Chapter 8

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During the middle of our ride to wherever we were going I couldn't help but feel like a burden. They haven't even been here 2 months and they have been worrying about me. They have bags under their eyes which means they haven't slept. I didn't want to look up at them so I kept my gaze to my lap. I was fiddling with my fingers when a ringtone burst through the tense air. It was my ringtone and it was coming from my phone. I fished it out of my pocket and Carter's name flashed in red.

" Don't answer it" Spencer gritted out.

 He was beside me gripping onto the seat belt so tight. I listened to Spencer and tried to ignore the ringtone but it kept ringing so Billy grabbed my phone, rolled down the window and threw it out the window. 

"Hey" I exclaimed.

 I didn't really have much on my phone heck I only spoke to Carter on it but it was still rude. Billy simply rolled his eyes. 

"What crawled up your ass and died" I muttered.

 Apparently Aiden heard and stifled a laugh. He horribly failed though because he sounded like a dying elephant.

A few minutes later,we arrived at a mansion. It was so big that Disney Land could fit in it and still have space left over. My mouth was literally to the floor right now. Of course Billy had to interrupt me. 

"Close your mouth before you catch flies" he said while smirking.

 Oh how I hated that smirk so much. I rolled my eyes and followed them out of the car.

"So who lives here" I asked.

"We all do" they said in unison.

Right then and there I don't know how it is possible but I choked on air. The guys all burst out laughing. They were seriously laughing at my discomfort.


They were still laughing even after I recovered from that and I instantly pouted. Before I could complain somebody interrupted me. Simon said," Relax we all are roommates. Billy's parents wanted all of us to live here. They own a film company?"

I instantly said," What film company?"

The last time I checked my parents worked at a film company called Uni-

"Universal Studios" Billy answered.

I smiled widely and said,"My parents." The boys looked at me confusingly but before I could explain further an unfamiliar voice interrupted me."Good afternoon Master Billy" it said.

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