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I woke up with no one beside me.Even if it was last night the air was still tense.I looked over at my alarm clock and it read '5:56'.I have to get ready now if I want to be early to school. I am in my senior year of highschool. To say I am popular will be a lie.I am actually a nerd with my head in my books but I don't let people push me around for it.I went in my bathroom and took a quick shower.After that I put on a plain white shirt and a ripped skinny jeans with a white and black converse.I ate my breakfast and walked to school. This morning,Carter took his car.He said I didn't deserve a car. He thought I would go out to the bars.As I arrived at school everyone was in their groups. You know the jocks,nerds,goths and the list goes on. As I was walking many people were talking about the new students. We were having four new guys. Apparently everyone was curious on what there social level is. Honestly I don't care especially if Carter caught me talking to them.

 The first bell interrupted my thoughts. Now I had to get to run to maths class which was on the other side of the school. I really love math but that doesn't mean I love the teacher. I introduce to you Ms.Asher a.k.a the lonely Grinch. She barely gives us work because she always has a life story to share. I am so unlucky because I have had her for the four years of highschool. I can't wait until I graduate.

 As I entered the class as usual she is crying. I don't know why she hasn't been fired. Anyways I took my seat which was at the back of the class.

 Ten minutes into the lesson ,which consisted of Ms.Asher's life,the door swung open revealing four hot Greek gods.No kidding! They looked like Damon Salvatore's clones. They entered the classroom looking bored out of their minds. Honestly who wouldn't be it is the Grinch's class. They walked up to her desk because apparently she hasn't noticed them yet. As she looked up her face turned from one of shock to one of horror.

 She cleared her throat,stood up and said,"Class,we have some new students with us. There names are Billy,Simon,Aiden and Spencer."

 By this time I was reading my book but I felt a pair of eyes on me.When I looked up all of them were staring at me. They were seated right beside me but as soon as I looked up they turned away. Before I could ask them what the bell rang.

Skip to the end of school

It was the end of school and Carter usually picks me up. I was talking the guys during lunch because they came and sat beside me. They are really cool and they have great personalities. They have never gotten a C in their life but apparently they have been kicked out of two schools. Right now I am in the garden waiting for Carter with the guys. I've only known them for a day and their treating me like their little sister. It is kind of cute. It is weird that I have known them for a day and I feel like I can tell them everything about me.

 Now we were in the garden laughing at one of Aiden's jokes when I saw Carter in his car watching us. My blood ran cold at the sight. I quickly said goodbye to the guys ran to the the car entering the passenger seat. He grabbed my hand and kept stealing sideways glances at me. I know I will be getting a punishment.

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