Chapter XIII

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Tini pov

I'm on my way home, thinking about Mechi's words. Would Jorge be my true love? I don't know.

Why is everything so confusing? Why is love so hard? In my head I hear the words Mechi would say.

"Love isn't supposed to be easy, it's supposed to be worth it"

But sometimes I wish that I could fast forward time, just to see it's all worth it in the end.

I get home and open the door. "Pepe?", I scream but no responds. Then I see the little note on the table.

I'm out for a shoot, will be home tomorow at six
X Pepe

Ow cool, no Pepe, no food. Wich means I have to cook... ooorrr I can invite some friends and order pizza!

I take my phone and text something in the groupchat of the V-cast. I know it's been a while, but the chat still excists.

After a second I already have three responds of Lodovica, Facundo and Alba.

A fiew moments later Mercedes, Diego and Clara also answer. But nothing from Jorge..

Let's just make everything ready for the little party! It will be fun anyways, with or without him.

Jorge pov

I open the door to find a mad Stephie. "There you are FINALLY", she yells at me. "I had an interview, remember?", I say calm.

"No, I totally forgot", she says sarcastic. "Please, don't act so bitchy", I sight. "I have a reason to act like this!"

I plump down on the couch a.k.a. My new bed. I get tired of her! At first she was acting sweet all the time, but now she's always such a bitch!

"I saw the interview", she says sitting next to me. But I don't pay attention. Ugh I don't care.

"Okay", I just say. "You think it's okay how you looked at her? How you came so close?", she asks getting mad again.

I roll my eyes at her. "We're just friends" "Oh, so now she's your friend? I thought you didn't want to see her again?"

"I háve to see her. We're going to act in a movie togheter, remember?", I say and I feel my phone buzz.

I take him out of my pocket and read the text I've got.

"Hi guys, I'm trowing a little party tonight! Y'all are welcome at my place! See you at eight! Xoxo Tini"

"We're having a conversation, Jorge, look at me!", she says turning my head towards her. But I look back at my phone, ignoring her.

I really want to go to that party, but if I'd go, Stephie would become even more mad...

"Really? Is that text more important than me?" It is, but I keep it inside. All I let out is a sight.

"Don't you say it's from her!" I look at her and it's like she can read it in my eyes. "It's a text from Tini", she sights.

"What if it is? Is it a problem?", I ask getting mad too. She always makes so much drama for nothing. I mean it's just a text.

"Yes, she's always more important than me! I just feel like I'm your second choice and I do-", she yells at me but I cut her of.

"I'm really not in the mood for this bullshit", I say standing up. "Where are you going? Jorge?", she screams, but I don't care.

I slam the door and get in my car. Driving away from Stephie, anger boils inside of me.

She's so annoying sometimes, ugh she really gets me on my nerves!

After a while cruising in my car, I calm down a bit. Finally I realize that it's maybe not Stephie's fault...

I screwed up, not her. I'm acting like a real jerk... She doesn't deserve this, I know, but I just, I don't know. I don't know why I'm such a jerk actually..

First Tini, now Stephie.. Somehow I always manage to break a wonderful girl's heart.

Cruising through the streets of Buones Aires, a thousand quostions run through my mind.

Should I go to Tini? Or not? Should I return to Stephie and make up with her?

But I don't hear any answers. Maybe that's the answer? Do nothing. Don't go to Tini and don't go to Stephie either.

But I can't resist it, I just have to see her. I drive to her house and park my car.

After I rang the bell a beautiful Tini opens the door. "Jorge", she says surprised.

"Hi, I thought you were throwing a party?", I say rubbing my neck. "Oh yes, come in!" I walk past Tini.

"Is euhm Pepe home?", I ask carefully. "No, he has a photoshoot, so I am just home alone" "Not anymore", I add as she smiles at me.

"I didn't expect you'd come", she says after a little silence. "Why wouldn't I?" "You didn't text me so.." "I'm sorry, I forgot"

"You don't mind I'm here, do you?", I ask her and she looks up at me. "No, ofcourse not! You're just here as a", she sights and go on. "Friend"

I look down. I can't be just her friend. "Tini, I ca-", I get interrupted by the bell.

Tini opens the door and Rugge appears. "Jorge!", he says surprised but happy. It's been a while since I saw my best friend.

"Ruggee", I say giving him a brohug. I really missed him. "How are you, man?", I ask him.

"Great!", he says looking at Cande. "Well, I'm happy for you, bro!" "And how are you?" I look at Tini.

I'm so mad at myself. I want to hold her and kiss her and love her, but I can't and it's my own damn fault.

"Jorge?" "Ow yeah, I'm fine", I say faking a smile. "She feels the same way, bro", Rugge says pointing at Tini.

How does he even know I was thinking about Tini in first place? And how does he know what she feels for me?

Would it be true? Would she really feel the same way? Or would Rugge just say that because he doesn't want to see me sad?

I'm sorry it took so long... Anyways looong chapter, hope it's also a good chapter. Let me know what you think! Love y'all!

//I'm out\\

Xoxo Jorgista

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