Chapter 25

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"Good morning" Detective Watson said. I nodded my head in acknowledgement and waited for him to continue.

"Carter recently advised to me and said he wanted to speak to you" he informed.

"Why" I asked with curiosity.

"I don't know but he said he would only answer your questions"

"I don't think-" Billy intervened.

"I will. This is the only way I will know why he did this to me" I directed the last sentence at Billy. He huffed and left the room without a word.

"I'll come back at 5:15 to drive you there. I will let myself out" he walked out quickly.

"I will go talk to him" I went to look in his room.

"Billy" I opened the door and bright eyes shined back at me.

"Billy, you know I need to talk to him" I said and closed his room door. He did something unexpected.

He pinned me against the wall and kissed my neck. My cheeks got red at this and he smirked realizing the effect he had on me.

"I don't want you going somewhere without me especially with him" he growled.

"He won't hurt me anymore. There would be people watching us and I won't let him" I whispered and hugged him.

"Why are you like this" he mumbled. I was confused and then I felt him sucking on my neck.

A moan escaped from my lips and I blushed even harder.

Soon Billy stopped and he set a quick kiss on my lips.

"There, now people will know you are mine" he grinned.

I giggled as I walked over to his mirror and saw a hickey on my neck.

"When you are going there I want you to show Carter that. Let him feel jealous with every being in his body. Do not cover it up" he instructed.

I nodded and a question came to my mind.

"Billy what are we" I asked timidly.

"We can be whatever you want" he answered.

" I don't want us to be friends with benefits. I want us to date like normal people but only if you want to. If you don't I am fine with it too" I rushed out.

"Hold that thought" he said and ran out the room. He came in holding a white rose and got down on one knee in front of me.
"Kaylia, will you be my girlfriend" he asked. I nodded and he got up and started kissing all over my face. I giggled furiously and he smiled.


"Hey" Carter said. Detective Watson had dropped me off at the prison and I was directed towards Carter's cell though it looked more like a hotel than anything else. He had a sick smile on his face but was soon removed when he saw the hickey on my neck. I listened to Billy and wore a crop top and a knee length pink skirt. I also wore white sneakers and straightened my hair. I figured to show him what he missed out on.

"Who gave you that" he growled.

"It was that asshole Billy wasn't it" he rose from his seat.

"You need to sit back down before I call Detective Watson" I threatened.

"And here I was thinking you wanted to run away with me" he joked.

"I am not joking. Why did you want to see me" I sent him a blank look.

"I just wanted you to know I will be out soon and we can move away from here. We will have wonderful kids-" I cut him off.

"Do you really think that after all you've done I would just forgive and forget so easily? Guess what, you think wrong. Have you even heard the news? I can't have children because of you, asshole" I raised my voice slightly at him.

His face turned to one of a pleasant expression.

"Good, now you can't have his children. I noticed that he was trying to get you from me" he smiled sickly. My eyes blurred at what he just admitted but I tried to blink back the tears. He didn't deserve to see my weakness.

"You hurt me to such an extent just to prove your point,Carter. I had a whole life ahead of me. I could have become a mother if I wanted but now I don't have that chance because of you" I screamed thanking God that the walls were soundproof. A few tears slipped from me and my face soon became a waterfall a tear falling and then another.

"I wanted to make sure you were mine, forever and always" he got up and walked towards me.

"I guess one thing backfired, because I am not yours or under your control anymore" I laughed dryly.

"Do you really think I'll give up. I will be out and I will come and get you back" he promised.

I finally had enough and turned to press the buzzer. Detective Watson appeared led me out of there. Before I left completely a thought flooded my mind.

What if Carter doesn't get a sentence?

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