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2 weeks later......

My hands were sweating as I waited for the moment I dreaded. I was finally confronting my parents after two years and I knew it could go in either of two ways. They'd either accept me with open arms or scold me for being irresponsible and I was very sure of the latter.

We, The guys and I, had flown out to Miami because Angela had said they wanted to see me. I was excited yet scared of the situation but I knew they deserved an explanation. Here we were in  front of the home they were staying at and I was quite curious of why they moved.

"Calm down, Princess" a voice whispered while grabbing my hand. I looked up to see Billy giving me an encouraging smile.

"I'm scared. What if they don't like me? You know it's not too late to-" he cut me off.

"This will help both you and them. They need answers and you have to give them that" he gave me his determined look.

"Besides Kaylia, how can anyone not like you? I mean you've only hit me every time I try to get peanut butter or slap me when you want something done right but besides that you're as harmless as me" Aiden said as he smiled his goofy smile.

"Aiden's right, for the first time in his life" Simon joked and Aiden scowled.

"Hey be nice. You know he's not that smart. We need to be thankful that he's not dumb" I couldn't help but laugh loudly at Spencer's comment.

Then realization dawned on me. As long as these idiots were with me I was alright. I can't stop my parents'  feelings and I just have to live with that fact. I'm alright even without them. It may sound harsh but it's the whole truth.

"I love you guys so much. Group hug" I crashed them all in a group hug.

"Thank you so much for being by me for all these years" I separated from them.

"Princess, we've only known each other for 6 months" Billy laughed at me.

"Hush, I meant what I said" we started laughing and the guys joined in.

"I don't know how to repay you but I promise you won't regret knowing me except for you Aiden" he shot me a fake look of hurt.

"Why me" he pouted his lips.

"We cannot be friends because you dared to steal my peanut butter" I clarified.

"In fact, the next time I see you take my possession I will be your worst nightmare" I promised him in a dark voice.

"You're joking right? Billy, please tell me she's joking" he shot Billy a worried look.

"It was nice knowing you, pal" Billy patted his shoulder.

"You know what, I need new friends" Aiden muttered distastefully and I giggled at him.

"Ok, guys I'm ready" I decided and turned towards the wooden door. I knocked on it three times awaiting for anyone to answer.

After a few seconds, the door opened and I saw an unfamiliar woman. I started fretting.

"Hello, miss, I'm looking for the Moore couple" I cleared my throat.

"Yes, I am their caretaker. Who are you to them" she crossed her arms over her chest.


"I'm their daughter" I said and I soon heard footsteps.

"Stella, who's at the door" Behind the woman I saw my mom standing their looking as young as ever. She hadn't aged a bit.

As her eyes settled on me, they widened a large amount and her mouth was left open in shock. Not knowing what to do, I gave her a sheepish smile.

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