Chapter 29

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Kaylia's POV

"Billy" I choked out as I saw him enter the room. I had moved my crying to the bed and eventually I calmed down.

"You don't have to worry. Carter admitted everything to the judge"


"I told you, you would come out on top" he took a spot beside me.

I felt relieved that Carter was finally in jail. He deserved everything he was getting. I soon remembered that I needed to talk to him.

"B-Billy, I n-need to talk to you" I stuttered. I saw him smiling but it didn't seem happy. It was sad.

"About our relationship" he met my eyes to confirm his statement. How does he know me so well?

"Whenever I'm with you, I feel safe. I trust you and you trust me, right?" he nodded.

"Billy I don't think we should be in a relationship right now " a tear slipped from my right eye.

"I'm broken and I need to be fixed. It will take a long time for me to heal and I just hope you will help me along the way. I can't survive without you or the boys" I refused to look him in the eyes which I bet are filled with hurt.

"We don't match Billy. You can't be with someone who doesn't give you one hundred percent of her time. I'm just holding you back from your perfect soul mate" I finished and by this point I was full on crying. I tried to mask my tears but of course he noticed.

He put his index finger under my chin and pulled my face upwards. He wiped my tears away and held me a arm's length away.

"Firstly, Do you really think that I believe what you say. You're not God so stop saying who's my soulmate" he stroked my cheek gently.

"Secondly, I understand that you need time and I'll help you every step of the way. The boys included as well. Thirdly, I don't really care about what your trying to do. It won't work. You'll have to kill me before you can make me vanish"

"B-" he cut me off.

"No, let me talk. I don't care what the hell you're saying to me and I don't need you to say I have a soul mate. The last time I checked, I'm my own person and I don't take life tips from anyone. The only thing I know is that you make me feel giddy and I never feel giddy, Everrrrr" he dragged out and I giggled at him totally forgetting about my previous state.

"So yes, we can take a break, and no, you  can't get rid of me" he smiled smugly.

"B-" he cut me off once again.

"Don't speak unless you agree with me" he left no room for argument.

I opened my mouth to speak again but he started saying 'blah blah blah" and it got very annoying.

"Billy" I raised my voice a little but he followed my action.

I was getting angry but I couldn't help the small smile that accompanied my anger.

"Billy I'm not fighting with you" he stopped immediately and smiled in triumph.

"Billy, I'm scared to even start a  relationship. It scares me, we've only known each other about 6 months and I get butterflies whenever you talk to me or even look at me" I admitted to him and for once I felt weight lift off my shoulders. He makes me feel a way that not even Carter opened these feelings. It scares me because it can ruin our relationship. I will literally die without him and that scares the crap out of me.

"I don't want to mess up what you and I have right now because I know all relationships are imperfect and I don't intend on not talking to you"

'Though that's true, I just can't imagine the thought of you with another girl. My blood boils' I thought.
I know that I was being selfish. I wanted to stay friends but I won't let him find another girl. It's quite childish really but I don't care. My blood boils at the thought of him with another girl. It'll literally tear me into pieces.

I truly love the fact that he's just staring blankly at me now. Note the sarcasm.


"Kaylia" he mocked my tone.

"Please tell me what you're thinking" I whispered.

"I'm thinking about slapping you silly but I know you're a girl" he joked. I knew he was joking, I just knew it.

"Billy I'm serious"

"Kaylia, you always over-think things. That's a flaw of yours that I both love and hate" he said.

"Billy, I don't understand" I truly didn't, in fact, I was utterly confused.

He smiled at me and grabbed my shaking hands.

"Talk to me" he said and I did just that.

I told him my thoughts, hopes and what I want from our relationship. I told him of my fear of losing him. I told him that when I was ready, I wanted this relationship to happen. At the end I was crying once again.

"Kaylia, I want this relationship as much you. When you are ready just tell me. I'm willing to wait because I know that I've found my partner" he looked me in the eyes.

I was scared, after all my previous boyfriend is in prison. I don't really have experience but I know that Billy and I will figure it out together.

I nodded and he pulled me in for a hug.

"We'll figure it out together"

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