Chapter V

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Tini pov

Weeks pass by, but I still didn't hear anything from Jorge.

Seems like he doesn't love me as much as he said. And doesn't fight for me at all.

Yeah I know it's pretty pathetic I still remember his exact words from that last time I saw him, but I just can't get him out of my head.

Although I'm trying to, I really am, but this boy just got me stuck and I don't know why.

I mean I could be with the perfect boy right now, but still it feels so bad.

Pepe takes care of me, he gives me love, he just treats me like a princess. It's every girls dreamboy, but he's not Jorge. He will never be.

I get interrupted from my thoughts by my brother.

"What are you thinking about little sis?" "Uhum,", I fake cough, "first of all: I'm not little!" "And second: it's none of your business!"

"C'mon Tini, get over it! Yes, he hurt you, but now you've got Pepe and he's way better for you!"

Wow he really can read my mind. "Why did you ask if you know what I'm thinking about?"

"I just hate to see you suffer for this guy who doesn't matter!" "Well, he matters to me!", I shout angry.

I feel how my blood starts to boil when he talks about Jorge that way.

"Tini, I'm only saying this because I love you and I want to see you happy again"

"Forget about Jorge and move on! Life goes on okay, don't let it ruin by an asshole like Jorge" "He is not an asshole!", I shout furious.

I stand up and walk away.

Jorge pov

Weeks pass by, but I can't forget her. Stephie is being sweet and stuff, but she could never replace Tini.

I miss her so much and I can't even call her or text her to let her know because my phone is broken.

I bought a new one, but I lost al my contacts.

I know I could go by her house, but everytime I want to, Stephie or Pepe prevents me or she's not at home.

I wrote some letters, but she never wrote me back, so I gave up.

I guess I just have to accept it's never going to work out between Tini and me.
It won't be the same, but maybe it can work out between Stephie and me.

I'm sitting in the living room, waiting for Stephie to come home. I hear the door going open and jump out of the sofa.

"Hello darling", she says with a smile. She's actually very attractive. "Hi, Stephie", I say giving her a kiss on her cheek.

"I was thinking..", I begin, "we actually never had a first date" "Yeah, you're right..", she says smirking.

"So, Stephie.. would you like to go on a date with me?", I ask gently already knowing the answer. "Yes, ofcourse!"

She hugs me tightly and whispers in my ear.

"I love you so much, Jorge Blanco!"
"I love you to, Martina Stoessel!"

Tini pov

I walk furious through the streets of Buenos Aires. Thinking about Frans words.

Okay, Jorge hurt me, but that doesn't make him an asshole! Or maybe it does.. Well at least he's the hottest asshole I know.

I keep walking with my thoughts by him when I suddenly bump into someone and fall on the ground.

"Aww" "Ow miss, I'm so-", he stops talking when he sees it's me.

"Martina?" I recognize him immediatly "Ruggero?" "Wow, it's been a while!" "You can say that!", I say laughing, while he helps me standing up.

"How are you?", he asks me. I think about Jorge.. should I tell him? Nah, better don't tell him.

"I'm fine", I say looking to the ground. "What's wrong?", he asks worried. I sight and think of Jorge.

"Is it.. Jorge?", he asks quietly. Wow is it that obvious? I mean first Fran, now Rugge.

I don't say anything but I just keep staring at the ground. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

I feel tears forming in my eyes and shake my head. Then I feel two strong arms wrap around my body and I do the same.

After a fiew minutes, when I'm out of tears we let go of each other. "Do you want to come over to my place?", he asks and I nod.

"So, Rugge, how are you?", I ask him while we're walking to his house.

"I'm fine, very good actually" "I'm glad to hear that", I say showing him a little smile.

He opens the door of his house and I walk in. "Honey, is that you?", I hear a voice screaming from the kitchen.

"No, it's a kangaroo", Rugge says sarcastic. "We live in Argentina, not Australia", I say laughing.

"Tiniii!!", Cande says running out of the kitchen towards me and starts to hug me.

"Oh girl, I missed you so much!", she says still hugging me. "I missed you to, Cande!"

"How are you?", she asks. "I'm fine", I say. I'm not fine, but I just really don't want to talk about Jorge right now and just enjoy some time with old friends.

Hope y'all like it! My next chapter will be online tomorow!

//I'm out\\

Xoxo Jorgista

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