Chapter X

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Tini pov

We're walking home, when Jorge stops me. "Tini", he starts. "Yes?", I ask curious. He takes a deep breath.

"What's wrong?", I ask worried when I see the tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry that it went like this"

Is he really crying for me? I take him into my arms and rub his back to calm him down. "Shhh, it's okay" "No, it's not okay, I hurt you so much"

Wow, I didn't expect he would still care. Would he really be sorry? Or would he just act like he is?

Oh I don't really care, all that matters is this moment. His strong arms wrapped around me, holding me tight. I don't want to be anywhere else right now.

After a while we let go of each other. "Thank you", he almost whispers with a weak voice. "For what?" "For this" he says and takes me in his arms again.

"I love you so much", I hear him whispering in my hair. I don't think I'm supposed to hear it, but I do.

A strange feeling arises in my stomach, when I hear those words. This is so damn wrong.

We get out of the hug. I look into his eyes and that strange feeling in my stomach returns.

Our faces are so close, our noses almost touch and I can feel his warm breath against my face.

He keeps coming closer. He closes his eyes and I do the same. I feel his nose touching mine and his touch gives me shivers all over my body.

In a flash I think of Pepe and push Jorge away from me. Even though I want to kiss him so badly, I can't.

I start to run away from him. I hear him calling my name, but don't look back. I feel so guilty..

Jorge pov

"Tini!", I scream as loud as I can, she just keeps running. "Tini please..", I almost beg, but she's already gone.

"Stupid asshole", I mumble to myself. Now I really screwed up, I mean I already did, but now..

I finally realize how much I need Tini, how much I miss her.. And now I lost her, again.

For one moment I just want to forget all my worries. I enter a café and order two beers. After I drank them I order two more.

"Go home, you drank enough", the waitress says a fiew beers later, but I don't want to listen to her. "Giv-ve me beer!", I scream.

"Sir, please, leave", she says again. Okay, if she doesn't want to give me beer, I will get it somewhere else.

I try to stand up, but without succes. I fall down and hit a table with my head. "Are you okay?", I hear someone say.

"Yeah I'm fine", I say standing up, trying to stay on my feet. They always say alcohol make you forget the pain, but pain is the only thing I feel.

And I'm not talking about the terrible headache, but about my broken heart. I know it's my own fault, but that doesn't change the fact it hurts.

I stumble home as drunk as I have never been. By a miracle, I get home without being hit by a car or something.

"I'm ho-ome", I say when I walk in. A mad Stephie runs towards me. "Where the hell have you been?", she screams angry.

"Wowww, calm down a bit", I say holding my head, it hurts so much and that loud noise only makes it worse.

"Calm down a bit?! I was worried as hell! I called you a thousand times, but you didn't pick up once!!"

I come closer, but she pushes me back. "You're drunk!", she says with a disgusted look. "So what?", I ask like I don't care.

"Go to bed! We'll talk about this tomorow" She walks upstairs. I want to follow her, but she stops me.

"No.way! You'll sleep on the couch tonight!", she says pointing at the couch.

"Drama queen", I mumble, hoping she doesn't hear me. I take a blanket and lie down on the couch.

I try to fall asleep, but it doesn't work out because after a while I'm still awake, wondering if she would be dreaming about me right now..

Probably not. What the hell am I even thinking? She ran away, she doesn't care anymore.

She's probably lying in his arms or even worse.. on top of him! Ow hell Jorge stop thinking about that all the time!

I close my eyes and try to put it out of my mind. After a while I slowly fall asleep, thinking about Tini.

Tenth chapterrr!! Thanks for reading this even though it's very very bad

//I'm out\\

Xoxo Jorgista

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