forget him and it was working, until today..", I sight.

"Pepe is a good guy and he really helped me, but one look of Jorge pushes me miles away from Pepe"

Mechi pulls me into a hug. I don't want to cry, but I can't stop my tears falling. "Shhh, it's going to be fine..", she says softly.

"How do you know?", I ask her. "Because in the end everything will be alright. If it's not alright, it's not the end", she smiles at me and gives me another hug.

Immediatly I feel a little bit better.
And that's why Mechi is my bestfriend.

Hay, maybe my story sucks but I hope y'all like it. And I hope if you think it sucks it will get better for you, probably not. I'm not a really good writer, my excuses for that.

//I'm out\\

Xoxo Jorgista

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